Grassroots in Nebraska




In the wake of Judge Roger Vinson’s recent decision invalidating the health reform law, legal wonks from expert to amateur are evaluating both the odds that the states who were victorious in that lawsuit will request the U. S. Supreme Court to expedite appeal of the case and the odds that the Supreme Court would grant such a motion.   For those unfamiliar with legal jargon, and who isn’t to some extent, expediting the appeal would give special permission for the case to bypass further review in the lower federal courts, instead proceeding directly to the Supreme Court for its final word on the matter.  The question is an important one, because expediting the appeal could accelerate the appeals process by a year or more, leading to a quicker resolution of the question of the Constitutionality of federal health insurance reform.


What’s the standard for the Supreme Court granting such requests?  It’s an extremely high one, the reason the Court has 0nly granted a handful of such requests in the last 50 years.


“Under the court’s rules, it will review cases early ‘only upon a showing that the case is of such imperative public importance as to justify deviation from normal appellate practice and to require immediate determination in this court.’”


Another reason not to hold your breath:  “The Supreme Court already has denied one request for early review of the health law, rejecting a bid by a conservative California legal group in November. In that case, a San Diego federal judge ruled the plaintiffs couldn’t bring their lawsuit now.”


The quotes that appear above were taken from a short, but very thorough, article published in the Wall Street Journal’s online edition, February 1, 2011, titled “States May Ask High Court to Review Health Law Early”. While we are linking to the article here, note that this article is for subscribers only.



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  • I Hope So!
  • What I see personally in health care, my wife and I have worked hard all are lives supporting our children and grandchildren like most Americans of our age. We have been grateful to have double coverage, but in the last 2 years we have been battling her insurance company to pay up. I have over the last 12 years been in and out on various heart procedures as some of you may know run in the hundred of thousands in cost. She my wife has been paying for premium coverage for over 12 years at this hospital ,she is a emergency room nurse.

    Now they refuse to pay on the coverage and I fear I will end up paying these bills myself, fighting them in court is not out yet I will be talking to a lawyer about it to see if we have any standing against the insurance company we have paid for premium coverage for so long and now being denied is quite a set back. Just venting My fellow brothers and sisters, GOD BLESS

  • Once again, all the more reason to not fight all these various issues on many fronts. Congressman Issa is already getting snubbed on his first subpeana and it goes on. Mount one solid front to bring this usurper to the court house and make him show his bonifides regarding his Birth Certificate and all SS #'s and school records, etc, etc.

    That will stop all this nonsense! If nothing else that your Congressman does at your behest, they should demand this from the speaker and additionally, it will bring to a close the issue of whether or not the "birthers" are crazy or not. If the media and all that side with the imposter are so sure of themselves, then let it happen and let the chips fall where they may. Put your money where your mouth is. I and many others are not afraid to do this.

  • John;


    I believe the Majority Governors are Republican at this time.


    There were 26 States involved with the Original Suit.


    Should someone start the campaign to orcestrate all the Republican Governors to also ping the SCOTUS to not accept an early appeal and to let the case run the gauntlet that they have established; and, burn the clock until 2012 so to speek.


    Two can play the same game.  26 + Ask to run the gauntlet and that leaves 50 - (26 + n) asking for the speady SCOTUS review.


    If the SCOTUS goes with the less than side of the equation (the Democrats so to speak), would that not signal that the SCOTUS violates its own rules of the gauntlet and already have planned to rule against Judge Roger Vinson’s recent decision!

    At least, that is the logical way I would look at the case. 

    That would be a clear signal that the SCOTUS thinks they overshadow the Executive and the Legislative Branches. 

    I will have to forgive the dumb senator who thinks there is the Executive, House and Senate branches of government at this point.  He went to school during the dumb down era.

    All of us will have to forgive OBAMA, he went to School in a society where there were 57 Muslim Countries involved. (Not 50 States).

    These type of FOX PAUSES show ignorance.



  • I received a notice in December from my health care provider that my premiums were going up by $150 a month because of obuma care.  Then in last week I got a notice that they needed $50 a month to meet obuma health care mandates.  I wonder will I get my premiums reduced.
  • We can only hope it is repealed by the Supreme Court. Let us hope they have the brains to see the thing is as Unconstitutional as the day is long.
    • I have been checking over the past few years (periodically) the law of the land on Drivers License and how they came about.  It seems that way back in the 20's or 30's, Government felt the need to control people.  Government cannot control people.  People control People.  You Control Yourself.


      Theoretically, and philosophically, Government created a Seat because they cannot tax a person.  But they can tax a seat.  Your drivers license is the way they put you into the seat; so is the Registration to Vote.  You are in a voter seat.

      If you cannot identify people you cannot tax them.  Your Social Security card is a seat.  Enought of the seat theory.  Now lets get to the ASS theory.  Where do you put your ASS - in a SEAT.  Now you are taxable and controllable.  Ergo, you get the drivers license and you are under government control.


      Take it a little futher.  (And you go do your own research on Drivers License) in Florida, there is no requirement for a drivers license unless you driver a commercial vehicle (a business driver), or you Drive on some turf that is not a PUBLIC Thoroughfair (public road).  Most of us do not require a drivers license.  Except; how does the industry control Insurance; Drivers License for drivers and it is the ID number in a lot of computers.  Drivers license written on your check so tellers can be sure you are not in the criminal system of Florida and so on.

      Not very many of you reading this will accept the fact that you voluntarily put your ASS in a SEAT controlled by the Government.


      Now:  I have not had the time to analyze the Federal Law on Health Care because of all the fighting I am trying just to get the message out that OBAMA is illegal; all he has ever done is illegal; and CONGRESS doesn't want to take their jobs serious.


      But here is a scenario:  The law goes and is invoked.  Federal Government writes rules, regulations, and laws to implement the law.  Keep in mind that they cannot control a thing if they implement unless they have an ASS in a SEAT.  What will be their seat.  Your Social Security Number, your Drivers License, your Income Tax Return with your Social Security Number and so on.  And, when the IRS generally find an ASS in a Seat that that OBJECTS, they do not like it, and they use their bullying tactics to Hound, tear apart and destroy that ASS.  In doing so, most fights started by IRS are illegal because they only have the ATF rules to guide them because if they get into the truth is known matters, they loose in court.


      It is each individuals task then, to insulate yourself against such IRS Harrassment.  Study UCC 1-308 and the laws related to protecting your self - Never Sign a Federal Document with the "Under Penalty of Perjury" statement ever again unless you state "Without Predjuice, Uniform Commercial Code 1-308" above your signature.  That overrides giving away your rights under "Penalty of Perjury".  That is until some SCOTUS decides they will legislate this away under their power of controll over all GOVERNMENT.


      This may be your only salvation to stay out of Government's Grasp.  Or, you get cooked in the chair right after I do.

  • Shane;


    One more little protective matter is notice.  If you receive an inflated bill always ask for an itimized bill on every line charge; and always include the notice - I PROTEST THIS BILL even writing that on the stub to be returned along with your letter.  This makes things happen.  Most States Probably have a law on the books that it is illegal for a business  (Hospital, Pharmacy, Car Dealer, etc) to proceed to a bill collector if there is an OUTSTANDING PROTEST on a bill that shows no attempt to resolve.  

    If anyone ever sends you a bill that you are not aware, be sure to PROTEST it in less than 30 days.

     (A scam is for some unknown company to bill you $900.00 for service and when you do not reply and OBJECT and ask for proof and "Who the Hell are You" type questions, they then go to the bill collector who aggitates you.  Then some file in the Local Court for collection.  You are guilty of default because you threw the invoice away when it originally came - and that is the SCAM).

    By protesting, in the states with the laws, if the vendor (Hospital, whoever) goes forward to bill collection and court, they have violated several laws automatically because of the WORDS YOU WROTE - I PROTEST".

    This happned to me in 1988 on a Hospital Bill for $12,000.00 and the billing doctor was in the hospital for 2 Weeks yet billed for his services.  The PROTEST Notes to and fro for 6 to 8 months were never addressed.  After they sued me in Court, they prayed and asked for forgiveness and would I permit them to dismiss the case.

    You need to be very astute to your State's Billing laws, payments, and PROTEST.  It will get very sticky in the future with all the unknowns of the Health Care Bill.


    Very Correct:  CHECK YOUR INVOICES - And PROTEST on the Slightest issue.



  • Humor Time;


    My dad passed in 1974.  Social Security denied my Mother SSI because she was able to work (No DL; lived 18 miles out in never never land on a farm; no car, would not drive (not could not drive); and severe rupture as large as a basketball).


    My response to the SS was; "Would you please advise me of where the reviewing doctors got their degrees; Sears or Robuck".

    SS sent the graduation certificates of each doctor who had reviewed the file.  And then, they must of realized the question.  Mom got SSI immediately.


    That lesson was later translated into a military response that we gave frequently.  "F_ _ _ You" Nasty Letter will follow.


    I do believe the latter will have to be our approach to Government from Now on since Sears and Robuck are out of Business  (Sears and K-Mart).





  • John, HSA's are out under Obamacare.  That's one of the plans he's killing, and it's hurting parents with handicapped children especially, already, since that was how many provided the special therapy and /or expensive appliances and other aids their children need.
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