To My Fellow Patriots,
As the Dalibama sends another future Socialist SCOTUS justice nominee to Capital hill today, we must use what we can to stop or stall the process. The media will tell you that the Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee are out numbered 12 to 7 and are powerless to stop this nomination. DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS BS!!! The Republican members of the committee can stop it by using the rules of the committee as established to protect against Republicans (when they were in the majority) from pushing through radical right-wing judge appointees. For any judge/justice nominee to be moved out of the Senate Judiciary Committee to the full Senate, at least ONE member of the minority party on the committee must vote in the affirmative. We need to have our fellow Patriots apply pressure to these seven Senators to stop this totally unqualified nominee from getting a seat on our Highest Court.
Sen. Jeff Sessions- Alabama
Sen. Orrin Hatch- Utah
Sen. Chuck Grassley- Iowa
Sen. John Kyl- Arizona
Sen. Lindsey Graham- South Carolina
Sen. John Cornyn- Texas
Sen. Tom Coburn- Oklahoma

We must contact these PUBLIC SERVANTS and let them know that We The People know the rules and will not let them skate on their responsibility to protect and defend our Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic.


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Email me when people reply –


  • Right on sister!!!!!!!
  • I'm watching the hearings now on fox. Seems they are all sucking up to Obanations choice. This lady is mentally ill. I can tell. Why else would Obamanation try to present her?
  • Will do today. Thanks Twana
  • Thanks for the email addy's Twana... Following message was sent to all:

    As a resident of Georgia and a veteran of the Vietnam era, I am asking you sincerely to NOT affirm Ms. Kagan to the Supreme Court of the United States. In my opinion, I feel that this persons leanings are not in a direction supportive of either the United States Constitution nor a non-socialist form of government.

    Thank you for your consideration and your not affirming this nominee to the Supreme Court.

    God bless

    -= Joe
  • Dear Twana,

    Thank you very much for your post. I just e-mailed everyone on your list about the Judiciary Hearings. Thank you for your e-mails and keeping us all informed. You don't know how much it is appreciated.

    Michele Bentley
  • You're right Twana, Lindsey "Goober" Graham is the Republican who'll side with the DemocRATS to get the nomination moved to the Senate floor where we can count on Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins, Goober Graham and Scott Brown to vote with the Demororrupt party to seat her on the court.
  • This is the BIGGIE. This dingbat could be the portal to hell. I LOVED what Senator Sessions had to say. Caught it on Rush in the car. Haven't heard anyone else, but u r right...Lindsey Gram-nasty is our greatest liability.
  • Coburn: 202-224-5754
  • Good Morning Twana I have sent emails to the Congress persons that you have listed below as well as my own states representative in the hope of stopping Kakan's conformation, I hope it will be enough.

    Have a great 4 of July, safe and sane.

    Bob Nettles
  • I am sorry to say this but these republicans do not have enough balls to stop this confirmation they are a bunch of cowards!
This reply was deleted.


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