Lets see how fast the public opinion changes once they, ISIS Terrorist Use Weapons Grade Depleted Uranium As A Dirty Bomb.

  But of course, some opinions state Depleted Uranium, does not cause harmful side effects to humans. Its all fake news.


Published on Jun 19, 2017 by TTTG Networking

 ISIS Terrorist & Weapons Grade Depleted Uranium, a content most news media forums do not talk about. And I find it amazing how easy it is to find the documents on line, of the how to. I wonder if the word dirty bombs is still used by our officials in office.
With all the Military power of the UN, NATO, and OTAN, combined with the united efforts of so many countries, only Russia under President Putin has caused more damage to ISIS, then all the combined forces put together.
My Opinion Of Course !

  ISIS & Weapons Grade Depleted Uranium-YouTube




 Following the resolution of Operation Desert Storm in 1991, American troops returned home to a rousing welcome from a grateful public. But for many of these veterans, their war had just begun. Widespread incidents of memory loss, eyesight impairment and cancer were reported among the troops, and their offspring born after the conflict often presented with physical abnormalities and severely debilitating conditions like leukemia. Were these the effects of some highly advanced form of post-traumatic stress syndrome, or something else?
But of course the past is forgotten by many.

8142515269?profile=original  Born at the Burnt Land- YouTube


Born At The Burnt Land
by onderkoffer

Topics uranium, iraq, US army

Following the resolution of Operation Desert Storm in 1991, American troops returned home to a rousing welcome from a grateful public. But for many of these veterans, their war had just begun. Widespread incidents of memory loss, eyesight impairment and cancer were reported among the troops, and their offspring born after the conflict often presented with physical abnormalities and severely debilitating conditions like leukemia. Were these the effects of some highly advanced form of post-traumatic stress syndrome, or something else?

The troubling answers to that mystery lay the foundation for Born at the Burnt Land, a thought-provoking exploration of the deadly unforeseen complications which linger long after a war has come to a close. In the case of the Gulf War, these complications weren't limited to American troops. Many Iraqi citizens experienced these symptoms as well, particularly those who resided closest to the regions of battle.

Thus, health investigators began an exhaustive search to uncover the possible culprits behind these mystifying illnesses and maladies. The single common denominator among the afflicted was an exposure to depleted uranium, a hazardous element used to create various destructive weapons of war. Essentially a waste product of the nuclear industry, depleted uranium is an inexpensive ingredient used in the construction of protective armor and projectile weaponry such as missiles and bullets. It also contains the most elevated toxicity level of all the elements, and burns at an alarmingly high temperature. When even the smallest amount of depleted uranium is absorbed within the body, its presence remains for an entire life span as it "attaches" itself to a person's DNA and causes irreparable damage.

In spite of these findings, United States government and Iraqi Ministry of Health officials hesitate to confirm the harmful consequences associated with the use of depleted uranium. The film speculates that this defiant stance is motivated in large part by greed. After all, weapons manufacturing is big business, and the banning of depleted uranium could result in a significant loss of revenue. Relying on the expertise of assorted scientists and health officials, Born at the Burnt Land makes a compelling and harrowing argument for change, and successfully shows that the wounds of war can often resound for generations.

Producer onderkoffer
Audio/Visual sound, color

Weapons Grade
Depleted Uranium


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  • 8143126055?profile=original

  • In order for the US to admit to the existence of this stuff they would have to admit that Saddam Hussein did have weapons of mass destruction. We can forget that - they will never admit G.W. Bush may have been right.
    #2) The us would also have to admit that our US troops were exposed in battle and, just like Agent-Orange, they would have to admit many of those troops into VA hospitals for treatments. Again - Forget about that. The government will never admit it.

    Next question;; How long will it be before we seen this stuff here on our American soils?????

    Great stuff,,, If they could get it into the water supply,, they could kill half the city of New York and no one would even know what hit them.

    The only place in the world that this mess is a deep dark secret is here in the USA.

    The only other country on earth that has killed more ISIS militants than the US is Russia,,,,,, Maybe that explains why the left-wing democrats are fighting President Trump so hard to make sure he can NOT negotiate and cooperate with Putin. If the US and Russia were to negotiate a shared war against ISIS they would be in real trouble. Something the Obama administration does not want.

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