GREAT NEWS! MAYBE MORE TRAIN SPACE IF 20 RIDERS SIGN UP!Patriots;We have had so many calls from people who would love to get on our Freedom Train, that we decided to see if Amtrak could spare an extra 20 seats for a new Group. We softened and applied for the space. We'll find out by Friday COB or early Monday whether it has been approved. However, the challenge doesn't end there. Because of the proximity of the boarding date, payment will have to be made almost immediately. We will know what the Fares will be for Group Adult and Group Senior rates when and if Amtrak approves our request. If approved and we can get the riders (no easy task in such a short time) we will have more than two full cars devoted completely to us- thats over 120 from Ft. Lauderdale, Jacksonville and Ocala, plus possibly another one or two Groups joining from South Carolina and North.Again if you've been looking for an action packed trip up to DC on 9-11, attendance at the March and Rally on September 12 and then reboard the Train to return the evening of September 12 to arrive home on Sunday, September 13 (notice no lodgings required in DC, minimal time away from work , room to carry signs with you, and lots of space in almost 3/4 reclining, lounger type seats with full leg extensions) you might like to consider the Train as the answer.Remember, this is NOT set in concrete. It depends on what Amtrak does, and the Group fares they come up with. If it seems doable, then all potential riders will have to help the rest out by getting everybody they can - friends, neighbors, children, relatives, domestics, mail people, or anybody, to come up as well- all for the purpose of showing enough participation (we're striving for one million) to make enough impression on our legislators to stop the madness now going on in our Government. Your involvement is a small price to pay to help save our beloved Nation from catastrophic collapse! If we can't generate at least 20 riders, there will be no new Group!Please signify your interest and receive updates of the situation by emailing, or call toll free 866-376-9805 as soon as possible.

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