Time and time again we have to put up with Unions thugs strong arming for outrageous compensation and benefits in a time that has everyone else pulling their belt a little tighter has got me wondering. What gives these Union workers the idea that they are worth more than the taxpayers that support them?


With that I got to thinking of ways to make the jobs that they do more competitive, just like the ones the rest of us have. I came to the conclusion that if the jobs that they do were put out for an open bid, under strict guidelines as to what the duties would entail, we might end up with a more cost effective source for many of the jobs being done now. Imagine if the teachers were actually given raises from the job they preformed, or maybe Sanitation workers that did not strike from a contract dispute. What would the difference be in the those jobs?


There are multiple cities out there now that are taking certain jobs and doing something similar to this now. Many of those cities have reduced the cost associated from before while improving the services to the citizens. With the overwhelming return to Conservative values in America, which we all witnessed and help out with in November, could this be something that some Towns, Cities, Counties and even States could look at now?


All but a few States are now running with deficit spending, see the list HERE and a little more on several HERE. With that deficit something has to give, are we willing to pay more taxes to cover the deficit ar are we willing to force the government and Unions to be more prudent with OUR money?


So what ideas do you have?

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