How a fraud was elected president


World Net Daily


Penned By J.B. Williams
© 2011


In a WND exposé regarding the final word on Obama ineligibility, I discussed the fact that Barack Hussein Obama II became the 44th resident of the people's White House by way of outright fraud and explained that no matter which definition of natural born citizen one cherry-picks for his own political agenda, Obama cannot pass the test.


The U.S. Senate got the definition of natural born citizen exactly right in Senate Resolution 511 regarding John McCain, but refuses to apply the same definition to Barack Hussein Obama II. That's because McCain can pass the test and Obama can't. As a result, some think that he isn't actually president, but if you look here, you will see him listed as our nation's 44th. He's the one at the bottom of the list … according to official records. Obama can and must be impeached.


I also pointed out that this massive fraud could not have been carried out, let alone covered up, by Obama himself. He needed a lot of help, and he had a lot of help. I list many of his little helpers in Part I.


Then I ended the piece with a promise to discuss the question of "why" nobody will do anything about it in Part II, and here we are …


Two words – national security

Most Americans would be shocked to know what all our government is truly capable of in the name of national security. Allowing the greatest election fraud in U.S. history to stand or be swept under the carpet is nothing, compared to many other things the government engages in, all in the interest of national security.


There is a pact in place inside Washington, D.C. Even though nearly every D.C. insider knows that Barack Hussein Obama is not eligible for the office he currently holds, they failed to stop it from happening and the people elected him, albeit under false pretenses and with a bit of funny business at the polls.


Once the people voted for him, even though he never should have been allowed to appear on the ballot to begin with, the rest was predictable. Once the crime was committed, involving many of the key leaders of our federal government, only two choices were left.


Admit it, take responsibility for it and reverse it – or act like it never happened. As politicians can always be counted upon to serve themselves above all others, they simply chose what was behind door No. 2 – it never happened!


A rock and a hard place

To put it lightly, there was no clean way out of the constitutional crisis they had created. Either way they go, national security is at risk.


Remember that in 2008, nobody thought for a moment that the "nobody from nowhere newbie" with a totally blank résumé could ever defeat the most powerful political force in the world at the time, the Clinton War Room, and knock off Hillary in the Democratic primaries.


But, he did. He did because his political War Room was even bigger and nastier than the Clinton's.


Obama's campaign was backed by huge sums of Middle Eastern and international socialist cash, lots of it. His campaign had nothing to do with job qualifications, but rather "making history" – by intensifying and exploiting racial divides. Not even the Clintons could compete with Obama without being called "racist bigots."


All other 2008 candidates knew that they could not promise to pull troops out of Iraq or Afghanistan upon taking office, Obama and libertarian Ron Paul being the exceptions. To no surprise to anyone but the kids who support Paul and Obama, we still have troops in Iraq and Afghanistan today, as Obama sets out on his re-election bid. We couldn't withdrawal and we haven't, despite the campaign promises. All of the grown-ups knew this in 2008.


Only Obama supporters thought socialism was the solution for the recession that began when Democrats won back control of Congress in 2006. Everyone else knew that it was time to invest in free-market capitalism abroad, and that's what investors are still doing today – except investors in international power of course, like George Soros, who are still heavily invested in Obama.


So, Obama took the political elite by surprise. Everyone was anticipating a Hillary Clinton campaign in the fall of 2008. The people behind Obama didn't vet him because they knew he wouldn't vet. Nobody else bothered vetting Obama because nobody thought Obama would ever win the nomination.


They had no idea who this man was, who was behind him or that it was a done deal from Day 1. They even hand-picked John McCain for him to run against, knowing that McCain couldn't rally the Republican base and Obama was a lock once Hillary was out of the way.


This is how modern politics is played. Always bet on a sure thing; leave nothing to chance.


Many D.C. insiders were complicit – the rest were caught off guard. None of them wanted to admit what had just happened, or take responsibility for the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the American people. Bet on the sure thing, the ignorance and apathy of the American people, 50 percent of whom don't even bother to vote!


Forget the right thing – do the easy thing, nothing!

They needed the press onboard. Most of the American press had been in the pocket of international socialism since the '60s. So that part was easy. Others, like Fox News folks, had to be bought or blackmailed, or even threatened.


They were told that they would be responsible for all-out civil war if the truth ever came out and the "black man" was removed from office after "making history."


They would report on riots in the streets and racial violence unlike anything we have seen since the Watts riots, not to mention global humiliation, that the most advanced nation on earth was so easily fooled by a simpleton with no background whatsoever and a few political cronies who knew how to exploit the average American voter with empty promises of "hope and change."


There was no way they wanted this laid at their doorstep. The best thing to do was nothing at all.


Then came those damned birthers

Enter a class of self-appointed investigative reporters who would simply not let it go until they got to the bottom of it all. Who this man was, where he came from, what he really had in store for America and what to do about it … these were questions some simply had to find an answer for, and they did.

  • Obama's DNC Certifications: FRAUD
  • his first birth certificate (COLB): FRAUD
  • his second birth certificate (COLB): FRAUD
  • his third birth certificate (long form): FRAUD
  • his childhood records: GONE
  • his adoption records: GONE
  • his college records: GONE
  • his travel records: GONE
  • his Social Security number(s): FRAUD
  • his story – won't add up
  • his friends – crooks, thugs and socialists
  • even his claim to be a "black man" is false

Yet no matter the mountain of evidence, no court in the land will hear that evidence, no law enforcement agency in the country will arrest him, no intelligence officer who must know the truth will spill the beans, and Congress, along with the Supreme Court, are simply hoping to let the clock run out on his term and sweep him under the carpet in 2012.


What are they afraid of?

The evil, dictatorial nature of the Obama regime leads many to speculate about all sorts of fantastic conspiracy theories behind the Obama disaster. But as is usually the case, the truth is much simpler and even much more obvious.


Once in the trap, it is a calculated risk no matter which escape hatch you try. At the end of the day, the powers-that-be simply miscalculated.


When push came to shove, and a true constitutional crisis was staring them right in the face, they simply chickened out. They decided to let Obama destroy this nation for four years, allowing the people who voted for him to learn their lesson the hard way, and then sweep it all under the carpet in 2012.


But not so fast …

I said it was a miscalculation, and it was.

  1. Article II of the U.S. Constitution has been directly and purposefully violated, among many other sections of that document. It will remain violated until the matter is corrected, not by the next election, but by correcting the situation for all time, holding all those responsible accountable.

  2. They underestimated the damage Obama could do in four short years. We may already be beyond the point of no return.

  3. They overlooked the reality that so long as Article II has no meaning, nothing in the Constitution or Bill of Rights has any meaning.

  4. And they underestimated at least some Americans, who would not let this be swept under the carpet.

What now?

A group of American Veterans are calling for resignations and impeachments all over Washington D.C.

In a nationwide Call-to-Action, Veteran Defenders of America is calling for the immediate removal from office of not only Barack Hussein Obama II, but many of the players who made the Obama Crisis possible as well.


Quoting directly from the document:

"An undisclosed number of American Veterans and former service members have come together to prepare and present this Call-to-Action on behalf of the U.S. Constitution, the Republic, the Rule of Law and equal justice for all freedom loving citizens of the United States of America. Acting together as one, via The Veteran Defenders of America, co-sponsored by civilian patriot group The United States Patriots Union, LLC – we issue the following CALL for peaceful disobedience."


The document cites numerous violations of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and more than 60 criminal acts by the Obama administration and members of Congress.


The Veteran Defenders are also calling for "the immediate and unconditional orderly resignation of Barack Obama, Joe Biden and the entire Obama Cabinet," among others, and a nationwide patriot March on D.C. on Nov. 11, 2011 – Veterans Day, to demand the immediate restoration of our constitutional republic.


The exploited kids involved in the Democratic Socialist March on Wall Street are clueless. Coincidentally, the Democratic Socialists are holding their annual convention in D.C. beginning Nov. 11, in the Washington, D.C., suburb of Vienna, Va.


Now that the American veteran community has taken a firm stand, calling on all to keep their oath to protect and defend, and restore our government to lawful leadership, patriots are on the move as they learn about this initiative.


The Democratic Socialists have a clear agenda – but the veterans have an agenda for America, too. It's freedom!


J.B. Williams is a businessman, a writer and a no-nonsense commentator on American politics, American history and American philosophy. He is published nationwide and in many countries around the world. His website is

Read more: How a fraud was elected president

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  • Excellent article. Yes, this action is long over due. BHObama and his "expensive" wife must leave the peoples house. Then the clean up starts. I want to see BH Obama leave with no pension, no benefits, and his bank accounts taken back by We The People. After, the clean up, we need to turn our attention to one, George Soros. He needs a one way ticket to Israel. They will know what to do with him!
  • All i can say is ( LET'S ROLL ).
    • We know what to do with him as well!! Why let the Israelis have all the fun?
  • Don't just read this post by J.B.Williams, pass it on to everyone on your mailing list!  It is essential that the Country be aware of the message and the only way that can happen is for us to take the initiative.  Those in the main stream media are going to do everything in their power to avoid mentioning anything about the 11/11/11 march so it is up to each and every one of us to overcome their silence and get the word out with our computers.  SWAMP THE INTERNET WITH THE MESSAGE PATRIOTS! 
  • History will show JB as one of it's GREATEST PATRIOTS for steadfast documentation of VIOLATIONS to the AMERICAN people by the outright TREASON by it's elected officials.
  • I agree, Mr. Obama hijacked the system and many people believed that they would receive something for nothing that is

    the reason they voted for him in the first place. America must stand up and take back our country that myself and many

    others fought  and even Died for. I still believe that most people believe strongly in the USA but no one is above the law

    including Mr. Obama and his friends and justice shall prevail.May every God fearing American stand up and be

    counted, don't let the left bully you down, WE are AMERICAN'S and PROUD of it.

  • Excellent article. Hope everyone puts a link in their emails linking to the article. Thank God for the people who aren't afraid to stand up for the truth or to speak the truth. Thank God for all those who will stand beside the Veterans and support their stand. Most of all thank God for our troops and our Veterans. May God bless us as we take America back and as we rid her of all the evil.

  • Been writing about this for years now and no one gave a damn...until now.  GREAT article, as usual , JB!
    • obama is not a citizen of the usa .... but of Indonesia.

      he does not work for the usa....he works for nazi cia.   (we have two cias')  he probably does not even have a drivers license. He plans to take a leave and the votes are then is the time to shoot.!  and of course his legal name is barrey soetoro   and i have a copy of his kenyan birth....just ask for it.


      I am president of land to land investigations, ink.   (we span the world.)

This reply was deleted.


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