Hillary's body double

Many are saying that the person who emerged from Chelseys apartment after Hillerys episode was not Hillery but was Teresa Barnwell, age 61 who has been usd as Hillerys body double in the past for which she has been paid thousands of dollars. Go to north crane.com, just one one of many sites and see for yourself. Just as a side note. Before these were even pisted my wife said that was not Hillery coming out to greet the crowd and talk to a child. Looks like the movie "Dave" all over again.

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  • Update: body double says she was in California at the time. Having analyzed both pictures of Hillary both before her fainting and afterwords in front of Her daughters apt. They are obviously two differant people. Look at both photos and then deciede for yourselves. I'm not buying the Drs diagnosis. FDR's Doctor told America he was in good health all the way up until he died. One thing we won't get from the politicians is "The Truth".
  • You decide.
    Her first instinct is to lie .


    Verses this: 10-15 years younger and 30 pounds lighter,,,,,, There must be some really goo magic in Chelsea 's apartment.

  • There's now rumblings going on throughout the DNC of replacing Hillery. Their leaning towards Biden not Sanders. Could this be their plan all along to put someone in office they, not the people wanted? Here's another possibility. Obama suspends the election and remains in office. He can't stay forever, but long enough to do great damage to the Nation. This is getting curiouser and couriouser.
    • Well I think you may be right Mr. Regan. They ( The DNC -or the White House) Can NOT allow Donald trump to win this "election". If it appears that Hillary can not continue or complete this election, then they will declare her "Too Ill to continue"
      And then in that case they will then claim that there is no way "(America") can hold an election with only one candidate in the race,,,,,,,,,,,,, A Republican.......""" There's no time to get another candidate ready to run""""""""""""""""""",,,,,,,,,

      Therefore ----- postpone or cancel the November elections and Obama will stay in office until they get things straightened out.................(Simple - after all ---- we have to have a fair election --- right?)

      The whole damn thing is nothing but a big scam.

      My guns are loaded.............

    • Technically, the Muslim-in-Chief can't suspend the elections (unless he somehow declares martial law).  It would be up to the House of Representatives to make that call.  But, then, this POS doesn't follow the Constitution anyway, any more than Congress does.  Me, I would fear Fauxahontas (Elizabeth Warren) or Michelle Obama more than Biden or Sanders.

  • There are a number of women out there who could serve this purpose - some site (don't remember which one - possibly Daily Mail) has listed a bunch of them.  Also, interesting, is it not, that the address for Chelsea/Diane's apartment is identical to that for "Metrocare Home Services?"  I even read today that she gets shots of propofol to sleep - that was a one-off, tho, so probably not true.  Ed Rollins said on Lou Dobbs last night that there was a huge argument between Killary and Billy-boy about not going to the hospital - he wanted her to but she refused, supposedly.



  • IMO, and according to numerous doctors, Killary has Parkinsons.  This retired doctor lays it out well:


    Also, when you watch the 2nd of the videos out there, the 2nd time her knees buckle and they start to pull her off the curb, something metallic drops out of her right pants' leg - have seen a comment that mentions "haptic bracelets," which are apparently used to help blind people and those who have difficulty walking.  The glasses she was wearing are routinely worn by epileptics to help prevent seizures.

  • On October 17, 2006 the President signed the Warner Defense Authorization Act with gives the president the ability to do many things without others approval such a federalizing the national guard without states approval. Along with these many actions he can also suspend the presidential elections. All he has to do is declare a state of emergency.
  • "All he has to do is declare a State of emergency",,,,,,,,,,
    That's right.

    Right now, (sept 13th, 2016), Obama and the administration are finishing up plans to transfer control of the Internet to some phony-balony United Nations control and management counsel on October 1st. Texas Senator Ted Cruz is leading the charge in the Senate to stop the transfer., (Q= Can we trust him on this??)
    If nothing else we should all contact our State Senators and make sure they stop this transfer until after January 2017. I would prefer they kill the idea completely, but at least wait until the next president takes office.

    My real feelings are that we are all being played for a bunch of stupid suckers,,,,,,,,,,,,, Hoping and depending on the next elections, hoping things will change, maybe things will change and get better......
    How many times have we heard that in the last 40-50 years?
    We all sit around bashing the crap out of these keyboards, swearing that when they try to come for our guns that we will finally make a stand. Forget about waiting until "THEY" fire the first shot - -  that has already happened,,,,, in fact many times now, Ruby Ridge, Waco, Lavoy Finicum,,,,,,,,,,,,, "They" have already fired the "first shot".
    We are already at WAR. Our own Federal Government declared WAR against the American people 30 years ago.
    Waiting for Hillary (or Obama) to demand total gun confiscation is like waiting for the water to reach the boiling point where the frog finally gets cooked. The water is already boiling people.
    Contact your Senators and Congressmen and TELL them that if they do NOT stop this Internet transfer NOW they will be tried and convicted of Treason,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    If that sounds harsh, think about something,,,,,,,,,, Transferring control of the Internet is the Communists method of enforcing total elimination of OUR freedom of speech,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The Internet is HOW we communicate in this modern age.

    If you don't believe that then what the hell are you reading this right now.??? HOW are you reading this right NOW???
    WHY do you think they want to transfer control over to the UN?  So that they can silence US - that's way. Silence the Drudge Report, Breightbart, World News Daily, Western Media, Canadian Free Press, Alex Jones, and a dozen others.
    Once the Internet is gone - WE are silenced,,,,,,,,,,,, PERIOD.
    Ben Franklin said "The Pen is mightier than the sword",,,,,,,,,,,,,, Well today the Internet is more powerful than any 30-o6 or .223/5.56 black rifle. Once they silence the Internet, they have silenced America.

  • With the accusation that Russia is hacking various sites within America, real or implied, I see it as an easy escape route for the left if it's proven that our election was hacked to blame it on the Russians.
    No doubt that all nations are spying and hacking each other but this just could be a way to cover their asses.
    Just a thought..
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