Here are my thoughts to JB at NALC

I believe this is the direction we need to be moving now. Up for Discussion or ideas, or Expansion of Concepts.

JB, I am not against Impeachment, I just don't think the house or the senate wants to get their hands dirty, because to do so, would implicate them in the conspiracy. So I think we need to attack Congressmen/Congresswomen as "Criminals", give them our written agenda with a short time frame to pass the objectives in both houses, including voting to pass a presidental veto and if they don't, we have the Constiutional Sheriff's start arresting them as the criminals they are. Once we have about 10 arrested or more and behind bars, I think the rest will get in line and do what " We the People" have put on their plates to get pushed through Congress. Let's play their game, but now we are in the driver's seat. From what I see, they are not responsive to anything we have to say anymore, so we have the evidence they are criminals, so let's give them a choice, continue to be criminals, risk arrest and trial or come into compliance with the objectives we will have given them, since they are not listening to us or presenting any of our ideas to Law. MAKE THEM PLAY OUR GAME, not the other way around. This would apply to the Demorats too.

JB Williams wrote:
> Hello,
> We are in favor of thinking outside the box, but within the confines of the US Constitution. What other ideas do you have in mind, outside of impeachment, and what is your objection to impeachment?
> Regards,
> JB
> Freedom is not for the weak of mind or spirit.
> On Oct 20, 2015, at 2:12 AM, Clois Beckwith <> wrote:
>> To:
>> Webmaster
>> Name:
>> Clois Beckwith
>> Email:
>> Subject:
>> Thinking outside the box
>> Message:
>> Old Rooster, I am going to suggest we get a hold of these constitutional lawyers and run our ideas by them, to see if there is anything we can do to side-step the Impeachment process and execute the process of removal of congressmen/congresswomen who have violated their Oaths, their Fudiciary Responsibilities, classification of the representatives as "Criminals" and replace them with our agenda and timelines. We have to start thinking outside the box, now; otherwise the unthinkable will happen. I have put in a message to be contacted by these folks to see what other ways might be workable.

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  • Gentleman, I agree. It's time to hold Congress accountable. Time is very short here now, and we must strike while the iron is hot. John Boehner is out as speaker. The House is trying to find a new speaker, as things stand right now they are trying to recruit Paul Ryan. The conservative caucus is only marginally supporting him. But the House GOP is generally in turmoil. This is our opportunity to make our voices hear but only if we act quickly.
    Clois and JB, You have the lists of demands, and the lists of potential charges, I do NOT have those lists. JB, If you can contact any of those Constitutional Attorneys please do so - time is of the essence here. And any attorney know what that phrase means.
    If we don't move to halt this administration then we are all screwed.

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