Illegal Immigration/ Drug Cartels/ 287G training/ MCSO Sheriff Joe/Al SharptonThe true sad part is this has gone on this long and goes even further back. Itshould have never gotten to the point that Reagan did amnesty for too manytook it as being rewarded for breaking the law! So why should they respect itand teach their children any respect or love for our Country or the morals thatmade us great. It must NEVER happen again!We must remember it doesn't matter what Obama is,or what any of them are, it isstill We The People! We have to be United and massive, as it was for the Tea Party the 15th. Too much has been taken from the majority of the American people, we must send a very clear message, Like my friend of 16 years Sheriff Joe.... Alsomy new friends Nacho & Monica Ramos. They all should be our inspiration, so I thinkit should also surround the rule of law!Absolutely No Amnesty for anyone here illegally! They have had plenty of time to do what it would take to become legal and didn't! They drag & burn our flag! Disrespect our Country, our laws and our Vets! They won't respect any of our laws if we don't! We cannot allow them to change any more of the laws that were created to protect our Sovereignty. The have made a mockery of African American by trampling our 14th Amendment who it was written on behalf off, they also make a mockery of the Hispanic - Americans who love this Country! (It is their identities being destroyed) They call all of us racist, (only to take away from the truth that they BROKE our laws) and worse now we are TERRORIST!?!?! Oh my God! (Oh wait they have tried to removed our Lord from our lives also)We must demand 287G training be incorporated in all law enforcement so all L.E. knows how and can enforce internal illegal immigration enforcement properly.If you haven't seen the documentary " Drug Wars: Silver or Lead" It is from within one of the cartels, it is graphic but we need to get all to see this, then they will wake up to what is really happening here.The drug cartels have been here since alcohol was prohibited, we just calledthem mobsters! lol Names have changed, as the drugs have also. The Las Zetas &MS13 make the mobsters look like children. The Cartels even pay full tuition for themto become Attorneys ( well that explains the ACLU! )because they go on to be judges! (hmmm???)So lets do it! lol now how???? We may have a trump card they may not expect and lately they have gotten even more upset over all of this! The American Legion has over3 million members Nationwide. They have a booklet that they put out "The American Legions Stand on Illegal Immigration" It is like our Bible here so if we can get them to come it would be massive!. The Vets have been told they should pay their own health care and are now being labeled terrorist! But yet illegals continue to take all the benefits this Country has.. Sorry I see something really frigging wrong with that!Most of our member have become legionnaire', Aux., Sons of the Legion, American Legion Riders, they make it easy for children of Vets to become members also, which helps our Veterans! I suggest all groups in this fight to join The American Legions, rent space at the Legions halls to have your meetings.You know & have contact with all those who did the Tea Parties, they alreadyworked out a lot of the bugs and have the contacts & since most are backers ofthese issues also just maybe with their help and knowledge we could most likely do this on May 3rd, in the late afternoon.The Open Border groups will be less likely to show since they have planned another nationwide march on the 2nd of May. I have a feeling Al Sharpton will be there speaker!So are we up to the challenge? Will we be told once again "YES WE CAN" as they trample our Flag! Will WE THE PEOPLE finally stand in masses, the following day and say " NO YOU CAN'T, NOT in OUR COUNTRY!"See Sheriff Joes' Letter to Sharpton!!!! ROFLMAO & HLS (Now Homeland INSECURITY!3262552.0.pdf
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