More evidence of Obama's State Department successes....
Cairo protesters scale U.S. Embassy wall, remove flag
Demonstrators have scaled U.S. embassy walls in Cairo to protest a film about the Prophet Mohammad,
More evidence of Obama's State Department successes....
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Time to start dropping those bastards by the bushel backet. I like Teddy Roosevelts foreign policy, mess with us and then count your dead afterwards... That is the enemies dead..
When One waits for real--net--news (not TV) I warn myself the BP will rise, and damn them to death..!!
Where is America's outrage? These people are obviously the lowest scum on this earth, and anyone who agrees with what they've done here - joins that same low class. Obama's foreign policy these days seems to be, "Help me tear down this horrible country they call America! And you muslims - well, you have a free hand; my administration won't bother you. You may carry out whatever plot, murder, destruction and mayhem you choose to do, so long as you continue to help me in destroying America.!"
And Obama is selling them two top of the line submarines to them just like the 125 M1A1 Abrams tanks he already sold them. Am I the only one that sees this as a problem?
"Freedom of speech does not warrant desecrating sanctities," Gomaa said in a statement Sunday. As the protesters pull down our flag, that we hold sacred, and desecrate it on camera. Some religion of peace isn't it...
Sorta relates to the article I posted about our problem with naming the muslims as our enemy doesn't it?
Am I the only one who remembers our brilliant Sec. of State H . Clinton calling the revolution in
Egypt " democracy in action ". She and the bumbler in chief Barack Obama have screwed up our
foreign policy so badly that it will take years & lives , American lives to get it right !!
They must be removed from office in November !!!!!!!!!!!
I wonder how much of our tax dollars obama is going to send them this year.
Where's outside security? The host government provides this.
We shouldn't be surprised, we should prepare for it.
These are the people we give aid .Any quetions.