Is Huma Abedin the New Alger Hiss?

The American Spectator

Washington GOP Establishment hits Bachmann for fighting Muslim Brotherhood.


Is Huma Abedin the new Alger Hiss?

Is Huma Abedin to the Muslim Brotherhood what Alger Hiss was to the Soviet Union?

Why are Republican Senator John McCain, Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rodgers (R-MI) acting in the growing Abedin controversy as Washington Establishment Democrats of the 1940s did in the Hiss episode? Which is to say, writing off the dangers of a foreign enemy whose goal is to infiltrate the U.S. government -- because, well, the people in question are part of the Washington Establishment?

And last but certainly not least, why is the Republican Establishment pursuing a losing strategy in the war against Islamic radicalism? Is it returning to the losing strategy it pursued during the Cold War -- a strategy that was overturned over Establishment opposition by Ronald Reagan's victorious "we win, they lose" strategy?

These questions arise because of McCain's vehement attack on Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann. Bachmann, along with four other conservative House members (Louis Gohmert of Texas, Trent Franks of Arizona, Thomas Rooney of Florida and Lynn Westmoreland of Georgia), has written a series of hotly controversial letters.

What did Bachmann and the others do to infuriate McCain? And draw a rebuke from Boehner and Rodgers?

The five House members wrote letters to the Inspector Generals of the Departments of State, Justice, Defense, and Homeland Security -- along with a fifth to the IG in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.


Asking that the recipients take seriously the possibility that the Muslim Brotherhood is becoming a security threat within the government of the United States itself.

The congressional group cited chapter and verse to back up their concerns. This included the reference in the State Department letter to Ms. Abedin, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's deputy chief of staff. As the letters were individualized to five different departments, Abedin was mentioned only in the State Department letter, with other people or issues mentioned as relevant to the respective department receiving each individual letters. So Abedin was most certainly not alone.

So why all the fuss from McCain and the others that focused on Huma? After all, the government itself has reported that an unwillingness to recognize the presence of Islamic extremism in the military is exactly what caused the Ft. Hood shootings by Maj. Nidal Hasan, a man whose sympathies with Islamic extremism was well-known but fatefully ignored by his superiors. What is so disreputable about raising the very same questions about Ms. Abedin, her security clearances, and the Muslim Brotherhood?

There are two serious points at issue here. Let's start with the Washington Establishment and Huma Abedin. Why all the fuss over the mention of Huma?

Because Ms. Abedin's prominence comes both because of her position in the State Department -- and her political connections through her husband.

Ms. Abedin, if known at all outside the corridors of Washington and Establishment power, is prominent because of her marriage to now-former New York Congressman Anthony Weiner. Yes, that Anthony Weiner, the Democrat who departed the House in haste when it became clear that was he was busy texting pictures of his… uh… nether regions to various women.

But as Bachmann and company point out, Ms. Abedin plays a much more serious role in her own job as a senior aide to Secretary Clinton. (Abedin also worked in the Clinton White House as well.)

The reason for the concern is expressed this way by Bachmann:

For example, according to "The Muslim Brotherhood in America: The Enemy Within," a product of the Center for Security Policy (, the Department's Deputy Chief of staff, Huma Abedin, has three family members -- her late father, her mother and her brother -- connected to Muslim Brotherhood operatives and/or organizations. Her position affords her routine access to the Secretary and to policy-making.

In other words, the concern from Bachmann is that Abedin's family has or had (in the case of her late father) close ties to a group that is dedicated to "destroying Western civilization from within." Or, as it is known, "civilization jihad."

To most Americans, the notion that a son or daughter is heavily influenced by family traditions and beliefs is a no-brainer. A sterling example of this would be no less than -- John McCain.

It is John McCain himself who famously presented himself in just this fashion in his bestselling book Faith of My Fathers. Here's how McCain's book is advertised on the book flap:

John McCain learned about life and honor from his grandfather and father, both four-star admirals in the U.S. Navy. This is a memoir about their lives, their heroism, and the ways that sons are shaped and enriched by their fathers.

Fair enough.

So if that common-sense wisdom applies to John McCain -- why not to Huma Abedin? Just as McCain learned about "the ways sons are shaped and enriched by their fathers" -- isn't it just possible -- or probable -- that the same exact thing could be said about a daughter named Huma Abedin? That Huma Abedin has been "shaped and enriched" by the Muslim Brotherhood-believing "ways" of her father, mother and brother?

And that those "ways" are now in some fashion influencing the policies that flow from the United States State Department precisely because Huma Abedin has the ear of the Secretary of State? And doubtless some degree of influence within the government bureaucracy?

Of course this is possible to any sentient observer.

But for having the brass to write these letters asking common sense questions that bear directly on national security, suddenly Michele Bachmann is under attack. From Republicans! And not just Senator McCain, either.

Speaker of the House John Boehner jumped into the fray, saying that "from everything I do know of her [Abedin] she has a sterling character, and I think accusations like this being thrown around are pretty dangerous."

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rodgers piled on saying: "I have no information in my committee that would indicate that Huma is anything other than an American patriot." Catch that first name reference?

Bachmann herself has stuck by her guns, responding to her critics by saying this to Glenn Beck:

After the Fort Hood tragedy, a report was issued that said the real problem in our government is that we are not teaching FBI agents or our military to recognize radical Islam. So that's what we need to do. We need to teach about it.

Read the rest here.


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  • I sent Boehner and McCain e-mails. McCain has not responded claiming that he only responds to his constituents. Nothing from Boehner either. Here is the problem. All of our Representatives, and Senators, claim they only answer to their constituents, however, when they pass laws, the laws they pass affect all of us, not only their constituents, so why are we all not their constituents seeing as how what they do affects all of us. I think it would be wise if they came out with some sort of understand that if they receive a mail then they answer that mail, no matter who it is from.

    • I agree they are suppost to be there for all the people not just their constituents

  • Twana, let me explain this. It is a personal experience. I was a Counterintelligent Agent (assigned to Fort Hood) and during my work I received a phone call from an Army Officer's wife. She was curious as to why a civilian would be asking certain questions concerning the new air field at Hood (this was back in 1970). So, I had her and her husband meet me at my office. Afterwards, I began an investigation on this civilian. He met and enrolled military men into sub-courses at LaSalle University. His position gave him open access. Upon the end of my investigation, I learned that he was a sleeper agent. I classified my report TS and took it to the Hood commanding officer. He informed me that he knew this person, had a few drinks with him, etc, etc and that I was to forget it. I said to him, what do I do with my report (just to see where he was headed). He said, put it in your files. Yeah, right. I knew what I had. I walked into the FBI office and into the SAC's office. I knew him and he knew me. I handed him my report. He said, "Are you kidding?" I of course said, no but his question was not one asking for an answer. He informed me that he would take care of this. He copied my report. The next thing I heard was that the salesman for LaSalle was apprehended and shipped out of our country and sent back to Russia. A sleeper agent? You betcha. Was he dealt with? You betcha. But that was back in 1970. Things in this country have since changed, and all for the worse.

    • Ronald.... The commanding officer at Ft Hood should have been put on report.

      Thanks for your diligence, your service and for sharing this story. It should inspire us all to follow what we believe, even in the face of adversity.


      • I did report to the FBI what the General said. But, unless you want to destroy yourself, you do not put a General on report so I did the next best thing. Seeing as how the US Army was my professional career, I thought it best to do exactly what I did. I do not think that General made another star though. That was a long time ago and I could not even tell you what his name was. As a side note, one needs to be careful of following what they believe without some positive proof to back them up.

        • I got it... cooler heads prevail... and in the end the sleeper agent was sent packing... well done and thanks again.

  • Both Are Political RINOs!

  • We have become so "open-minded" that our brains have fallen out.


  • Why is Boehner giving Bachman a hard time?  I have to truly wonder about his head so far up his rear end that he is completely separated from reality?  Or has he or his family been threatened personnally by the regime if he does not play along.  I have seen too many dissenters killed or die mysterious deaths in the past few years.  I do believe that this corrupt govt of ours has learned a lot from their muslim cohorts......threaten loved ones of dissenters and they will cooperate with your agenda to save the lives of those that they love.  It's the only explanation I can come up with that explains these behaviors by the likes of McCain and Boehner.....many of the top military brass who appear to have bought into the obozo agenda and several legislators who might otherwise be strongly voicing opposition to the crap they are witnessing.....does anyone else think this or am I just plain crazed? 

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