More evidence of Obama's State Department successes....

Cairo protesters scale U.S. Embassy wall, remove flag
Demonstrators have scaled U.S. embassy walls in Cairo to protest a film about the Prophet Mohammad,

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  • Time to start dropping those bastards by the bushel backet.  I like Teddy Roosevelts  foreign policy, mess with us and then count your dead afterwards... That is the enemies dead..


  • When  One  waits  for   real--net--news (not TV) I  warn  myself  the  BP  will  rise,  and  damn  them  to  death..!!

  • Where is America's outrage?  These people are obviously the lowest scum on this earth, and anyone who agrees with what they've done here - joins that same low class.  Obama's foreign policy these days seems to be, "Help me tear down this horrible country they call America!  And you muslims - well, you have a free hand; my administration won't bother you.  You may carry out whatever plot, murder, destruction and mayhem you choose to do, so long as you continue to help me in destroying America.!" 

  • And Obama is selling them two top of the line submarines to them just like the 125 M1A1 Abrams tanks he already sold them. Am I the only one that sees this as a problem?

  • "Freedom of speech does not warrant desecrating sanctities," Gomaa said in a statement Sunday. As the protesters pull down our flag, that we hold sacred, and desecrate it on camera. Some religion of peace isn't it...

  • Sorta relates to the article I posted about our problem with naming the muslims as our enemy doesn't it?


        Am I the only one who remembers our brilliant Sec. of State H . Clinton calling the revolution in

       Egypt " democracy in action ". She and the bumbler in chief Barack Obama have screwed up our

      foreign policy so badly that it will take years & lives , American lives to get it right !!

           They must be removed from office in November !!!!!!!!!!!

  • I wonder how much of our tax dollars obama is going to send them this year.

  • Where's outside security? The host government provides this.

    We shouldn't be surprised, we should prepare for it.

  •       These are the people we give aid .Any quetions.

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