Internment Camps for Muslims

Citizen Warrior


Monday, December 27

internment-camps-for-muslims.jpgMANY COMMENTATORS have pointed out that in the Western world there is a growing "anti-Muslim sentiment." Often this observation is accompanied by the implication that, "this intolerance will lead to internment camps like those created during WWII for Japanese-American citizens."

This implication is alarmist. It is fear-mongering. Nothing even close to that is happening, and nobody is even recommending it.

But some things are already happening that are much more frightening and actually real: 270 million non-Muslims have died in the name of Islam. This is more deaths than has been caused by any other political system in history.

The number of Muslim countries is increasing. Their degree of Islamization is increasing. Muslim influence in Western democracies is increasing. Muslim violence is increasing. The weak-kneed appeasement by non-Muslim politicians is increasing. The influence of Muslim countries at the U.N. is increasing. Muslim control of the world's economy is increasing. The number of mosques and madrassas being built and attended around the world is increasing. The overt display of Islamic supremacism worldwide is increasing.

This is all happening now. It is not an alarmist creed about what might happen or where something might lead. It's already happening.

So when you hear someone imply that criticism of Islamic doctrine will lead to internment camps, take a deep breath and begin setting the record straight.



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  • And praying that we wake up before their violence spreads to every man woman and child that refuses to convert.



  • We all know how the maslams like to lop heads off shoulders and how they like to drag bodies around behind car and trucks.  We need to be aware of what is going on around us at all times. This problem is not going to end well there are going to be a lot of people hurt or much worse.




      • At this stage of the game you never know, not all the players are on stage yet and when that happens then we will all know what the next movement is. At this time only the band is playing and the first act is only about half way though.
      • Do not be so sure. There never will  be a will to put Muslims into those camps. What happen toJapanese during 2nd WW will never be repeated. Muslims do not need those camps,
        for them infidel has to be killed. Since EVERY socialist and communist
        countries have concentration camps which are used against any "enemy of
        state", that is anybody who does not agree with their doctrine, there is
        only one possible explanation. Those camps WILL be used against you and me. Believe
        me; I know quite well, living in the socialist country for thirty years. I did
        run just before they want to lock me up. But that is a different

        • Jerry

          Glad you got away

    • I agree 100% Paul, but there are those with their heads in the sand saying OHHHH, not OUR Muslims HERE!!!  It is insane that they DO NOT SEE THE WRITING ON THE WALLS!!!  The MASSIVE prayers in the streets blocking traffic and everyday life of anyone who is NOT praying.  There has to be permits for such a gathering.....SO WHERE IS THE LAW WHEN THIS IS HAPPENING????  If it were Christians doing this the jails would be FULL!!!
      • Do you know the Simon & Garfunkel Song "The Sounds Of Silence"

        The Last Verse goes like this

        "And the people bowed and prayed

        To the neon God they made

        And the sign flashed  out it's warning

        In the words that it was forming

        And the sign said:

        The words of the Prophets are

        Written on the subway walls

        and tenement halls

        And whispered in the sound of silence"


        That is what we have at this time a sound of silence when this starts getting whispered all over the country then we just may see some action. but I fear it may be to late.

        • dang, thats deep, I forgot all about that song!

          Too true.

          God help us rid ourselves of this evil

      • Muslims go home.

        I am sick of every 3rd worlder defiling holy ground of America and God is pissed at us because we lack the courage to take this evil out.

        God have mercy.

This reply was deleted.


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