




As Americans we have a lot to worry about: OBAMACARE, debt ceiling,

unemployment rates, political elections, and much more.

The Illegal Immigration issue, one of the biggest problems facing a

nation crying for jobs, has slipped to the "back seat" of what is driving

the U.S. government.
We've "uncovered" an EXISTING LAW that our own government has effectively

NULLIFIED by simply choosing not to enforce it. Had the federal government done

its job, we, as a nation, would not be facing such an illegal immigration disaster.
As a friend of freedom and the United States Constitution, you cannot escape the

unbelievable situation that we now face. And the Executive Branch of the federal

government---since 1952---is to blame. They simply chose NOT to enforce this law.


Most likely because major donors to major political candidates who use

migrant labor to plant and harvest food crops did not want this law enforced.
The law?

The Federal Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952.

It's still on the books. It's STILL the law of the land!

Yet, NO U.S. ATTORNEY GENERAL is enforcing this law today!

No Immigration Control & Enforcement agents are arresting the illegal aliens

they catch under this law; nor are they arresting the benefactors who offer

illegal aliens sanctuary to avoid arrest and deportation.

Not one. Nor did ICE or the Justice Department enforce that law yesterday,

or last year, or at anytime in the last six decades.

Yet, it's still a law.

And it will end the illegal immigration problem if it is enforced.

Why is everyone ignoring this law?

It's time to ask every Member of Congress why no U.S. Attorney General

is enforcing this law. Ask them why they have not called any Executive

Branch official, Director of Immigration Control & Enforcement [ICE], or any

U.S. Attorney General, before a Congressional Committee to explain why

the Federal Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 has never been

enforced one time in the last 59 years.

Demand to know why Congress has said it is trying to stop illegal immigration,

even though Public Law 82-414, has never been enforced.
It's time to drag this law out of mothballs and demand that the federal

government apply its provisions not only against the illegals who swarm

across our borders like locusts, but also to prosecute those who

harbor illegals in sanctuary cities.

It's up to us.

The last 12 presidential administrations have ignored this law.

We're facing 11 "skeletons" in the closet, but there is still time to do something

about it before there are an even dozen.

The Federal Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 may not have been the total

answer to the illegal immigration problem in the United States, but it offered the

best solution to date. While the Immigration Reform Act of 1965 abolished the

"national origins" formula (a racial quota system) found in the 1952 law, most of the

law's statutes are still on the books. They are the law of the land---

providing the U.S. Attorney General or the Director of ICE enforces them.
The Federal Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 was a tough law to enact since

it was a Democrat-controlled Congress that overrode a Democrat President's veto by a

margin in the Senate of 57-26 and in the House of Representatives, 278-113.

The law mirrored the feelings of the voters in the United States about illegal immigration.

Other than some minor revisions in the 1965 and 1986 laws, the 1952 Immigration Law is

still in effect. Here is what you need to know...

here is what the United States Congress must be made aware of:





You are a felon if you enter this country illegally. If you offer aid and comfort to an illegal alien

you are in violation of Section 8[a](1)(A)[iv][b](iii) of the Federal Immigration and Nationality Act.

It is a crime punishable by a fine of $10 thousand per infraction or imprisonment in a federal

penitentiary for not more than five (5) years---or both.

It is U.S. law.

Yet, NO ONE is ever charged for violating this law.

If the illegal residing in a room rented to him (or her) by you commits a crime,

the law makes you liable for any loss incurred by the victim of that crime.

Yet, no victims were ever compensated for the losses suffered at the hand of an

illegal alien who robbed or assaulted them under the compensation provision in this law.

The American people have been waiting 59 years for this law to "kick-in."

Don't you think it's time that the Attorney General and the Director of

ICE enforced a law demanded by the American people?

CALL--EMAIL--FAX your Representative & Senator!!

Ask then WHY, when they SWORE to up-hold the LAWS of The United States,

they Choose to ignore The Federal Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952.


Illegals DEMAND their rights! It's time they had them through

the Federal Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952.

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