Freedom of Religion.
Our Freedom of Religion in America is one of our most protected and sacred rights.
It is at the very core of our Republic. Our Founding Fathers deemed the freedom to practice and worship our religion as we choose so critically important to freedoms and liberty that they placed the protections of those rights at the very top of the list of our first ten amendments to the Constitution.
The freedoms of Religion is a fundamental core principal of the design and existence of America.
The 1st Amendment to the Constitution:
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peacefully to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”
At the core of our Freedom of Religion is our fundamental rights to worship and practice which ever religious beliefs we wish too, or to practice no religion at all if that is what we choose.
The protections that we enjoy under these freedoms of Religion also protect us from others who may choose to worship a different religion. Christians and Muslims, and Hindu, or atheists may all have differing beliefs, but none of them have the right to tell others what they can or cannot practice or what they should or must practice or believe.
The only thing that is required is for people to respect the rights and beliefs of others.
As long as we all agree to adhere to these fundamental beliefs, and as long as we allow others to also follow these core beliefs, everyone can co-exist and live in peace.
This is among the fundamentals of freedom, not only of the Freedom of Religion, but also the fundamental principals of freedom itself.
Problems arise however when people of one religion try to force others to either worship or believe a particular religion or belief according to what THEY decide. People do NOT have the right to dictate one religious belief or the other, they do NOT have a right to dictate what we can or cannot believe.
When people of one particular religion attempt to force others to follow the same religious beliefs, either by force or by intimidation, then freedom of religion, and in deed freedom itself, is lost.
When people of one particular religion attempt to force others to follow and worship a specific belief then those people must be stopped. We must never allow one group of people to dictate to others what they may or may not believe.
This has been a fundamental problem with Islam.
It is part of their religious beliefs that all others must also follow the Quran and abide by their principals and beliefs. It is at the core of their religion that all others must also worship Islam.
When and IF the people of one religion attempt to force their beliefs on others, including the laws prescribed under those religious beliefs, and if these followers of any specific belief demand that their laws and beliefs must remove all other laws, including our Constitutional, then that particular religion or following must be restricted or removed from our nation. Such has been and continues to be the problem with Islam.
Islam and Sharia law are incompatible with our Constitution simply because the followers of Islam demand that Sharia law and not our Constitutional laws must be obeyed and followed. Sharia laws mandates that our Constitution must be removed. Sharia law also mandates that our Freedoms of Religion must also be removed and that everyone must follow and obey Islam, Anyone who does not obey Islam must be killed.
This again is incompatible with our Constitution.
Today in America and throughout the world we are being told by those who wish to be “Politically Correct” that we can no longer even criticize these practices of Islam. We are no longer allowed to even teach people that these practices of Islam are contrary to our Constitutional freedoms. We are not even allowed to tell people that Islam is contrary to their rights to freedom of Religion. We are not allowed to say that Islamic beliefs do not allow freedoms of Religion. And yet the followers of Islam are free to declare that those who do NOT follow Islam must be destroyed and killed where ever they are found.
Telling people that Islam does not allow freedom of religion is considered hate speech, and yet the followers of Islam telling people that if they do not obey Islamic laws they can and will be killed is somehow considered “freedom of Religion” and “Freedom of Speech”.
This is what is incompatible with our Constitution.
Consider the fact or the potential that even the writing and creation of an article such as this one can be considered Hate Speech by our own Federal Government, and may also be considered blasphemous by the followers of Islam, even to the point that they would consider ordering my execution for writing it, and you will discover how critical an issue this has become and a detriment to our real Freedoms in America.
It is our Freedom of Religion and our freedom from oppression by others that must be protected and preserved at all costs.
And that includes freedom from oppression by those who follow radical Islam.
Outstanding summation of the First Amendment, Rooster !!!