Gen. Paul Vallely: Iran Already Has Nuke, Making Deal 'Moot'. From

Iran already has a nuclear weapon, making the nuclear deal "a moot point," retired U.S. Army Gen. Paul Vallely told Newsmax TV on Thursday.

Decades of intelligence reports show that Tehran has "gotten the support from Russia, from North Korea and from China," Vallely told "Newsmax Prime" host J.D. Hayworth. "It's a cabal that's been set up to support the Iranian nuclear program.

"They have the launch systems. They have the guidance-control system. They have the detonation system. They have the warhead. And guess what? Russia and North Korea's tested everything for them.

"All they have to do is put it together like a tinker toy — and that's why they have the nuclear capability now," Vallely said. "The only reason Iran wants to do it is to get released some $150 billion in sanctions money they can use to further their programs."

Retired Army Col. Derek Harvey, former adviser to Gen. David Petraeus, agreed.

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SO - - The bottom line here is that Obama and the administration KNOW that Iran already has the bomb, and they are doing this phony Nuke deal just so they can release $150 Billion in cash to those bastards.
And they KNOW that Iran is already using that money to attack Israel.
One more 'thumb-in-you-eye' act of high treason.

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  • Secretary of State John Kerry's Daughter is married to an Iranian Doctor. His best man at the wedding is the Son of the man John Kerry was negotiating with on the Iranian Nuke deal.
    Obama and the administration know Iran has all the equipment they need to assemble the bomb. The only reason they want to complete their Nuke Deal is so they can release $150 Billion in sanctioned funds. And they know that Iran is already using those funds to attack Israel.

    In Your Face High TREASON.

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