"If ever time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin."

-Samuel Adams



We have experienced patriots working on different works to prevent its ruin. We have some running for office to replace the despots there now. We have some who are working to bring others together. We have some who are training up leaders. We have some vetting and sharing info. There are many works to be done and we need all patriots to do their part - when we all fulfill our duties - we restore our beloved republic.


1. Harry Riley COL USA Ret.

2. Jim Harding Col.Ret.


Running for Office:


3. Pete Hegseth in MNfor US Senate

4. Ilario Pantano NC

5. David Bellavia 26th Congressional District in NY

6. Josh Mandel for U.S. Senate

7. Nick Popaditch for U.S. Congress

8. Martha McSally for U.S Congress


So many more good patriots are stepping up.


If anyone knows of other Conservative Veterans running for Fed. or State offices please let me know. We need their leadership to turn our country from leaping off the cliff of marxism. And we need to do all we can to vet them, help them get elected.


Please let me know by private message here on PFA if you'd like to be a leader for your state group here on PFA. Some groups already have leaders but we still need more.


Things State Group Leaders can be very helpful in.


1. Bringing important state focused info to those in your state group.


2. Organize meet and greets of your state group members

a. precinct

b. county

c. district

d. state


3. We have to have each others backs locally. If we will not even take the time to meet and get to know each other, how can we ever expect to have each others backs when it counts?


4. Train each other, work with each other in preparing for what we know is coming


5. Veterans can teach women self defense. If all hell should break loose, women at home will need to be able to defend themselves and the children in their care. Women we have to be trained and ready should the need arise.




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  • Everyone should take self-defense and gun safety courses. Gender does not matter!

    Learning emergency medical and wilderness survival is also something I highly encourage.

    I was once a First Responder on a small Fire Department. I was "asked" to leave when the Liberal Fire Chief learned I was a conservative Christian. That is water under the bridge. I live in the present, as we all need to do.


    We can learn a lot from each other. Twana eluded to that in her comments about veterans. I am willing to help by sharing my skills with patriots in my neck of the woods.


    Bruce A. Forster


  • Tom Cotton, combat vet of Iraq and Afghanistan running for Arkansas 4th congressional district.

  • To the veterans who were willing to die for Our country and are now willing to take the fight to Washington as elected officials to keep up the fight, I salute you and will support you.  Thank you for all you have done.

  • Parents-Grandparents hear this--Hold your children close while you can--the despotic Statre desires to take them from 

    you because you are deemd a threat to your own family-if you question their tactics.DHS came in and employed the very

    same tactics we used on enemy combatants in interrogation. They LIED to us -- they Beguiled--and when they saw an

    opportunity they brought the police to  prosecute "emergency"removal of my grandchildren because I refused to let them

    LIE about what my daughter had done or did not do in my house.They thought it cute that I called DHS a Police State when

    they used the police to remove my grandchildren - I don't know what else to call it --so WELCOME TO POLICE STATE USA

  • I have my own private shooting range away from any prying eyes which is available in western Arkansas just contact me.  Good solid firearms do not have to be expensive.  Check out the C&R firearms from Eastern Europe.  They may not look pretty and the elite gun boys may look down their noses at them but they are good quality, cheap, and very inexpensive ammo.  I'm buying 7.62x39 for $4.99 for a box of 20 and 9mm Makarov for $9.99 for a box of 50 locally.

    • Marvin,

      Do you have a link?  I tried a site I thought might be the one but it wouldn't load.  Well, I just got it to load but that one doesn't sell ammo.... so need your link!


      • I buy it locally at Academy Sports, both 7.62x39 and 9mm Mak.  If you want to buy via the internet I've found that Aim Surplus has the best prices for 9mm Mak.  For 7.62x39 I would say shop around on the net.  Some places I would check are Aim Surplus, Cheaper Than Dirt and Sportsmans Guide.  If you're looking for C&R firearms check Aim Surplus (not much in the way long guns unless you want a bolt action) and Gun Broker.com.  As regards GunBroker and ammo, I've found that most if not all of the ammo and components for reloading are rather pricey.  Right now Aim Surplus has Czech CZ82's in 9mm Mak they are excellent handguns very well made.  A little bulky for concealed carry.  If you're looking for inexpensive concealed carry look for a Polish P64, also in 9mm Mak.  If you don't mind the government having your name in another location you can get a Curio and Relic license for $35.00 for 3 or 5 years and you can have everything on the curio and relic list sent straight to your door via UPS.  Hope that answers your question, if not let me know.  If you want ask questions off the site send me a friend request.

  • T'anks I know this Crap has been going on too long.It helps hearing others have been there too. And I have no intent on dying yet---too many people want to quit. I bitch  -but I aint ready to quit.

    Canazei e Val di Fassa alberghi canazei ristoranti canazei negozi canazei ed altro
  • First of all let me say God Bless you.  I don't think you're off topic.  What you cite is a prime example of why we need to change things in this country.  We need to put a stop to all this overreaching government intrusion in our lives and the only way to stop it short of at the end of a gun barrel is to change the make up of government at all levels and that means electing people who think as we do.  Unfortunately, I believe most people who think as we do want nothing to do with the cesspools know as government.

This reply was deleted.


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