Penned By J.B. Williams
July 11, 2012


The United States of America is a nation of self-governed people who believe in the Rule of Law and the U.S. Constitution as the Supreme Law of our Land. Hating crime is not a “hate crime” and neither is dealing directly with those who commit crimes against our nation, our sovereignty and our security.


Yet the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is waging all-out war on American citizens who are fed up with watching their government operate in a lawless fashion, refusing to enforce our laws upon illegal invaders while overreaching in their enforcement attempts against American taxpayers. Watch this SPLC video for Law Enforcement, labeling patriotic American taxpayer backwoods militia crackpot, asserting that people who oppose “unconstitutional laws” are dangerous anarchists.


In report after report, SPLC targets American citizens as perpetrators of “hate crimes” for simply demanding that our government respect the Rule of Law and our U.S. Constitution. According to SPLC, Americans who revere the Constitution, speak of national sovereignty and security, quote the Rule of Law or seek to preserve freedom and liberty for future generations, are “potential domestic terrorists” filled with “hate.”


In Teaching the Movement: The State Standards We Deserve – SPLC targets our children’s minds in High School and College, teaching them to oppose all who stand for the Rule of Law, in defense of illegal immigration and preventing “hate crimes” against illegal invaders.


In Alabama's Shame: HB 56 and the War on Immigrants – SPLC proclaims that opposing “illegal immigration” is a “hate crime” against all immigrants, both legal and illegal… Is it?


In Attacking the Constitution: State Legislators for Legal Immigration & the Anti-Immigrant Movement – SPLC goes after state legislators for their “hate crimes,” trying to enforce standing immigration laws and keeping illegal aliens from voting in U.S. elections.


In Greenwash: Nativists, Environmentalism and the Hypocrisy of Hate – SPLC attempts to protect the Nazi Environmental movement while attacking all who challenge the faulty science behind Global Warming and the international socialist effort to force nations into Global Governance via bogus environmental protection initiatives.


In The Nativist Lobby: Three Faces of Intolerance – SPLC attacks retired Michigan ophthalmologist John Tanton for his works to address a growing illegal immigration problem that the Federal Government simply refuses to correct. Tanton is the man behind FAIR, CIS and NumbersUSA, all pro-LEGAL Immigration organizations.


In Know Your Rights: Legal Rights for Farmworkers and Close to Slavery: Guestworker Programs in the United States – SPLC pushes for unionization of illegal immigrant farmworkers, benefiting the international socialist labor movement used to fund the anti-American socialist movement.


The Southern Poverty Law Center has issued numerous Special Reports labeling ALL patriots “potential domestic terrorists” and worst of all -- they have issued repeated claims that our returning war veterans are the most dangerous citizens in America.


That’s it for the good news…. The bad news is that the Southern Poverty Law Center has been running the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) since Obama seized the White House in 2008, and they are the legal team behind the Congressional Black Caucus and Congressional Progressive Caucus, both legislative arms of the Democratic Socialists of America.


The anti-American drivel that once only graced the pages of SPLC Reports now appears in DHS and DOJ reports like their joint report on Right-wing Extremism, and they are being used to train Military and Law Enforcement units to combat American taxpayers frustrated by their runaway government.


It is none of these groups who have been responsible for increasing violence in America. Almost every circumstance involving increasing violence in America today is coming from left-wing groups like Occupy Wall Street, the Black Panthers and labor unions.


Obama’s Department of Justice is taking its marching orders from the SPLC as well, suing states over their efforts to enforce standing immigration laws, as in Arizona, or removing illegal aliens from voter rolls like in Florida.


Many states fell into the trap set for them by the Democrat Party. Once illegal aliens were allowed to remain in the U.S., states facing issues with illegals driving without a license or insurance reacted by passing laws, giving illegals drivers’ licenses, so that they can purchase insurance.


Once illegal aliens had photo I.D.s, drivers’ licenses, they could register to vote and that explains why both Democrats and Republicans are now competing for the illegal alien vote with promises of immigration reform, aka Amnesty.


Now that states know about illegals appearing on their voter rolls with photo I.D.s, they are rushing to remove them from voter rolls before they can cast another illegal vote in the 2012 Election cycle.


Where does the Southern Poverty Law Center stand? In a lawless position, defending illegal acts, of course!


To be sure, White Supremacist organizations and the likes are just as dangerous to freedom and liberty as their counter-parts, Rev. Wright’s church of Black Nationalism, the Black Panthers or the Nation of Islam. Anarchists are just as dangerous as communists, no argument here.


The problem is that so-called civil rights groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center themselves, discriminate when cherry-picking which dangerous groups they should be concerned about, and how broadly they paint with that brush.


And when they defend the illegal acts of aliens or union thugs and attack the honest and legal acts of citizens, they should probably expect an uprising of decent honest American taxpayers at some point. Such people earn the title of Patriot…. But not the title potential domestic terrorist. If anyone in America qualifies as potential domestic terrorist today, it is the lawyers and judges who have done more to destroy our Constitutional Republic than Al Qaeda, none more so that those found at the Southern Poverty Law Center.


© 2012 JB Williams - All Rights Reserved


JB Williams is a business man, a husband, a father, and a writer. A no nonsense commentator on American politics, American history, and American philosophy. He is published nationwide and in many countries around the world. He is also a Founder of Freedom Force USA and a staunch conservative actively engaged in returning the power to the right people in America.

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  • It is a hate crime if one is a democRAT.

  •  I hate the crime in my area where I live.  It happens to be blacks that are committing the crimes here.  I do not hate black people.  I just wish that they would teach  their youth to have respect for others and their property.

  • I have been criticized, strongly at times, for withdrawing my support of Allen West as a candidate for VP or any other conservative position.  I have indicated that my concern was West's decision to join the Congressional Black Caucus.  J.B. Williams indicates in this offering that the Southern Poverty Law Center is "the legal team behind the Congressional Black Caucus and Congressional Progressive Caucus, both legislative arms of the Democratic Socialists of America."  Given that information why would any conservative, worthy of the name, consider a member of the CBC as a viable candidate for Republicans to consider for anything? 

  • Maybe they are fed up with this lawless GOV. THIS IS A GOV. THAT IS RUN BY THE COMMUNIST, THEY DO NOT SERVE WE THE PEOPLE, THEY SERVE EVIL----------------- COMMUNISM.

  • I will never vote for a person of color for any public office.  I'm sure there are many fine people of color, but I don't know who they are.  Look at what we have in office now.  I have enough trouble trusting people in office of my race, how can I trust others?  

    What I hope for is maybe West can change the black communities to better themselves. 

    Some people may call me a racist, but what is a racist?  If a racist is a person that wants to preserve their culture, their heritage, language, and FAITH, you may call me a racist.

    The enemy within have infiltrated all our institutions, plus started their own in the ACLU, SPLC, to name a couple...there are more.

    • I will vote for the best conservative candidate, I don't care what color, gender, or any other physical description they happen to be...

  • There are several things people need to understand about the so called Southern Poverty Law Center.  It has nothing to do with poverty nor does it have anything to do with law.  The Southern Poverty Law Center is the result of an idea concocted by Morris Deeds.  Deeds has used and is using the SPLC to make tons of money for himself.  SPLC made Deeds a millionaire several times over.  There is no other reason for its existence.  If the money were to stop rolling in Deeds would shut the thing down in a heartbeat.  Deeds started SPLC with absolutely no expertise in any area.  He did, however, get the media to pay attention to him and that's when the money started rolling in.  Deeds is one of the most despicable people in the country, second only to the usurper himself.  The fact that Deeds is still with us goes to show how far we have fallen.  It's not that long ago that if Deeds had tried to spread the lies he's spreading now someone would have sent him a very strong physical message.

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