In 2010, they ran as freshmen who would challenge the status quo -- but they've done nothing to stop immigration from harming jobless Americans

NumbersUSAUrgent Action
roy beck
The 4th of July is about celebrating early Americans who refused to be satisfied with a status quo that they felt restricted their life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.
Unfortunately, most of the huge crop of new Republican Members of Congress has done nothing to fight the immigration status quo that forces millions of Americans to be unemployed, struggling to support their families.
Oh, these freshmen were full of vim and vinegar when they were running to replace the stale congressional veterans in 2010. Jobs for Americans was supposedly going to be their "job No. 1" when they got to Congress.
Instead, they have stood by as the government issued permanent work permits to nearly 2 million more immigrants. And they have failed to support Judiciary Chairman Lamar Smith in his effort to mandate E-Verify to open up jobs held by more than 7 million illegal aliens.
Look below the action box to see the list of flaccid politicians who have spent their freshman term allowing foreign workers (both legal and illegal) to be a higher priority of government that the unemployed in your state.
Here is a list of freshman Republican Representatives who have failed to move against mass importation of immigrant labor or to aggressively challenge illegal immigration:
Roby, Representative Martha (R-AL-02)
Denham, Representative Jeff (R-CA-19)
Gardner, Representative Cory (R-CO-04)]
Tipton, Representative Scott (R-CO-03)
Rivera, Representative David (R-FL-25)
Dold, Representative Robert (R-IL-10)]
Hultgren, Representative Randy (R-IL-14)]
Kinzinger, Representative Adam (R-IL-11)]
Schilling, Representative Bobby (R-IL-17)
Bucshon, Representative Larry (R-IN-08)]
Rokita, Representative Todd (R-IN-04)]
Young, Representative Todd (R-IN-09)
Pompeo, Representative Michael (R-KS-04)]
Yoder, Representative Kevin (R-KS-03)
Amash, Representative Justin (R-MI-03)]
Huizenga, Representative William (R-MI-02)
Long, Representative Billy (R-MO-07)
Runyan, Representative Jon (R-NJ-03)
Buerkle, Representative Ann Marie (R-NY-25)]
Gibson, Representative Christopher (R-NY-20)]
Grimm, Representative Michael (R-NY-13)]
Hanna, Representative Richard (R-NY-24)]
Turner, Representative Robert (R-NY-09)
Ellmers, Representative Renee (R-NC-02)
Berg, Representative Rick (R-ND-01)
Johnson, Representative William (R-OH-06)]
Renacci, Representative James (R-OH-16)
Lankford, Representative James (R-OK-05)
Kelly, Representative Mike (R-PA-03)]
Meehan, Representative Patrick (R-PA-07)
Noem, Representative Kristi (R-SD-01)
Fincher, Representative Steve (R-TN-08)
Canseco, Representative Quico (R-TX-23)]
Farenthold, Representative Blake (R-TX-27)
Griffith, Representative H. Morgan (R-VA-09)
Herrera Beutler, Representative Jaime (R-WA-03)
Duffy, Representative Sean (R-WI-07)]
Ribble, Representative Reid (R-WI-08)
Many of you have gotten an earlier alert today about eight other freshmen whose record is even more disappointing because they filled out the NumbersUSA survey identifying themselves as True Reformers who would support changing nearly everything about our immigration system. Yet, they have performed as abysmally as the Representatives listed above.
If you are from their states, you will also find a fax on your Action Board for these Disappointing Freshman True Reformers:
Southerland, Representative Steve (R-FL-02)
Webster, Representative Daniel (R-FL-08)
Scott, Representative Austin (R-GA-08)
Labrador, Representative Raul (R-ID-01)
Huelskamp, Representative Tim (R-KS-01)
Gibbs, Representative Bob (R-OH-18)
Fleischmann, Representative Charles (R-TN-03)
Rigell, Representative Scott (R-VA-02)
It isn't that these freshmen have done the opposite of what they promised in their campaigns. Most of them haven't voted against something they said they would support, for example.
But they haven't had a chance to vote because House Speaker Boehner has refused to bring any immigration bills to the floor (and even has barred nearly all immigration amendments).
These freshmen are hiding behind Boehner's lack of votes instead of challenging Boehner to stop protecting millions of illegal aliens and the outlaw employers who hire them. These freshmen have had ample opportunity to let Boehner know they oppose his preference for foreign workers over unemployed Americans. They could have been co-sponsoring all kinds of strong bills to help veteran House leaders as they have tried to break the Boehner logjam. Instead, these freshmen have been like the worst of embedded, status-quo, Washington-tainted political hacks and have just gone along to get along, instead of standing up for the jobless workers of your state.
Surely, these freshmen are better than that. Give them a chance to prove it.

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  • A letter to the Editor of the Cleveland Plain Dealer for what it is worth.

    Dear Editor,

     Years ago I was news in the Plain Dealer.  My brother & I with a couple of friends were running away from home in PA.  We were hitchhiking to California.  We got as far as Cleveland from Erie, about 100 miles.  As you might guess, an upstanding citizen turned us in.  We were not too happy with the people of Ohio but what would you expect from kids that were only about 12 or 13 years old. 

     Today I am disappointed in the people of Ohio but for a reason that I hope is understandable.  Ohioan have elected and re-elected to the House of Representative now Speaker, John Boehner.  For those of us not from your State we do not understand with the unemployment so high, not just in the country, but in parts Ohio as well, why he refuses to bring any legislation regarding ILLEGAL immigration to the floor for a vote. 

     Yes I made it to California a long time ago.  I have come to expect this type of action/inaction from the Representatives continuously elected from here.  My question for Ohioans and your readers is what part of illegal immigrant do they not get?  Is it the part that they take jobs from Americans the media says Americans won't do?  If you ask your citizens I think they will agree with me that there are jobs Americans will do that are not being offered to Americans because legislators like Mr. Boehner have allowed this situation to continue far too long.  I hope when it comes to this next election the people of Ohio show Mr. Boehner how much they enjoy being out of work by having him join them.


    • Yep - William, you are right on target. It is time "We-The-People" take the "Bull-By-The-Horns" and flip all these "TEAR-JERKING" followers out and get some real people in office. I have heard so much from the "Tear-Jerking" liberals, both Democrats as well as Republicans. The current members of congress DO NOT intend to do a thing but promise small groups everything under the sun, and after they are elected, they fall into the same category as the "HEAD LIER" in Washington, the Prez himself. It appears that they are afraid to be a proactive representatives of the people!  Back to the immigration issue, our elected officials MUST remove all personal feelings about what a strict immigration policy will do to the "Illegals" in this country and look at the situation on an "OBJECTIVE" basis. True, it would create a hardship on many of them, however they knew the consequence when they came here "ILLEGALLY." I have heard far too much about the "KIDS" coming here at an early age with their "ILLEGAL" Parents and what an injustice it would be on them by deporting the family. Like I said, they knew all the consequence when they decided to break the law and bring their families to the US illegally. While I have a compassion for them, but I have more compassion for our own citizens. The US can not afford to allow these illegals to continue to stay in the US, it is passed time for our representatives start thinking about our own "U.S." Citizens and get "REAL" about this long standing issue.

          Our current administration has been the main road block in refusing to enforce our immigration laws to the point they are interfering with the law enforcement agencies that are willing to enforce these laws. They have gotten so "BOLD" in flaunting the law and violating many laws of the land that someone needs to "GET REAL" and charge them with "TREASON", among other charges that will apply. This is the first time in the "HISTORY" of this once great Nation, that a sitting president has flaunted and refused to obey the "OATH-OF-OFFICE he took - "to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic ...". Instead, they have gone against this oath by many illegal actions. Instead of enforcing the law, he has unilaterally issued many "Executive Orders" all designed to usurp the powers of CONGRESS and members of congress are either so complacent or afraid to do their jobs by allowing these "Illegal Executive Orders" to stand and be enforced as the "LAW-OF-THE-LAND." Therefore, it is imperative that "WE-THE-PEOPLE" remove all these self serving "HOGS" that have been feeding at the public trough far too long. Lets all get proactive against all of them and get serious about protecting Americans.

      • I agree with you we thre people need to start taking action to get rid of the ones in DC and put some people in office that care about our country

  • I recommend that EVERYONE read the book, THROW THEM ALL OUT by Peter Schweizer. If you are already disgusted  with the status quo, this will make you want to go and physically throw them out. Congress is a festering cess pool. bar-none.  They are all self-serving fools.

  • Are we electing them with r votes?   WE NEED TO START WITH THE VOTING LAWS! This registering to vote at driver licence places WHY can't their picture be put right into the voting register books at the same time?? Why can't these pictures be scanned to see if they voted elsewhere? WHY can't we get a receipt of our vote? Why can't we get postcards sent to r home to say we voted in last election. (If post master delivers to same house several times must report etc..   Why can't a cross of programs with the dead, change of address be conducted? Are the election results posted at precincts? WHERE DO VOTE TOTALS GO TO ETC...  WHY do they keep us in the secret of this process???  I've written to my State Secretary about such question as the process and have NEVER received an answer!!   When do they purge these  voter list?? WHY can't the National Guard be poll watchers? Why don't these poll workers ASK question of the voter? Are u a citizen of US? Have u voted anywhere else in this election? Read them their rights if they answer are found

    • Old Glory , When we had our caucus it was overwhelmingly won by Ron Paul in the straw vote yet he was defeated by Romney in the actual vote . We were incensed , not necessarily because of who won but but how he won .

      It was our Republican Central Committee that counted the votes . Later after calling them on the carpet it was determined that indeed Paul won . Our State declared Romney the winner but after all of this it was found out that it was Paul that won our State ! This happened all over the Nation ! !

      These committee's are crooked , both sides I might add . If you appreciate your right to a fair vote then you must be proactive otherwise you lose . That's just the way it is . It is our duty to be the poll watchers and leave it to no one else .

      We have another McCain running and he was hand picked by those that want us to fail most notably the Rothchilds and Rockefellers and planned by Maurice Strong . There are others but these are the three that are most at fault .

  • Well we must find a way to put heat on them regarding the illegals immigrants and the legal immigration they are permitting. They are not getting the message. They do not feel that we are serious about this. We need supporters at their campaign events and start asking specific questions why they have not deal seriously about illegals and jobs for Americans.

    • Then know the bill u want them to co-sponser to get moving out of committee: ALSO email ur legislators and ask them to co-sponsor every week. HR140 & S723 BIRTHRIGHT,  HR2885 E-Verfiy,  HR6000 Illegals entitlements (SAVE),  HR692 End Chain immigration, HR704 & S332 End Visa Lottery, HR1505 Border Patrol in Public Lands, re-instate 287G make new bill mandatory, HR 997 English Language ONLY. I have been pushing HR 140 Birthright could u help me with that one. Must have 1 parent as American citizen to become a US Citizen!  IF WE DON'T GET THESE BILLS PASSED SOON,  WE WILL BE OUT NUMBER TO DO THAT.  EMAIL EVERY WEEK UNTIL THEY CO-SPONSOR!!!!!!!!!!

  • William , This just strengthens my " Dems want socialism today , Repubs. want it tomorrow" . We can count on one MAYBE two hands the good guys in political positions .

    We are on the razors edge of becoming a country we will never get back and for you guys and gals that say they'll take up arms , get real . They can take us out in a heart beat .

    If the Tea Party wanted to become a voice then we could change things but "they" unlike their members are completely PC and will not do anything but play games . Change a few faces in DC but what good is that if they don't do our bidding .

    Ocrap WILL get back in , of that I have no doubt . The powers that be have come too far to lose this election and they won't !

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