Get on with this trial, with Hasan in his full terrorist garb!  As this nonsense goes on, Hasan continues to get paid and Cpt Bailey is right, the terrorists are laughing at us!
The day this Soldier of Allah murdered 13 of our brave American Sons on American soil was the day he lost the honor and priviledge of represnting the American military. PERIOD!
Beverly Perlson
The Band of Mothers

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  • Why the hell has not this scum been hung yet?

    America is no place for is-slime.

  • Try him with the beard..........   execute him covered in pig blood w/o beard .  

  • Courtmartial him to start with for not being in uniform (the beard), bust him back to buck private, this will stop his pay.  He will get the minimum of 2 years at Leavenworth, and only THEN try him for the murder of all those folks.  Find him guilty and hang him.  Not hard if you are not stuck on political correctness. Anybody in the army at the rank of Major and above is a political appointee by Congress and the Judge Advocate doesn't want to rock the boat as this might stop his future promotions.

  • I'm so fed up w/ this garbage.  Fire the brass, and hang this s.o.b. 

  • It was "OK" for him to present his Power point lectures on that religion of HATE without a beard. Preaching Islamic dominance to captive audience while the Army paid him."OK" to plan and prosecute his bloody Jihad without a beard."OK" for him to play his games in Military Court without a beard. Suddenly to prove Islamamic dominance over those he actively took up arms against without a beard-- he grows a beard while drawing a Majors Pay  as an enemy of the paymaster-in contempt of Court and he insists we must respect  his claim he doesn't want to die without a beard.The enemy within th ecamp is dictating terms and laughing at those so bound by diplomacy and Christian values that they allow it.

  • I sometimes wonder why trials are necessary. This guy was caught with his hand in the cookie jar, guilty as hell. So, why not just the sentencing part in this case. If, in the least, he should have to pay for every dollar his trial cost. Freeze his assets and turn those assets over to the government that is paying for this phony trial.

  • Simple enough, hold him down, shave his scraggly beard, try and convict him, then put him to death. Done.

    • Amen, Johnny!

  • I hate to tell you this folks but this guy's trial isn't being directed from Fort Hood.  I'm sure this trial judge is getting his marching orders from some place in DC.  Don't be surprised if this swine eventually gets off and we have to support him for the rest of his worthless life plus compensate him for his injuries.

    • I'm sure Holder is under orders to delay this trial as long as possible under the guise of "getting him a fair trial", which is nonsense since he will be tried in the military courts.  I'm surprised nobody in prison  has dealt with him.

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