As many news sites and pundits break down the biggest stories of 2012, one  story too big to miss has been resurrected by the website, a story  at least one national pundit believes could send Barack Obama to prison.

The tea-party site posted a Glenn Beck video from October in which the TV and  radio host insisted a case for treason could be built against President Obama  for his role in the attack of Sept. 11, 2012, in which armed Libyans captured  and killed U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three others at an  American diplomatic mission in Benghazi.

“This president is lying to you about Benghazi in such spectacular fashion  that I believe people will go to prison,” Beck said on the Blaze TV broadcast of  his radio show. “This is impeachable; the president might go to prison for this  one.”

Beck cited evidence that Ambassador Stevens had been helping arm Arab Spring  rebels in Libya and Syria, rebel forces that included al-Qaida operatives and a  heavy Muslim Brotherhood influence.

Yet when those same forces turned on the diplomatic mission and overran it,  killing Ambassador Stevens, the Obama administration initially suggested it  could have been the result instead of mass, popular protests run amuck over a  YouTube video critical of Islam’s prophet, Muhammad.

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