Insulting our heroes

The Unknown Soldiers

Image courtesy: Sgt. 1st Class Said Nasir Hashimi

Five coalition troops have been killed so far on Sunday, according to NATO, in the fight against insurgents and terrorists in Afghanistan. In an interview with The Washington Post published the same day, this is how Afghan President Hamid Karzai thanked the men and women of our allied forces for their sacrifices to combat the evil threatening his land and the world.

"The time has come to reduce military operations,"Karzai said. "The time has come to reduce the presence of, you know, boots in Afghanistan . . . to reduce the intrusiveness into the daily Afghan life."

If you are a regular or even occasional reader of The Unknown Soldiers,you know that I rarely write about politics, as I strongly believe the subject is a distraction from the heroism of our men and women on the battlefield. Yet when a world leader, especially representing the very nation for which over one thousand Americans have died to liberate, it is impossible to sit on the sidelines.

How dare President Karzairefer to our troops, who help build schools, roads, and hospitals, not
to mention confront the terrorists killing and maiming innocent civilians, as intrusive to Afghans. If American Soldiers, Marines, Sailors, and Airmen are displaying 'intrusiveness,' what does he think
of the brutal militants planting bombs in villages, oppressing women, and using children as human shields?

The intention of this post is not to take a political stance on the war in Afghanistan, although I openly believe that Gen. David Petraeusand the extraordinary men and women he commands are absolutely capable of winning the war. It is to remind everyone, especially journalists who continually fail to challenge Karzai's increasingly insane rhetoric,that we are this good guys in this post-9/11 conflict. Incredibly, Karzai had the nerve to relay the sentiments of the Taliban, which harbored Osama bin Laden before and after the terrorist attacks on New York, Virginia, and Pennsylvania, during his conversation with The Washington Post.

"Theyfeel the same way as we do here. That too many people are suffering for no reason. Their own families are suffering," he said, and it is this "national suffering they'd like to address with us."

First,regardless of where you stand on when troops should be withdrawn, there was a clear, noble reason for the American-led invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001. The United States of America was attacked and the brutal Taliban regime refused to hand over the murderers responsible.

Second, I don't care about how insurgents 'feel.' I care about families like those of these 14 fallen warriors, all of whom volunteered to fight against terrorism, murder, and totalitarianism and for freedom, security, and peace.

In between his chats with insurgents, I wonder if President Karzai has bothered to become familiar with the story of Sgt. Joe Wrightsman,the heroic U.S. Marine who jumped into the Helmand River to save a drowning Afghan officer. Haji Abdul Manaf, the Nawa District governor, appropriately attended the fallen hero's Afghanistan memorial service and proclaimed that "his dedication will stay forever in the history of Afghanistan." Sadly, the actions of Afghanistan's president do not measure up to Manaf's noble tribute.

read the rest of this here....also watch some videos/stories of more heroes.

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  • We are being 'BACKDOORED" BY KARZ". He takes bribes from Iran that has Put A Price on the Heads of American Service Men (A Pay Off? ?) and talks to the Taliban, supposedly about Peace...or is he Aiding and Abetting the Taliban Takeover of his Country.

    To make matters worse the 'ISLAMIC' Chairman Obamanation and his Obamanation 'a'administration support these talks with the very Taliban Enemy that we are fighting....

    There is something very wrong with this picture - See my Post "Could Withdrawal be Just an Obama Ruse"? ? ?

    Take Care,

    TSGT Clough
  • "A Dead Enemy Is A Peaceful Enemy - Blessed Be The Peacemakers"
  • This Gov. has no intentions of winning this war, what they want is world order for peace.
  • Bring our men and women home we are under siege here at home.
  • First, we need to remember Karzai, like all the rest there, IS Muslim; second, this is looking more like a "domestic dispute" and our troops the "cops" who've been sent in without backup to break it up, now both have turned against them; and third, Obama is a Muslim so in line with the Muslim one world caliphate agenda too. Our troops represent a potential threat to his agenda if they come home, just as the veterans do, so must be vilified and destroyed as soon as possible to bring this mess off. Assassinating Karzai, while maybe emotionally satisfying, won't solve any of the problems. We need to get our troops home, even if it means writing them to just COME home on their own; Obama won't prove he has a right to issue orders so they won't be disobeying lawful orders to do so. Second, we need to completely dismantle the CIA and get them OUT of the drug trade, which would certainly slow down the incursion of illegal drugs into this nation somewhat. Third,. we need to stop ALL funding to ALL Muslim nations immediately, leave them to their own horrors until they develop spine enough to stand up and say NO to the abuses of their own leaders, but promise to simply blow them OFF the map, if any of their people come here and attack us on our soil again, and I MEAN PROMISE that! Then we need to get back to supporting Israel in the region, to hold the Muslims in check, to some extent. Fourth, we MUST get back to producing our own energy and goods, and re-institute trade tariffs that make manufacturing HERE cheaper than importing from off shore again, and get some of the strangling regulations lifted so businesses CAN and WILL start up here again providing jobs for Americans, at which they can earn enough to make working for a living worth the doing. Fifth, we MUST secure our borders and deport all here illegally and taking jobs away from American workers while depressing wages for those who do find some jobs still, and make unprofitable for businesses of all sorts and sizes to hire illegals!
    • Paul....I don't know that anyone has said the Taliban attacked America...they harbored and trained terrorist that attacked America which is enough in my mind to justify taking them out.... I would like to read your facts regarding opium production financing CIA covert operations? I'm sure you're aware there have been no constitutional declarations of war since WWII.....Korea, VN, Iraq, Afghanistan and all the rest...congressional resolutions or some such legislative action....

      I agree our troops are being ill-supported by the national leaders...neither Karzai nor Obama are stable enough to retain an ROE more than a month or so.....Petraeus and the US General Staff in Afghanistan should resign and petition the US Congress to cut off funding, leaving only enough for security and transportion of our troops home......

      If Karzai and the Taliban attempt to pursue any action that would indicate further terrorist training involvement threatening America, then we simply take out the leadership in Afghanistan without boots on the ground...just short of making a mirror shine in Afghanistan...\

      But where to find leadership willing to fight the fight to win.......we haven't had one since WWII.
      • Well said, Harry! And I agree about getting our people out of there, and leaving them to their own in-fighting; with the promise we will retaliate forcefully should they attack here again! Frankly, they don't deserve the lives of our men and women who have been dying there to free them from that oppression!
  • That I know, and we need to get HIM out of our house, but in such a way that we DON'T legitimize his position there; so that all his actions are voided because he wasn't legally there to make them.
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