
Abedin, Clinton’s longtime aide, and her husband Anthony Weiner have moved into a $3.3 million Manhattan apartment that just so happens to be owned by Jack Rosen, who flies the Clintons in his own planes and is a huge financial backer of the Clintons. Rosen is a high-ranking Obama bundler, having given more than $500,000 to Obama’s reelection campaign, and has donated thousands of dollars to Weiner’s own political career.

The market-rate rent on the 2,120-square-foot, four-bedroom, 3.5-bathroom apartment is roughly $12,000 to $14,000 a month. The Abedin-Weiner apartment can be compared to a lower-floor apartment that is only 1,476 square feet and two bedrooms that recently rented for $10,000 a month. One Clinton friend said, “It’s a ridiculously expensive place. Everyone assumes they live there for free, thanks to a donor, a friend of Bill and Hillary, or even just someone with an empty place who is connected.”

Of course, Hillary Clinton spokesman Philippe Reines denied there was anything fishy going on: “They are a two-income family and are more than capable of paying their market-rate rent.” Except that they’re not; Weiner lost his $175,000 job after the sexting scandal, and Abedin makes roughly $150,000 a year.

Could they have gotten the money from selling their previous domiciles? Weiner sold his 875-square foot two-bedroom Forest Hills condo for $475,000 and might have made some money, but Abedin lost money when she sold hers; she sold her Washington, D.C. condo for $620,000 after she had bought it for $649,000. 

Federal officials such as Abedin are forbidden to receive gifts without disclosing them to the public; this is to confirm that their actions are above board and not influenced by bribery.

So where are Abedin-Weiner getting the cash?

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  • Yet Bachman and co. are criticized and castigated for daring to even suggest that security clearances for folks like this be checked. Promoting the caliphate since 2009, the Obama administration!

  • I reiterate, it is not the Abedin's of the world who are our problem.  It is the Clintons and other agenda driven, traitorous members of our political elite who, in their continuing effort to undermine our Constitutional Republic and involve us in a disgusting global government cabal, afford the Abedin's of the world the opportunity to infect our Republic with the cancer which is designed to destroy our Country from within.  The solution is obvious to anyone who thinks about it.

  • Amen, keep  saying  IT  Clarence,  some  don't  let  it  sink  In..!!!!

  • The Brotherhood...

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