Re-posted from my web site

Enabling Act Passed In Germany March 23, 1933

8142489694?profile=originalIn the German Weimar Republic, an Enabling Act was a law passed by the Reichstag with a two-thirds majority, by which the government was authorized to legislate without the consent of the Reichstag. These special powers would remain in effect for the specified time. This is to be distinguished from the provisions of Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution, which allowed the President to legislate by decree in times of emergency, subject to the veto of the Reichstag. An Enabling Act was only supposed to be used in times of extreme emergency. Only two Enabling Acts were ever passed:

* the first Enabling Act was in force in 1923-24, when the government used an Enabling Act to combat hyperinflation.

* the second Enabling Act, (Ermächtigungsgesetz in German) passed on March 23, 1933, was the second stepping-stone after the Reichstag Fire Decree through which Adolf Hitler obtained dictatorial powers using largely legal means. Hitler was sworn in as Chancellor on the morning of January 30, 1933.  The formal name of the Enabling Act was Law to Remedy the Distress of the People and the State. The Act granted the cabinet under Chancellor Adolf Hitler the authority to enact laws without the participation of the Reichstag. It was terminated for four years (and should also loose force should another government be appointed) but was renewed in 1937, 1941 and 1944. In contrast to the Enabling Act of 1923, this Act covered changes to the constitution, excepting only the existence of the Reichstag, the Reichsrat and the office of President.


New Deal Put into Effect by FDR  June 16, 1933

The New Deal was the title President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave to the series of programs he initiated between 1933 and 1938 with the goal of providing relief, recovery, and reform (3 Rs) to the people and economy of the United States during the Great Depression. Dozens of alphabet agencies (so named because of their acronyms, as with the SEC), were created as a result of the New Deal. Historians distinguish between the "First New Deal" of 1933 which had something for almost every group, and the "Second New Deal" (1935–36), which introduced class conflict, especially between business and unions.  Opponents of the New Deal, complaining of the cost and increase in federal power, stopped its expansion by 1937 and abolished many of its programs by 1943. The Supreme Court of the United States ruled several programs unconstitutional (some parts of them were soon replaced, except for the National Recovery Administration). There are several New Deal programs still in operation; the largest such programs still in existence today are Social Security and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) - the primary regulator of publicly traded U.S. firms.

Congress Gives Obama His Hitlerian Enabling Act Dec 19, 2012

8142490265?profile=originalOn December 19, 2012, the U.S. Congress freely voted to give President Obama a Nazi-style Enabling Act (against the arguments and resistance of the American people), which gives him the legal cover to rip up the Constitution, and enforce a dictatorship over the United States by "disappearing" anyone he designates as an enemy of the United States. This comes after Obama has already arrogated to himself, the right to designate American citizens as targets for assassination, as in the case of Anwar al-Awlaki, an American citizen Obama assassinated by means of a drone strike in Yemen. (This writer knows there are differences of opinion in regard to Awlaki and being a terrorist and a trial, however even the known terrorists working within the Federal government there is talk they would all be tried first).

The provisions at issue are the detainee provisions in the fiscal 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which codifies in U.S. law the authority of the President to imprison indefinitely, anyone, including American citizens, deemed to be a terrorist threat to the United States, without trial or due process, thus ripping up the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th Amendments to the Constitution. Obama's pressing to include this unconstitutional Enabling Act in the defense bill is yet another impeachable offense for which Obama must be removed from office.

Lyndon LaRouche, speaking with associates after the Senate voted on Dec. 15, compared the bill to the Enabling Act that made Adolf Hitler dictator of Germany in 1933, because it allows the Executive to depart from the Constitution. It would create a dictatorship in the United States, just as similar legislation made Hitler a dictator in Germany in 1933. LaRouche added that those Senators and Congressmen who were stupid and foolish enough to support this legislation may find themselves in the dock at a war crimes tribunal in the not-too-distant future. And, as we document below, this measure was not something that was foisted on Obama by the Congress, but rather, Congress giving in to Obama's demand for dictatorial powers.

The failure of the institutions of government to act on LaRouche's and other citizens of the U.S. warnings, has led to the point that the Congress has now given Obama full dictatorial powers to go after anyone he dislikes, just by labeling them a "terrorist suspect." That's the language in the relevant
provision (Section 1021) of the Defense Authorization Bill.

 "This President has just put the Enabling Act of Adolf Hitler into effect for the United States," LaRouche said on Dec. 18. "You can all be taken out and shot, with nobody to complain. It's all there, now, because we didn't get rid of Obama."

For the first time, the authority for indefinite detention that, previously, President George W. Bush, and then Obama, have claimed under the Sept. 18, 2001 Authorization for Use Military Force (AUMF), passed by Congress in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, is codified in U.S. law.

Under "covered persons," it not only targets those who may have been involved in planning, aiding, and carrying out the 9/11 attacks but: "A person who was part of or substantially supported al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United states or its coalition partners, including any person who has committed a belligerent act or has directly supported such hostilities in aid of such enemy forces."

Such persons are to be disposed of by: "Detention under the law of war without trial until the end of hostilities authorized by the Authorization for Use of Military Force," or trial by military commission, trial by an alternative tribunal constituted for such purpose or by transfer to the custody of the person's country of origin, or any other foreign country or entity.

It includes two other paragraphs: Nothing in this section is intended to limit or expand the powers already granted under the AUMF; and nothing in this section is to be construed as affecting existing law "relating to the detention of United States citizens, lawful resident aliens of the United States, or any other persons who are captured or arrested in the United States." But, as we shall see, this statement is nothing but a meaningless sop to those who fear its real intent.

By expanding "covered persons" to include anyone who has allegedly supported al-Qaeda or the Taliban or otherwise has committed belligerent acts against the United States, the bill effectively makes the so-called global war on terrorism infinite in both time and space. It claims the right of the United States to attack anyone in any country deemed to be such a threat, including inside the borders of the United States, regardless of citizenship. The definitions are so vague that anyone who opposes the Administration's war on terrorism policies could be deemed as "substantially supporting" al-Qaeda or the Taliban, or "associated forces" and locked away without charge or trial in a war that, by definition, has no end.

This writer would hope the American people will wake up and if they are not aware of everything that is going on, that they will find someone to connect with who can and will give them direction as to how to protect his family and those around them.

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