Thank God for men and women, families, and friends who willingly place their lives as a sacrifice for the liberty and freedom that God ordained as part of our US Constitution.
"No greater love..."
Thank God for the miraculous presidential election victory that God has allowed as a message to our nation..."a Republic if we can keep it". Tens of thousands of warriors in graves across the world are resting more peacefully today.
God has surely blessed the United States of America.
Thank you, Harry.
God bless.
And congratulation to Marine Corps for 241 years anniversary.
GOD Bless our Military and our Veterans.
Thank you............
Eagle - Thank you 2016.png
Amen COL!
Yes, God has blessed America and heard the prayers of His people by being merciful to us again. But lest we be deceived, remember He is a God of justice, and the wise man will heed His counsel, repent of our national sins, and return our country to the Chistian/Judeo foundation intended by our founders and forefathers. We need to put Him first in all things. We have witnessed the awesome greatness of His mighty power against all odds. Now we need to obey His word and teach the Bible. We also should remember to pray for God's protection over our President-Elect. Praise the Lord for He is merciful indeed!