Glenn Beck on Thursday broached a topic that he said “horrified” him when it was brought to his attention roughly two weeks ago, describing it as an “effort to re-write our history and catalyze a new culture for America” with the help of “America’s latest propaganda machine.”

Beck proceeded to tell his viewers about two groups, the first called “Imagining America” and the second called “The U.S. Department of Arts and Culture.”

The latter isn’t actually a body of the United States government, but in the group’s own words, “the nation’s newest people-powered department, founded on the truth that art and culture are our most powerful and under-tapped resources for social change.”

Beck highlighted various individuals affiliated with the organizations, who he described as “the people that will be teaching and influencing your children” through “art and music and film and history books.”


Among the topics the individuals were caught on tape discussing was the fair redistribution of wealth and how “we’re funding the arts through the Cultural Development Fund, which is upwards of $20-some-odd million funding our cultural communities.”

Beck also said Imagining America was created by Bill Clinton, and that its membership now includes roughly 90 universities including Columbia University, Brown University, the University of Chicago, and more.

Many receive funds from the Soros-linked Tides Foundation, Beck added, in addition to various government grants.

“Several of the board members work closely with the government, what a surprise!” Beck remarked.  “…So we have the government, radicals, and the universities, and some of their affiliates are actually public officials. They actually hold conferences and presentations about how to re-author American history, and it’s [funded] by you.”

Beck said the entire scenario “looks uncomfortably … [like] the Ministry of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment,” the government agency used to enforce and regulate the culture of Nazi Germany in the 1940′s.


“This is exactly what Germany was doing. They re-imagined history with a look to the social frontier,” he said. “This is exactly what this group is doing. You need to tell your friends and if they don’t believe you, doesn’t matter. You need to keep your eye on these people.”


Read the rest of the story and watch this video on Glenn Beck's The Blaze TV. You will know more about who the real enemies of America really are.


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