Several states–including California, North Dakota, Oklahoma, and Wisconsin–prohibit the mandatory implantation of an RFID microchip by employers and others. These laws subject the offenders to criminal charges or fines.
A human microchip implant is typically an identifying integrated circuit device or RFID transponder encased in silicate glass and implanted in the body of a human being.
The UN AND USA are trying to implement a law that requires EVERYONE WORLDWIDE to be IMPLANTED with an RFID microchip. They're trying to make it out to be a "good" thing for us, stating that it will make life easier and also reduce crime because no one will be able to make a move or speak a word without the government knowing about it. However, this chip is just another method of government control and a step closer to a NEW WORLD ORDER! With this RFID chip, all of our money, information, medical history and EVERYTHING will be programmed into this chip.
Don't waste time signing it, this is becoming a law.
I will be dead first before this happens......Good luck with this.