The Patriot News

by Paul E. Vallely - (12/30/10)

More on the Global Chessboard Series - Yes, another Border Patrol agent on the Arizona border was shot and killed by Mexican drug smugglers this month. There were eight attackers this time with four in custody Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was part of a border tactical unit (BORTAC) tracking armed drug smugglers 15 miles northwest of Nogales, Ariz., when the team was attacked with automatic weapons. The area is well-known as a major drug-smuggling corridor, and the smugglers are known to be armed with AK-47s and tactical battle weapons. The captured smugglers had AK-47s and backpacks filled with ammunition, food and radios. There are rumors that three of the captured four are members of the Mexican military, but that is unconfirmed. Yet, it would not be the first time Mexican police and military have been apprehended smuggling drugs into the United States.

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and Border Patrol hierarchy are trying to hide that Border Patrol Agent Terry and the BORTAC team was under standing orders to always use (“non-lethal”) bean-bag rounds first before using live ammunition. When the smugglers heard the first rounds, they returned fire with real bullets, and Agent Terry was killed in that exchange. Real bullets outperform bean bags every time. Does this remind you of the restrictive Rules of Engagement (ROE) that has limited our troop’s engagements in Afghanistan? The reason they have such insane rules is that the politicians who run the agency do not want the public to think the border is so dangerous a place that Border Patrol agents fear for their lives. In other words, the rules of engagement are based on a lie, a lie that must be maintained for political purposes.

America, please stand up to our idiotic, brain dead political leaders and appointees. As we say in the military…Sound Off! Rep. Raul Grijalva, D-Ariz., a Progressive Liberal, has proposed to designate the area of the attack as the Tumacacori Highlands Wilderness Reserve. If the bill is enacted into law, this well-established drug smuggling corridor will become a drug-smuggling superhighway because the Border Patrol will be prohibited from patrolling the region.

Secretary Napolitano and several aides recently flew to Tucson to meet with local Border Patrol officials. The Obama administration has created another colossal mess and Napolitano does not want it to blow out of proportions before U.S. Senate vote on the Dream Act. They know another assassination and attack on the southwest border will affect needed votes for the Dream Act because Senators supporting that bill must be able to say with a straight face, “The border is as secure as it has ever been.” What a farce and disgrace to our citizens.

It is not widely reported by our news media that the smugglers maintain a dozen or more permanent lookout posts on desert hilltops inside the U.S. and that those lookout posts are manned in week-long shifts by individuals who commute not from Mexico but from Phoenix, Tucson and other Arizona cities. The allegation that the Sinaloa drug cartel obtained the AK-47s from gun shops in the United States is also a myth perpetuated by our government. The Obama administration and endorsed this lie and is supported by the Mexican government because they do not want to admit that the cartels get most of their serious weaponry from the international black market and the Mexican military itself.

Secretary Napolitano and the officials of Homeland Security cannot be entrusted to protect us. She must resign immediately and the border mission assigned to the Department of Defense.

As well, Hezbollah now has excellent access to the United States through Central America and Mexico thanks to Iran and Venezuela. Our southern underbelly is more threatened than ever. When are we going to wake up and go on the offensive? You cannot win this southern battle war by being on the defense. Now is the time for offensive planning and action by our government.

Today, the violence resulting from bloody inter-cartel battles over local markets and international smuggling routes through our border states affects just about everyone. Mexico’s security arrangements are a patchwork of institutions – there are more than 1,600 separate police forces dotted around the country – with little or no information-sharing and notoriously vulnerable to bribes and corruption. The blood spills into America.

Mexico: here is the deal!  Either you solve of the problem south of the US border or we do it together or we, the United States, will do it.  A country may take military action before it is attacked, “in advance where the deed may be anticipated” and when the threat is “instant” and “overwhelming.” The strict criteria under which this right may be invoked has entered into relevant international disputes ever since. What makes the contemplation of anticipatory self-defense thinkable today in regard to Mexico is the tide of violence that has risen throughout that country and the danger it poses to the United States. It is readily apparent with the numbers of assignations, blatant murders of innocents, bullets fired into El Paso and the terror along our southern borders.  It is now time to enforce the rule-of-law along our southern borders. No more excuses …no more delays…no more politics

If our Federal Government will not execute an operational plan to secure our southern borders then the States and the people must do it. However, let me provide an executable plan of operations for the Federal Government to undertake with resolve and commitment to protect and secure the American people.

The problems on and across our southern borders of California, New Mexico, Arizona and Texas are in the news every day. You would have to live in a perpetual cave not to know the situation. We have a war of gigantic proportions…illegal invasions, treacherous drug cartels, gangs, human trafficking, drugs (is there not a war on drugs???), smuggling, kidnappings, and corruption of officials on both sides of the borders. Now if I were the Commander-in-Chief, I would be on a war-footing and I would have my military commanders planning and executing a strategy that will defeat swiftly and decisively these cancerous enemies and bring the border under control.

The plan is basic and advanced unconventional/conventional war planning is already in place or at a minimum should be. This combines the best use of our Forces that will encompass intelligence, targeting, structural organization of our forces to accomplish the mission, base operations, offensive and defensive operations. First, organize three (3) Border Task Force Groups (BTFGs) and position them in three operational bases, one in Texas, one to be in Arizona and one in Southern California. We have existing bases in those states that can be utilized. There is no requirement to create any new bases. I will not name these existing bases because of operational security but Department of Defense can easily figure this out! The BTFGs will be organized based on joint task forces of Special Ops, Army, Air Force and Navy. Selected units and personal will be relocated and moved to these designated bases. I would also declare with Mexico, a 20 mile “No Go” zone on the Mexican side of the border. Any group or persons occupying this zone engaging in criminal or illegal activities against Mexico or the United States will be engaged and shot on site.

There will be approximately 5,000 warriors assigned to each BTFG. The organization will be commanded by a Two Star “Warrior” and each of the three BTFGs will be commanded by a Brigadier General. The mission for the Command will be to target and conduct offensive and defensive operations on the Mexican side of the border.  National Guard, Border Patrol, DEA, and local sheriffs units will conduct border security operations on the United States side of the border. This initiative does not violate any existing Posse Comitatus laws.

        The Posse Comitatus Act is a United States federal law (18 U.S.C. § 1385) passed on June 18, 1878, after the end of Reconstruction, with the intention (in concert with the Insurrection Act of 1807) of substantially limiting the powers of the federal government to use the military for law enforcement. The Act prohibits most members of the federal uniformed services (today the Army, Navy, Air Force, and State National Guard forces when such are called into federal service) from exercising nominally state law enforcement, police, or peace officer powers that maintain “law and order” on non-federal property (states and their counties and municipal divisions) within the United States. The statute generally prohibits federal military personnel and units of the National Guard under federal authority from acting in a law enforcement capacity within the United States, except where expressly authorized by the Constitution or Congress. The Coast Guard is exempt from the Act.

The National Guard is and will be the asset of the State Governors to be used as required to augment the Active Force BTFGs operations on the US side of the border. Remove the Department of Homeland Security from any executive action completely. Maximum use must be made of our Special Operators, Delta Force, Special Forces, Seals, AF Special Ops, Rangers, Marine Recon and Special Ops Air Assets and augmented by Active Force regular Army, Navy, Marines and Air Force.

The concerns and anxiety of Americans, particularly in the Border States have grown significantly in the past year. Governor Jan Brewer has had to take extraordinary legislative action to help rectify the situation and we applaud her and others in Arizona for their initiative and courage. Changes in law enforcement operations have forced smugglers of drugs and illegal aliens into ever more isolated areas, increasing the number of deaths and the level of violence to a point where even the most hardened enforcement officials are alarmed. Sheriff Joe Arpaio continues to lead a campaign to take a stand against the purveyors of evil and illegal Maricopa County, Arizona. God bless you Joe!

The number of arrests made by Border Patrol agents is one of the few reliable measurements of the rising influx. That number dropped right after 9/11, but it has since been climbing. In fact, the cost of protecting the nation’s borders has increased 58 percent since 9/11, but in three of the four years since the attacks, the number of people nabbed by the Border Patrol still increased. In the fiscal year that ended in September, the Border Patrol reported 1.19 million arrests, compared with 932,000 in fiscal year 2003. The Pew Hispanic Center estimates that the number of illegal invaders in the United States has grown from 8.4 million in 2000 to 15 million today. The political ferment over illegal invaders has never been greater. America…We must act NOW for the welfare and security of our precious nation.

Support the action groups and individuals that are fighting this war daily and let your representative and the Defense Department know that we want action to do what needs to be done to secure our Nation.

Paul E. Vallely (MG, US Army Ret)

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  • It's about time it becomes an ALL OUT WAR with these people. Open season, no bag limit and no license required. If we don't fix this problem it will never get fixed. Our "Enabler in Chief" WANTS these people across the border. We need to send his sorry ass back to the KENYAN border. The National Guard is utterly handcuffed in this matter. They need to be employed as if this were any other combat zone.
    • Our own gov't sold the mexican military these guys have defected and taken their weapons with them... and who do we thank for this?  Well, Slick Willy, of course!


  • I love it.  The people will have to save this nation, the government won't do it.
  • What I would like to see is our Military move on the whitehouse overtake this admin and install an emergency government. Remove the traitors and imprison them in lieu of trial. Put the necessary amount of troops on our southern border with shoot to kill roe.clamp down the border so there is no traffic north or south in any mode of transportation. This crap is way out of control. Tell mexico tough shit yer on yer own until YOU FIX YOUR PROBLEM.
    • Did I write this?  Ahhhh, no... it was YOU, Shawn, but PRECISELY what I think every single day!
  • Since Obama has already ceded parts of America along our Southern Border, what's a death or two to him or his Homeland Security Czarina - lets face it they are both involved and what to create the ERU of the Americas and ceding territory may be a show of Good Faith on their part? ? ? ?


    Take Care,


    TSGT Clough

  • The border situation will not get better until we have some one with some cajones head of the DHS, Napolitano is not the person.

    I also believe putting the military on the border would violate the constitution under the posse comitatus act.

    The states need to take back control of the national guard and then the border states could activate them on the border them selves.

    Get involved with you state and local elected officials, as well as those we sent to DC.

  • Get These People Out Of My Country!
  • It is time for the people to trake matters in to our hands. The government has screwed this up as it always manages to do! We all know trhe government couldn't run a legal whorehouse in Nevada, so what in the hell do you think they know about securing a border?


    What we need to do is to mobilize and start taking down in a hail of lead drug runners and others who cross the border illegally. We the people must lead the way and take back the country. The best and proven way to get it done is to secure the borders then start a sxcum sweep from the East Coast, West Coast , Northern then Southern Borders and work our way in to the middle of the country and finally Washington D.C. . Once there we hold mass arrests of politicians  and other scum that back the illegals, hold public trials, we will be fair and give the defense 30 days to prepare to defend the actions of those reputedly responsible. Then start the trials and then after the trials which over 96% of them will wind up with a guilty verdict, we will see public hangings of the criminals.


    Since most of the justices on the Supreme Court will be on trial, there will be a review pannel to go over convictions and they will decide if a an appeal is warrented, just to make it legal and fair. I strongly suspect maybe 1% will get an appeal, the others can whine to Satan their master in hell about how unfair they were treated.

    • Good plan, Wiccanwolf; we do need to thoroughly clean our "house" of all the illegals and those criminally complicit in their presence here.
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