Grand Daddy - Why Didn't you stop them

Grand Daddy – Why didn't you stop them?

In the early 1900's Mao Ts-Tung after taking over China murdered somewhere around 60 Million of the Chinese people. Why didn't the people rise up and stop him before he was able to reach so much power? Why didn't somebody stop him?

Also in the early 1900's the Communists revolution threw out the Russian Czar Nickolas and the Bolcavics took over Russia. Once Joesph Stalin gained power he and his Communist/Marxist killers murdered somewhere around 70 Million Russians. Why didn't the Russian people stand up and stop them before they were able to gain so much power?

Later on in the 1930's a guy named Adolph Hitler formed the German Socialists party called the NAZI party. By the time WW-II was over in 1945 Adolph Hitler and the NAZI's were responsible for the deaths of over 60 Million people. Once again we can ask why didn't people stand up and stop them before they were able to gain so much power? In the case of Hitler and the NAZI's, people did attempt to stop them. If you're not familiar with the story of the German operation Valkyrie then you should take the time to learn about this. Read the story and watch the movie. The education is well worth the time and effort. Unfortunately the people who organized operation Valkyrie failed to kill Hitler in time to stop WW-II. They were all captured and executed for their efforts. The trials and executions of these people who tried to stop Hitler is where the terminology “Blood-Judge” comes from.

In the mid to late 1950's a guy named Fidel Castro came to power in Cuba after he managed to get the support and backing of many Americans in congress and from around the country. Like all of these murders, Tyrants, and killers, Castro was a master of deceit and a master of rhetoric and spreading lies.
There are other things that all of these tyrants have in common; They were all Marxist Leninist Communists or NAZI's. And they all wanted to take over and rule the entire world. The other thing that they all have in common is that they all tried to spread Communism or Socialism around to other countries. In the case of Fidel Castro this is still the case today in 2019. Even though Fidel Castro himself is now dead and gone his followers and successors are still spreading Communism around Central America.

Venezuela's Hugo Chavez and now Nicholas Maduro have taken over and turned Venezuela into a Socialis/Communist country. Nobody knows how many Cubans Che Guevara and Castro murdered but we do know the numbers were in the tens of thousands. It is likely we will never know because dead people don't talk and the survivors can not tell either.

Che Guevara was captured and executed in Bolivia were he was trying to spread Marxism and Communism.

Stories like these are precisely why our latest variations of Socialists and Communists have been trying to brand President Donald Trump as a NAZI. That false branding can not succeed because #1, it's not true, and secondly pay attention to who was most educated and surrounded himself in his younger years with Communists verses American Capitalists and America business people. Donald Trump has always been surrounded by American business men and Capitalists. Trump was educated in an American Military style school that taught American Constitutional values.
Barack Hussein Obama on the other hand was educated and surrounded by Marxist Leninist Communists such as Frank Marshal Davis, and in fact his own Grand Parents who helped raise him were also devout Communists. And fortunately you don't have to take my word for this, You don't have to believe me, just simply go and read Obama's own book; Dreams From My Father.

In that book Obama explains how he migrated towards people who believed in Communism. He explains how he surrounded himself with people who believed much the same as he did, Communists.

And that includes his own father, Barack Hussein Obama Sr.

Contrast that with Donald Trump and his early years and it's not difficult to see which one of them is the Communist and which is the American Capitalist.

So why am I writing this now? Obama is not on the 2020 election Ballots. Obama is not running for President of the US. But several of his followers are, in fact about twenty of them are currently running for the office of President against Donald trump. Including Barack Obama's Vice-president for eight years – Joe Biden. Just like the Socialists and Communists from Cuba these American socialists are trying to spread Marxism and Communism around America. And the sad fact that they are having so much success in doing so can be seen by watching the numbers of followers and supporters that each one of them have accumulated. The fact that any one of them has more than ten followers is a devastating testimonial to the failure of these Americans to learn from the history of what these tyrants and murders have done to those countries where they did manage to succeed. The people who choose to follow these socialists and Communists either have no clue about history or if they are aware of it then they are just as guilty as the tyrants who they support.

Adolph Hitler had his Army of SS solders who were perfectly willing and eager to kill as many Germans as they deemed necessary in order to insure Hitler's success. The same may be true today about Obama and his OFA Army, which he claims numbers in the thousands. Obama claims they have offices and headquarters in more than 32 cities around the country. These groups associate themselves with the American Communist party for the purposes of spreading discontent and intimidation of any Conservative groups or organizations they may encounter, including any individuals who can be identified as being Trump supporters.

The question is will these people be allowed to succeed like Adolph Hitler, Joe Stalin, and Mao Ts Tung did before them or will the American people learn from the past and stand up to stop them before it's too late?
Will we stand back and allow tyrants to once again gain the reigns of power and destroy this Nation just as it has happened so many times throughout history.

Will our Grand Children ask us “Grand Daddy – Why didn't you stop them ??”

Will our grand children even be able to ask such a question? Will they live long enough to ask?

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  • There was a time in the mid thirty's when WWII could have been avoided by the elimination of a few people. I am beginning to have the feeling, watching the Democrats go crazy, that we are probably at a time when eliminating a few could save all of us a lot of misery later on.


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