GOP Wins 7 seats in Senate - Now what?

Well I suppose some congratulations are ok, the GOP managed to win 7 seats in the Senate and managed to hold on and even increased the lead in the House. Make no mistake about it, this was NOT a vote FOR the Republicans as much as it was a vote AGAINST Obama policies.

So now that the GOP will have control of Congress what will they do differently?

Will things be "Business-as-usual"? If the Republicans just simply go back to what they have been doing, or back to the same old crap they did the last time they held a majority in Congress, then we have accomplished nothing. The country will continue to slide down hill into the abyss.

We have to jump all over this win while the "Iron" is still hot. This is NOT the time to celebrate or to go back to sleep thinking they will handle it now.

American have spoken, They do NOT intend to continue the policies of the Obama administration.
But just exactly is it that we DO want? What do we want the new Republican Congress to do?

Well I have a couple of ideas that might serve to jump start the process of telling the GOP why they managed to get elected, and what we expect from them.  And it is certainly NOT business-as-usual.

1) De-fund the EPA, IRS, BLM, DOE, and about 100 other federal agencies that have abused their power and authority, I'd like to see some people in prison - for a long time.

2) Energy: Open up that Key-Stone pipeline to start with. Then get this this country on a road to actual real energy independence, and do it NOW. And do it without taking peoples homes, ranches, and land.

3) Straighten out the Justice department: If that means putting Eric Holder in prison – then DO IT. The DOJ is one of the most corrupt agencies, along with the IRS, that has ever walked the face of the Earth. Straighten it out.

4) Repeal the “Affordable-Care-Act”, (Obamacare). Completely – totally – and yes maybe replace it with something that either works or returns our health care system back to the free market and under the control of the people. No more Socialist Health care control.

5) Forget about any “One-World-Government” or “One-World-Governance”. We will return the United States of America to a free Sovereign Republic under the Constitution.

The GOP and the new Congress will take their seats in January. We can expect Obama to do everything he can to jam his policies through between now and then. These people are vindictive and nasty, and right about now they are angry, and they intend to “Get-even” with the American people for this loss.

We need to let them know that some of the things they intend to do will absolutely land them in a Federal penitentiary for life. Such as Obama's open borders plan to grant complete amnesty to millions of illegals. We need an immigration plan that works, one that makes sense, and protects American jobs and sovereignty.

The new Congress takes their seats on January 20th, 2015. This is MY plan for the first 30 days of that new Congress. We can NOT afford to waste time in letting them know what they were elected to do, and what We-The-People expect them to accomplish.

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  • Here are three more things that could be done within the first 30 days of the new Congress;

    6) Roll back all EPA rules and regulations to 2001 levels.

    7) Repeal all legislation granting rules making and legislative powers from ALL federal agencies, including the EPA & IRS.

    8) Give ALL lands taken by the BLM back to the States or to the owners from which it was taken. Remove then BLM entirely. De-Fund it and eliminate it.

  • Here are another few High Priority items:

    Remove all funding from the UN, tell the UN to remove from the USA to some other country, and then tear up all UN Treaties signed by JFK, Richard M. Nixon and Bill Clinton to put us under the UN control, period.

    Second, Audit the Fed, fire the fed after that is done, then tell the Treasury Department to put us back on the Gold Standard, if we continue to use paper money.

    Thirdly, take 5 cents of every federal dollar collected or used by the government to pay off the humongous debt in this country.

    Fourth, make every Senator and Representative pay for their own healthcare and retirement, no more special perks for them.

    Fifth, Get rid of Lobbyist and influence by lobbyist, if the Senate and House members can't write a 50 page or less bill or regulation, then send them back to their states and get somebody who can.

    Sixth, Fix the 2nd amendment to add language that "Constitutional Carry" is allowed & encouraged, since most law enforcement officers would rather not have to deal with "Conceal Carry" issues.

    Seventh, Send a Balanced-Budget amendment to the States for approval by the states legislatures, cap the budget to no greater than 60% of GDP to no more than that, period.

    Eighth, Enact "Part-time Term Limits" not to exceed 12 years total service" for either house chamber, no house switching when 12 years are done, you are done, NO CAREER POLITICIANS.

    Ninth, Hire any Military officer that wants to be re-hired into leadership positions that they once held, their Leadership and skill set is needed now in this country.

    Tenth, Get rid of Dodd-Frank Economic Act and re-institute the Glass-Steagall Banking Act that congress got rid of for Dodd-Frank that is a disaster.

    Lets start with these, too.

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