Fox News

A gunman wearing an Afghan army uniform on Sunday shot and killed a member of the U.S.-led coalition forces fighting in Afghanistan — the latest in a spate of insider attacks that are fracturing the trust between NATO and Afghan forces.

Separately, officials said 11 Afghan civilians were killed by land mines on Sunday in explosions in the east and south.

U.S. Army Maj. Martyn Crighton, a spokesman for the coalition, said the service member was killed in the south. His identity and nationality were not disclosed.

Mohammad Zarak, spokesman for the governor of Helmand province, said the shooting took place in Nad Ali district after an argument between an Afghan soldier and coalition service members.

Coalition figures show at least 60 coalition service members have been killed so far this year and others have been wounded in about 45 insider attacks, where members of the Afghan security forces or insurgents dressed in their uniforms turn their guns on U.S. and allied troops.

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  • The killings  will  NOT  Stop..

  • And it goes on and on.

  • This is a non-winnable situation and we need to leave. Let the Muslims fight it out between themselves.


    • Agreed,sick of hearing it.

      Get them out now.

  • Why does this not surprise me?  I have recently had some conversations with a service member recently returned from a deployment to Afghanistan.  The media is not telling us even half the story of what is going on there.  You may recall that some time ago the media made a big deal out of the fact that Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Dempsey Dumpsters' aircraft was damaged by a rocket attack at Bagram Air Base.  What they did not tell us is that, that is a nightly occurrence.  Bagram is supposed to be one of the most secure areas in the country, however, ALL personnel are armed 24/7.  One of the tricks the military uses to fudge the numbers they have to report to congress is they hire local nationals to perform menial tasks such as KP.  At Bagram the "KPs" have been caught pouring bleach into the food.  At night when they leave they set the washing machine timers they use for roadside bombs.  Upon arrival all newly deployed personnel are told "these people are not your friend", however, they are instructed that they must "be nice" to these people.  The individual I spoke with is a member of an A10 Air Guard unit.  They were there for three months and in those three months they flew three years worth of stateside training hours.  The pilots were flying missions as long as 6 hours or more.  It was not unusual for aircraft to return having expended 6 to 8,000 rounds of 30mm ammunition and according to this person that is a lot of ammunition.  We need to get out now, keep the place under surveillance, and if a terrorist training camp pops up take it out with a drone or missile.  If they go back to abusing women as they did before we take out the leadership.  That way none of our personnel are exposed to danger and sooner or later they will get the message (maybe).  Being the muslimes they are they will never have a free, progressive democratic society.  So all we have to do is see to it they don't become a terrorist training ground again and leave them to their own devices.

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