She helped produce a film with Theo Van Gogh which criticized Islam's treatment of women. Van Gogh was shot to death by a Muslim in retaliation, and a note was pinned to his chest with a knife — a note that threatened Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
She made her way to the United States, and has since written two books critical of Islam:Infidel andNomad: From Islam to America: A Personal Journey Through the Clash of Civilizations.

Is Wafa Sultan a racist? She was born and raised in Syria, and was trained as a psychiatrist.
On February 21, 2006, she took part in an Al Jazeera discussion program, arguing with the hosts about Samuel P. Huntington'sClash of Civilizations theory.A six-minute composite video of her response was widely circulated on blogs and through email. The New York Times estimated it was seen at least one million times. In the video she criticized Muslims for treating non-Muslims differently, and for not recognizing the accomplishments of Jews and other non-Muslims. The video was the most-discussed video of all time with over 260,000 comments on YouTube.

Warraq founded theInstitute for the Secularisation of Islamic Society. He is a senior research fellow at the Center for Inquiry, focusing on Quranic criticism.
Warraq is the author of seven books, includingWhy I Am Not a Muslim andLeaving Islam. He has spoken at the United Nations "Victims of Jihad" conference organized by the International Humanist and Ethical Union alongside speakers such as Bat Ye'or, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and Simon Deng.

Is Tapan Ghosh a racist? The president ofHindu Samhati, he speaks all over India and the United States aboutthe ongoing Islamic invasion of West Bengal.
Inan article about him, a correspondent wrote, "A life of 25 years of relentless service has strengthened the resolve of Tapan Ghosh to unite Hindu masses to fight against injustice and the oppressive attitude of the authorities in the face of ever-increasing Islamist aggression."
Ghosh said, "As someone who has suffered enormously from the Islamist onslaught in eastern India, both after the partition of India as well as the partition of erstwhile Pakistan to form Bangladesh, Islamic terrorism has deeply affected my life and the life of millions in the Indian subcontinent. The horrific events of 1971 where nearly 3 million Bengalis, mostly Hindus were exterminated by the Pakistani military regime left an everlasting impression on me. Since then, I have worked relentlessly for the service and upliftment of people reeling under the scourge of radical Islam."

Her book, "Islam Needs a Sexual Revolution," was scheduled for publication in Germany in 2009. In an interview in January 2008 on National Public Radio, Ates stated that she was in hiding and would not be working on Muslim women's behalf publicly (including in court) due to the threats against her.
Ates is the author of the article,Human Rights Before Religion: Have we forgotten to protect women in our bid to accommodate practices carried out in the name of Islam?

On May 15, 1986, Bok was captured and enslaved at age seven during an Islamic militia raid on the village of Nymlal. Slavery is a standard feature oforthodox Islam. Bok lived in bondage for ten years before escaping imprisonment in Kurdufan, followed by a journey to the United States by way of Cairo, Egypt.Read more of his story here.
Bok's autobiography,Escape from Slavery, chronicles his life from his early youth and his years in captivity, to his work in the United States as an abolitionist.

Darwish foundedFormer Muslims United with Ibn Warraq, an organization dedicated, in part, to helping Muslims reject the inherent intolerance, violence, and supremacism in their doctrine.
Darwish is the author of two books critical of Islam,Cruel and Usual Punishment: The Terrifying Global Implications of Islamic Law, andNow They Call Me Infidel: Why I Renounced Jihad for America, Israel, and the War on Terror.
And she is an outspokencritic of Sharia law.

Is Brigitte Gabriel a racist? She's an Arab, born in Lebanon. Gabriel watched her country become an Islamic state. Lebanon was a Christian country and "the jewel of the Middle East" when she was young. But the Muslims in Lebanon, supported by Syria and Iran, slowly became more militant until they turned the country into a war zone.
She made her way to America only to find, to her horror, theMuslim Brotherhood here in her newly adopted country, going down the same road. She decided to warn her fellow Americans about the dire results you can expect from appeasing orthodox Muslims, so she foundedACT! for America, a grassroots organization dedicated to educating the public aboutIslam's prime directive.
Gabriel is the author of two books,They Must Be Stopped: Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam and How We Can Do It, andBecause They Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America.

By the time Gabriel was twelve years old he had memorized the Quran completely. After graduating from Al-Azhar University with a Master's degree, he was offered a position as a lecturer at the university. During his research, which involved travel to Eastern and Western countries, Gabriel became more distant from Islam, finding its history, "from its commencement to date, to be filled with violence and bloodshed without any worthwhile ideology or sense of decency. I asked myself 'What religion would condone such destruction of human life?' Based on that, I began to see that the Muslim people and their leaders were perpetrators of violence."
On hearing that Gabriel had "forsaken Islamic teachings" the authorities of Al Azhar expelled him from the University on 17 December, 1991 and asked for him to be released from the post of Imam in the mosque of Amas Ebn Malek in Giza city. The Egyptian secret police then seized Gabriel and placed him in a cell without food and water for three days, after which he was tortured and interrogated for four days before being transferred to Calipha prison in Cairo and released without charge a week later. He escaped Egypt and has since written several books, including,Islam and Terrorism.

After the September 11 attacks in 2001, Shoebat began to criticize Islam publicly. He has appeared on mainstream media around the world and has been an expert witness on a number of documentaries on orthodox Islam.
Shoebat argues that parallels exist between radical Islam and Nazism. He says, "Secular dogma like Nazism is less dangerous than Islamofascism that we see today...because Islamofascism has a religious twist to it; it says 'God theAlmighty ordered you to do this'...It is trying to grow itself in fifty-five Muslim states. So potentially, you could have a success rate of several Nazi Germanys, if these people get their way."

At the age of 12, he noticed a man from his village due to the man's "shilluk" — a series of raised welts across the forehead. It's a tribal marking Deng has also. The man summoned a distant relative of Deng's who happened to be nearby. With his kinsman's help, the boy was able to escape.
Having escaped slavery and emigrated to the United States, Deng travels the country addressing audiences which range from the United Nations to middle school students. His speeches focus on education and the anti-slavery movement. Deng is now a warner of the horrors of unchecked Islam and Sharia. "I was victimized in the name of Islam," he says.

Suseelan is the author of several published articles on jihadi terrorism and cognitive psychology. He has been an invited speaker at international conferences on Islamic militancy.
He speaks around the world, trying to educate people about orthodox Islam and the danger it poses to the free world.

Phares has testified before committees of the U.S. State, Justice, Defense and Homeland Security Departments, the United States Congress, the European Parliament, the United Nations Security Council.
His writings expose the political nature embedded in Islamic doctrine, and seeks to find solutions to the problems that presents the West. His books include,The Confrontation: Winning the War against Future Jihad, andThe War of Ideas: Jihadism against Democracy.

One of Baran's key areas of specialization is countering the spread of radical Turkish Islamist ideology in Europe and Eurasia.
Baran has criticized European and American governments for working too closely with groups or individuals that espouse an Islamist ideology. She argues that such engagement actually works against U.S. and European interests.
Baran recently wrote an article for The Weekly Standard on this very subject. In it, she advocates a kind of "litmus test" for deciding who and what type of Muslim groups the U.S. government should engage with. Baran argues that "the deciding factor must be ideology: Is the group Islamist or not?" She believes that the Muslim Brotherhood, Hizbullah, and Hizb ut-Tahrir fail her test.

A former Lieutenant Commander in the United States Navy, Jasser served 11 years as a medical officer. He is a nationally recognized expert in the contest of ideas against Political Islam and American Islamist organizations. On October 1, 2009, Jasser briefed members of Congress on the threat of Political Islam. He regularly briefs members of the House and Senate congressional anti-terror caucuses.

In 2005, Allam published an article calling for a ban on building mosques in Italy. In a piece accusing mosques of fostering hate, he claimed Italy is suffering from "mosque-mania."
In a public letter to the editor, Allam stated that Islam was inseparable from Islamic extremism. Criticising Islam itself, rather than Islamic extremism, Allam argued: "I asked myself how it was possible that those who, like me, sincerely and boldly called for a 'moderate Islam,' assuming the responsibility of exposing themselves in the first person in denouncing Islamic extremism and terrorism, ended up being sentenced to death in the name of Islam on the basis of the Quran. I was forced to see that, beyond the contingency of the phenomenon of Islamic extremism and terrorism that has appeared on a global level, the root of evil is inherent in an Islam that is physiologically violent and historically conflictive."

Farshad Kholghi is a well known figure from public debates in Denmark. As is the case for most everyone debating Islam, he has been accused of racism (which, given his ethnicity, is ironic), and of presenting "right-wing" political views.Farshad rhetorically inquired: "Is it 'right-wing' to stand for womens' rights? Is it 'right-wing' to criticize religion? Is it 'right-wing' to defend freedom of expression? Is it 'right-wing' to defend the right of the individual over that of the ideology? If so, then yes, I present right-wing political views.
Farshad strongly encourages participating in public debate, to not fear religious fanaticism, but rather to ridicule them and their abuse of power through the application of the best of Western values, including open discussion, scrutiny of Islamic organizations and the healthy tradition of satire and ridicule of hypocritical, corrupt and exploitative religious leaders.

Tibi had eighteen visiting professorships in all continents. Tibi was visiting senior fellow at Yale University when he retired in 2009. The same year, he published his life's work, a book entitled,Islam's Predicament with Cultural Modernity.

Toameh was formerly a senior reporter for The Jerusalem Report, and a correspondent for Al-Fajr, which he describes as a mouthpiece for the PLO. He has produced several documentaries on the Palestinians for the BBC, Channel 4, Australian, Danish and Swedish TV, including ones that exposed the connection between Arafat and payments to the armed wing of Fatah, as well as the financial corruption within the Palestinian Authority.
He was the first journalist to report about the sex scandal that rocked the Palestinian Authority in early 2010 and which led to the firing of Rafiq Husseini, Chief of Staff for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. The scandal was revealed by former Palestinian intelligence official Fahmi Shabaneh in an exclusive interview with Toameh in The Jerusalem Post. One of Toameh's more famous articles is,Where Are the Voices of "Moderate" Muslims?

In a 2009 Wall Street Journal article, Hamid said that Islam shouldprove it's a religion of peace, and called Islamic scholars and clerics, "to produce a Shariah book that will be accepted in the Islamic world and that teaches that Jews are not pigs and monkeys, that declaring war to spread Islam is unacceptable, and that killing apostates is a crime."
Hamid has written opinion pieces for The Wall Street Journal, includingIslam Needs To Prove It's A Religion Of Peace,How to End Islamophobia andThe Trouble with Islam.
Okay, this list of prominent critics of Islam could go on indefinitely. If you think criticizing Islam is racist, can you tell me exactly what race they are all criticizing? Of course not. Calling criticism of Islam "racist" is a manipulative, underhanded slander. The accurate name is "critic." All the people above are engaged in religious criticism, criticism of an ideology, and political commentary, all of which are desirable, necessary, vital components of a free society.
Some people who criticize Islamare racists. That does not mean criticizing Islam is racism. It's also true that some people who criticize Islam are socialists, but it would be foolish to say criticizing Islam is socialism.
Islam is not a race. There are Muslims of every race. The largest Muslim country is Indonesia. There are more non-Arab Muslims than Arab Muslims. Criticism of Islam is not racism.
Most people trying to silence criticism of Islam know full well Islam is not a race. But the slander is effective in the free world. The mereimplication can ruin a political career or get someone fired. So while it's not true — and most people saying itknow it's not true — it is an effective weapon of censorship nonetheless.
I hope this list, once and for all, will make anyone who says "criticizing Islam is racist" look ridiculous. I hope this removes that absurd slur from public conversation forevermore. Am I hoping for too much? Every time you read or hear anyone using "racism" to silence criticism of Islam, respond with this list and see what happens.
That's a shame, I really wanted to be called a racist by those muslim scum
Oh, I don't know? Criticizing a religion that blows people up. Kills their wives and daughters because THEY got raped. And riots just over trivial stuff like burning the Koran,or making fun of Muhammad to me seems legit.
considering that Islam is a form of government, not a religion, then NO it's not even close to being racists to speak against ISLAM , check out Ann Barnhardt's you tube for some real education on this .
I would suggest that a better read would be "ISLAMIC IMPERIALISM" by Efraim Karsh.
Check it out.
Thanks for the post. According to the Koran, all muslims must work towards SHARIA LAW throughout the world. To me that means you, as a muslim, must work towards this goal of world domination. All those that resist this preaching of Mohammed shall be beheaded. When my freinds say there are "good" muslims, I say: "Yes, but only to other muslims". To me it means that all muslims are my enemy. If anyone can prove me wrong, please try.
If we allow it to continue, this ALYNSKY Tactic of Attacking the Messenger If They are unable to respond to the Message will be our achilles Heel. This is simply That.... if they cannot answer the question without showing their hand then YOU must be a Racist.
Just this morning I was casually referring to a tactic that is being used by AN INDIAN COUPLE AND A PAKISTANI COUPLE IN ORDER TO QUALIFY FOR MEDICAID by transferring known assets to other family members in order to appear to be at or below our poverty level (living in their $250K Home).
When I mentioned this tactic and who was using it, I was called..... RACIST! Instead of clamming up..I immediately responded by asking... "What do mean Racist.... This is Reality!!" The Attacker immediately backed off and indicated he did not mean what he just spoke.
The Rules for Radicals ONLY works if you are willing to play their game. Let's continue with Our Rules...!! They are called the BILL OF RIGHTS and have served us well for over 250 years. Care to try for another 250??
Right on, unfortunately there is only very few people which do comprehend the seriousness of the Muslim's infiltration, which goes all the way to the very top of the government.
The mooslimes had me tossed off of Yahoo Answers for telling the truth about their queerane. They are the racist ones.
I am going to say something very direct.
If one of those ragheads comes to my door telling me that under Sharia law I have no 1st Amendment rights, I will prove him wrong with my SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHTS!
You are a man of few words, but you do get your unmistakable point across.
You are welcome in my humble abode anytime!
You are correct, a muzzle blast will cover up the "Ragheads" objections to the First and Second Amendments.
Remember,"Yee reap, as yee sow,... so don't use a shot gun in side the house unless you want to redecorate the room!