Government control
Throughout all of history governments have always been created for only one purpose – Control.
Governments serve only one purpose and that is control.
How they use and apply that control is what really makes the difference.
Governments either use their powers to control the population within their own nations, or they use that power to provide protection against others and to provide safety for those people within their nation.
When a government is instituted and used to provide protections for their own people then those governments can be a very useful, essential, and necessary institution.
Such governments function primarily for the defense and safety of their populations.
But when those who run and control a government turn those powers and use their authority to control the people within their own nation such governments become a danger too and an enemy of the very people they have been charged with protecting and defending.
Throughout all of human history there has only ever been less than five percent (5%) of the entire world’s population that has ever enjoyed freedoms and liberties, either from outside threats and invasions or most often from governments who serve only the very few elites and rulers at the very top, while everyone else lives under tyranny and oppression. The people have no freedoms, only to obey the commands of those granted the power and authority over them.
History is filled with tales of dictators, tyrants, and terrorist governments that have spent their entire span of existence doing nothing more than to seek power. Power for themselves. Power to control the masses. Power to control the lives of everyone within their borders and under their sphere of influence.
The United States of America was settled and founded as a free Nation. Government was instituted for the sole purpose of defending and preserving and protecting those freedoms and liberties.
The Constitution of The United States of America was written and created to restrict and to limit the powers and authority of the Government. It was NOT design nor ever intended to limit or to restrict the freedoms and liberties of the people. Our Constitution does not grant the people any rights for anything, it only serves to protect their rights and freedoms from the Government.
Here in the United States of America our own Constitution and our Declaration of Independence says that whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying it’s foundations on such principles and organizing its power in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness, Prudence indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their DUTY, to throw off such Government. And to provide new guards for their future security.
It has long been said that a Nation divided can not stand.
“United we stand, Divided we fall”, “E’Pluribus Unum” - “Out of Many - ONE”
America has now become a Nation divided. This has been done deliberately, calculated, it is by design.
It is being perpetrated by those who seek power and control. They seek to “Fundamentally Transform America” into a system of despotism, tyranny, and absolute control.
In order to divide the people each side must be told that they are the supporters and defenders of the nation and that the others who object and oppose or disagree are the enemy of the nation.
The federal Government right now is telling their followers that fully half of the Nation is the biggest threat to their “Democracy” and to the government.
This latest design and incarnation of this type of method of dividing and destroying the Nation was developed and published by Karl Marx. A Russian accountant and philosopher in 1884. Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto was first implemented and used to destroy Russia in 1917, known as the Bolshevik Revolution.
The Bolshevik leaders:
“The November revolution was led by a group of intellectuals, most of whom had never seen a worker’s bench or used a peasant’s plow. Many of them—notably Lenin and Trotsky—had lived in exile abroad because their views had brought them into conflict with the czarist government. The guiding spirit of the revolution was Lenin, who came from the intelligentsia and had spent his life not in manual work but in writing and speaking.”
Marx’s Communism was first introduced in America at around 1913. It could be said that US President Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921) was America’s first Communist President since Wilson was a supporter and advocate of Karl Marx’ philosophy and designs of Government.
But the Communists knew then that the American people would never voluntarily replace their system of freedom and liberty for a system of despotism and controls. So rather than to continue trying to “Sell” their plans and system under the titles of Communism, they opted to change the name. Rather than call themselves Communists the decided on “Progressives” as their political party names. Today’s “Progressives” and Socialists are Marxist/Lenist/Communists and their system of Government is absolute total control and despotism. Tyranny and oppression at it’s worst.
America’s political leaders are followers of this Marxist/Leninist/Communist Socialism and not all of them are in the Democrat party. These philosophies and been integrated into every aspect of our Federal Government.
When this type of government refers to half of the Nation’s population as “the enemies of their Democracy” then we have to ask WHO is actually the real enemy of freedoms and liberty, WHO is actually the “enemy of the Nation”?
If you’ve been reading and following along up to this point the answers should be fairly easy.
Who is advocating A “Fundamental Transformation of America”?
Which side is advocating for gun controls?
Which side is attempting to take total control over our election processes?
Which side is advocating for the Establishment of our Constitutional Electoral College system of electing the President?
And which side is advocating to abolish the Electoral College?
Which side is currently advocating “Packing the US Supreme court” with enough justices to insure their parties rules and legislation's are always upheld and supported?
And which side is advocating and using the slogan “Build it back better” after the philosophies of the Overton Society, who’s philosophy is first to totally destroy the nation in order to “Build it Back Better” in an image more suited to their philosophies.
If you have asked and answered these questions truthfully now ask yourselves which party and candidate was advocating and using the political slogan “Make America Great again”?
And which political party attacked him relentlessly for it?
Ask these questions and be honest with your answers because your lives depend on it. The survival of America as a free and Sovereign Nation depend on it.
To Quote President Ronald Regan,
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
The U.S. Capitol Police distanced itself from a Wednesday letter that purported to be from "anonymous" officers within the department who slammed GOP leadership for opposing a potential commission to investigate the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol.
The letter featured a USCP logo, though it was not an official statement from the department, a spokesperson said. Maryland Rep. Jamie Raskin, a Democrat, issued the document and claimed it included words from "unnamed officers (who remain anonymous because they are afraid of retribution for speaking out)."
"A statement is circulating on social media, which expresses an opinion about the proposed legislation to create a commission to investigate January 6," USCP wrote in a statement. "This is NOT an official USCP statement. The department has no way of confirming it was even authored by USCP personnel. The U.S. Capitol Police does NOT take positions on legislation."
Anyone who opposes their take over of America MUST now be branded as a Terrorist.
This is straight out of the Communist play book.
Are you really ready to believe Adam schiff and Chuck schumer and the same people who authored the "RUSSIA - RUSSIA - RUSSIA" scam to conduct a fair and "honest" investigation into the January 6th "Insurections"?