I am not a fan of Newt Gingrich by any means, but I do see where the idea in this article has a possibility. Obama is circumventing American Law and replacing it with his own, plain and simple. By ordering the Justice Department to stop defending DOMA in the courts he is trying to allow for an overturn of the Law in Courts, something he could not do in Congress.





Newt Gingrich: Obama Could Be Impeached Over Gay Marriage Reversal

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  • Obama the usurper demands to do things outside of the oath of office taken in 2008. He demands to be impeached by his actions that ignore even Federal mandated laws.

    Can we ever have enough crap from him and his szars to finally do something legally about him? He is pushing his own views outside the rule of law.

    In my view of watching him from the days before elections, he told us what he was going to do. CHANGE AMERICA!

    What do you all think that meant? It meant to me that he wanted everything about America to be changed his way. His record of content from his days in Illinois should have been highlighted but the lefty media is in bed with him as well.

    It's time to demand he be held liable for his actions against the Constitution!!!!

    When are we going to act or push someone to act???????

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