Opposing fascism, Marxism, totalitarianism, socialized medicine, government ownership and control of private industryCanada Free PressBy JB Williams Wednesday, August 5, 2009Clearly, if you oppose fascism, Marxism, totalitarianism, socialized medicine, government ownership and control of private industry and a central power rushing to bankrupt the nation by “wasting the labors of the people under the false pretense of taking care of them,” as Thomas Jefferson put it, you are a “racist” according to Obama and his many mindless minions.But when did opposing policies and principles wholly at odds with founding American ideals become an act of “racism,” much less qualify one as a “potential domestic terrorist,” as suggested by Obama’s Department of Homeland Security?It happened in November 2008, that’s when...When America’s biggest “racists” of all time, cast their votes strictly on the basis of Obama’s skin color, in their childish effort to “make history” without realizing that the so-called “black man” has by far more Caucasian and Arab blood in his veins than African blood, that’s the moment at which opposing anti-American policies became an act of “racism.”From that moment forward, anyone opposed to the anti-American agenda of the hardcore Democratic Socialists in DC, would be labeled a “racist.”Not because it has anything whatsoever to do with race or racism, but because labeling people “racist” in 21st Century America, is one of the fastest ways to silence the voice of dissent. Once honest dissent has been silenced, labeled an act of “racism” in modern America, all facts are off the table and the left is free to spread its lies, without opposition.The message is assassinated along with the messenger. Watch how fast I’ll be labeled a “racist” on message boards across the web, just for pointing out this reality.... The message is true and accurate, but will be immediately discredited by the assertion that the messenger is “racist.”But is Race Really the Issue?Is individual freedom and liberty really just a “white folk” tool for keeping “black folk” down, as the good Rev. Wright proclaimed from the pulpit during the twenty years Obama sat in his pew?I have apparently spent my life under the false belief that individual freedom and liberty was meant for every American citizen, no matter race, creed, religion or skin tone. Until recently, I had no idea that it was only a “white folk” set of principles and values.Now that I see it is an “act of racism” to stand up for these fundamental beliefs, I am a bit confused.I also thought that individual freedom and liberty was a fundamental precept for both Republicans and Democrats. Now it seems a set of principles shared only by Independents, Libertarians and Constitutionalists, aka “birthers.”I believed the Founders when they said; “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”Although I knew from history class that the men who wrote those words were “white folks,” I had no clue that they wrote those words only for “white folks.” By “all men,” I thought they meant “all mankind,” of all races, genders, creeds, religions and colors. Foolish me…Now I find out that only “greedy white racists” believe in these founding American concepts. You can imagine my sense of shock and dismay at this news…Isn’t it Really about Fascism, not Racism?As every political debate on earth can be boiled down to individual power vs. centralized government power, isn’t the debate really more about that than race?It’s in vogue to call “capitalists” (aka those who believe in individual economic freedom and liberty) “fascists” today. The left not only labels all dissenters “racists,” but “fascists” too, just in case the one false label doesn’t silence the dissent. But again, how accurate is their claim?“a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.” - FascismLet’s take a close look at who qualifies as “fascists” today...* Believe me, a leftist White House with a leftist congress, leftist courts, leftist academia and leftist press, is a “dictator with complete power.” They are now refusing even to meet with constituents opposed to the very agenda they intend to bulldoze down American throats, in a blatant act of dictatorial tyranny.* We see this in their overt efforts to “forcibly suppress opposition and criticism,” by labeling all honest dissenters “racists” and/or “fascists,” viciously attacking all voices of dissent, even threatening dissenters with charges of “domestic terrorism.”* Hasn’t the Obama administration spent its first six months in power “regimenting all industry and commerce?” Banking, auto manufacturing, energy and health...* Isn’t Obama’s central message on all of it, ”emphasizing an aggressive nationalism,” from nationalized medicine to federally owned and mandated auto manufacturing, control of private energy use, nationalized banking and even nationalized codes on individual conduct and thought patterns?* And hasn’t the left built all of its power on their perfected art of “racial divisions?”Clearly, the new administration is the epitome of “fascism.” Yet their many minions fail to see the fascism in their leader’s deeds, and project their own fascist use of central power to run roughshod over fellow Americans, upon those who fight against all forms of fascism, both foreign and domestic, with their last breath.Once again, the left is guilty of that which they accuse their political opponents.Doing the MathUnder the heading of ”The White House - Blog Post - Facts Are Stubborn Things” --the Obama White House is now asking for American citizens to rat on their fellow citizens if they happen to oppose socialized medicine and the government confiscation of 1/7th of the entire US economy in their so-called “Universal Health” plan.If that isn’t a tyrannical “brown shirt” move reminiscent of an Adolf Hitler style of fascism, I don’t know what is…If you own a bible, or guns, or a bumper sticker which in any way opposes the Obama administration, speak out against ObamaCare, or Government Motors, dare to mention God in a public forum, or God forbid, attend a TEA Party, Obama’s DHS (Department of Homeland Security) has already laid down the ground rules for your arrest, internment and re-education in their report labeling all such American citizens as “potential domestic terrorists.”Allegations are already surfacing, that Obama administration officials have gone so far as to threaten members of the mainstream press and their families, if they dare to question Obama’s constitutional qualifications for office, even though the entire world knows that Obama’s entire life remains a complete mystery, locked up in his birth, college, adoption and passport records, which NOBODY has found a way to access.Why all the Vicious Attacks and Threats from O-bots?As the Heritage Foundation points out, Polls from National Public Radio, Wall Street Journal/NBC News, The Washington Post,Gallup, and Pewall show that the American people DO NOT support President Barack Obama’s Marxist health care plan.But according to Obama & Co., ”The People are Spreading “Disinformation” About ObamaCare.”As HotAir reports, According to DNC Communications Director Brad Woodhouse, “Republicans and their allied groups --desperate after losing two consecutive elections and every major policy fight on Capitol Hill --are inciting angry mobs of a small number of rabid right wing extremists funded by K Street Lobbyists to disrupt thoughtful discussions about the future of health care in America taking place in Congressional Districts across the country.”As a result, Democrats have cancelled “town-hell” meetings with constituents back home over the congressional recess, because they DO NOT want to confront “angry mobs” of average Americans furious at the march to unbridled Marxism taking place against their will in Washington DC.Of course, K Street Lobbyists are NOT funding the “angry mobs” showing up at “town-hell” meetings across the country. Like the false accusations of “racism” and “fascism,” the claim of “lobbyist funded” angry voters is also an outright lie intended to completely discredit the voice of honest dissent coming from millions of American taxpayers who still prefer freedom over Obama’s false promise of “free-stuff.”Besides, get real! Who knows more about laundering funny-money into anti-American political agenda’s than Obama and his Chicago Cabal, which made career political corruption an art form?This isn’t Going Well for ObamaThis isn't going well for obamaThe last time we saw Americans so ready to do battle with Washington DC was when DC leftists tried to pander for the illegal immigrant vote via their anti-American Amnesty bill, and the American people locked up government Internet servers and phone lines until DC Marxists gave up on passing Amnesty for twenty million illegal migrants, just to save their own necks.The time before that was when First Lady Hitlery Clinton tried to pass her version of “Universal Health Care,” referred to as “HillaryCare.”Once again, with leftists in control of DC, here we are with the American people trying to shut down the leftist march to Marxism, and once again, the baseless cries of “racism,” --"fascism" and “right-wing” conspiracies flood the leftist MSM airwaves and headlines as a Marxist federal juggernaut runs head-on into the average American.But this time, Obama, Pelosi and Reid are convinced that they can ram all of it down Americans throats against their will because at the moment, they don’t need a single Republican vote to do it. Republicans are not losing the debate, there is no debate.There are NO checks and balances in places in Washington DC at present and the left knows that they can muster the votes to ram anything they want through congress. The only thing standing in their way is the average American voter, who is clearly running out of tolerance for their heavy-handed fascist tactics, and their overt intentions to ram it all through regardless of how American citizens feel about it.If they think Americans are “angry mobs” now, just wait until those “angry mobs” become convinced that no amount of talking or protesting is going to get the job done.They’re angry alright, but they are still civil. Told to shut up, labeled “racists” and “mob fascists,” and cut off from any reasonable dialogue with their government employees who are telling them to go to hell, angry words could become something much worse.The people are growing SO fed up that an emergency round of “Recess Rallies” has been called across the country, whereby “angry mobs” can gather to discuss how to deal with an increasingly tyrannical power in Washington DC. Don’t expect to see a single Democrat member of congress show up at any of them… They’re in DEEP trouble with voters and they know it! Every public opinion poll shows it.If you are one of the “angry” American patriots fed up with federal tyranny under this bogus anti-American regime, make sure to attend a “Recess Rally” in your area. The people are awake and they are organizing. Here’s information on how to get involved in the constitutional governance of your country, while you still can.Many of the original groups behind TaxDayTeaParty.com are joining together for the Nationwide Recess Rally. This is a collaborative effort to make it known that we will not stand for socialized, government controlled healthcare.

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