Islam On A Collision Course

The Patriots News

When he was asked why the vast majority of Egyptians, the heirs to a great pre-Islamic civilization, speak Arabic rather than Coptic, a leading Egyptian historian replied: “Because we had no Ferdowsi,” the tenth-century Persian poet and the author of the Shahnameh (Book of Kings) who revived, not only the Persian language, but Persian identity. He is known for his efforts to save the Persian language, and the history, from oblivion. It has been noted that Ferdowsi is Iran’s Homer:


“Twice as long as Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey taken together, the Shahnameh blends Iran’s ancient myths and legends with accounts of major events in its past. Its 55,000 rhyming couplets chart the history of the Iranian world from its creation to the fall of the Persian Empire in the seventh century.”


The cruel successful subjugation of the Persian people by the Arab invaders whetted their appetite for further conquests. They ventured into the civilized world—to Egypt, Syria, the Levant, Spain, and eventually to the gates of Vienna. Cruelty and terror were their instruments of policy.


Out of all the peoples conquered by the Arab invasion in the seventh century, the Persians are the only ones who can boast of a major literature in the indigenous language that they were using before the conquest. The Persian language, culture and traditions have been Iranians’ shields against the Muslim hordes and their barbaric Islamic ideology for the past 1400 years. 


In English, this language is historically known as “Persian”, though some Persian speakers migrating to the West continued to use inaccurately and inappropriately the word “Farsi” to identify their language in English. This word gained some circulation in English-speaking countries. “Farsi” is encountered in some linguistic literature as a name for the language, used both by Iranians and by foreign authors.  But in fact, Farsi is the Arabized form of the native word Parsi.  Due to a lack of the ‘p’ phoneme in standard Arabic language, the word Farsi was born. The Academy of Persian Language and Literature has declared that the name “Persian” is more appropriate, as it has the longer tradition in the western languages and better expresses the role of the language as a mark of cultural and national continuity.


The enumerating of the influences of Iranian civilization on the world cultures is not the primary objective of this author and is out of the scope of the present article. It is important, however, to demonstrate the salient point of how Islam has been on a collision course with great ancient civilizations such as Egypt, Persia and many more from its inception up to now. Just as it brutally conquered and bitterly stifled one of the fountainheads of progress in ancient countries, Islam still remains a very real threat to Western Civilization and to any progressive civil society in the 21st century. It is virulently capable of great destruction and retardation of minds, as we have seen in the past three decades in Iran and elsewhere.  Any and all enlightened citizens of this planet who care about freedom, human rights and progress should take this clear and present danger very seriously.


Egypt is one of the crown jewels of the ancient world that is rich in culture and filled with illustrious antiquities. Unlike the Persians, the Egyptians became completely Arabized and have little or no nostalgia for their ancient past. Islam has dominated the Egyptian’s lives. Pew’s Global Attitude Project poll shows that the Egyptians want more Islam in politics.


Originally, the population of Egypt was made up of Christian Copts and estimated to have been about nine million at the time of the Islamic invasion of 641 AD. Today, Copts form almost 15% to 18% of Egypt’s population. The Arab conquerors imposed a special tax, known as Jizya, on the Christians who acquired the status of dhimmis. Egyptian converts to Islam, in turn, were relegated to the status of mawali.


Early on, the Prophet Muhammad explicitly said, “There is no compulsion in religion.” He further confirmed that admonition, “For you, your religion; and for me, my religion.” But as soon as he gathered enough power, he violated those exhortations and set out to force his belief and way of life on others at the point of the sword. Further, he conveniently ignored his own teaching by unsheathing his sword at “the people of the book”—Jews and Christians. He spared them death only if they converted or consented to pay the backbreaking religious taxes of Jazya.


I believe that people in the West and in America are beginning to see the real face of Islam and the danger it poses to the secular democratic societies. In the past, Islam succeeded in largely displacing the magnificent Persian civilization with a primitive myopic discriminatory system of belief. Presently, once again with renewed vigor, Islam is aiming to destroy another civilization—the Judeo-Christian civilization, a civilization that constitutes a living falsification of the Islamic primitive and backward creed. Islamofascism presents a clear and present danger, not only to Western civilization, but to the entire civilized world as is evidenced by the ruling Islamists in places such as Iran, the Sudan, Somalia, and Saudi Arabia.


With the current Egyptian uprising, the very notion of rapidly advancing 1.5 billion human beings from illiteracy and barbaric 7th century mentality up to 21st century western standards of democracy is an utter impossibility. Over 60% of the ‘Muslim world’ (excluding Iran) are illiterate and are only Quran trained. The task is insurmountable, in my opinion. I believe first and foremost, we must free the Iranian people, draw them back into our Western civilization and declare Islam a defunct ideology that has simply failed in Iran.


While the Egyptian demonstrators are as much against Hosni Mubarak as his tyrannical regime, they don’t mind having ‘Sharia Law’ injected into their day-to-day life. On the contrary, the 2009 Iranian protests were just as much against the Islamic Republic as they were against Shi’a Islam. In fact, much of it was against Islam itself. People have experienced what a primitive and defective system of belief Islam is and aim to abandon it for good. In fact, millions of Iranians representing the entire spectrum of society are demanding change from the repressive Islamic theocracy to an open secular democracy.


Young Iranians, particularly the urban educated Iranians, are among the most ardent believers in democracy in the world. Many view America as the country that holds the best hope for spreading and protecting the high ideals of democracy. In a sense, many Iranians feel a closer affinity with a democratic Israel than all the neighboring Arab Muslim dictatorships. Although Islam was imposed on Iran some 1400 years ago, Iranians deeply value their own ancient non-Arab identity and have never fully surrendered to the Arab culture. During the bloodletting past war, initiated by the late Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein against Iran, all Arab states sided with the ‘Butcher of Baghdad’ against Iran. Yet, Israel was the only Middle Eastern country that remained neutral and in fact helped Iran in the struggle. We Iranians don’t forget our friends and we also remember our enemies.


While I’m worried that the Muslim Brotherhood will take over this quasi popular revolt in Egypt, I am also hopeful that the Iranian patriots will see the Egyptian demonstrations and be inspired to make yet another try at toppling the loathed mullahcracy in Iran.


Amil Imani

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  • Is someone trying to tell me that I will soon be having to pay a dhimmis Tax whether I want to or not because OBAMA has given his buddies the authority to tax me? 

    Will this be put into force by our own IRS Crooks under their ATF laws as ususal.

    Here come de shaft again - where is de judge.

  • Guess we now know why Barry remained silent during those protests in Iran.
  • Prior post on the muslim tax - demitude.  Or have we all forgotten several days that level of discussion.


    Demitude mentined in the Obama Health Plan.


    Demitude the law.


    Homeland Security turning their backs on Arizona.


    The Quran found in the Arizona Desert.


    The Ports are unsecure when they took the eyes of the Longshoremen off the Ports of Security areas by Contracting out the jobs - 2009 and 2010 era.


    Who owns the mechanisms to control the ports - the money changers.


    Location of Federal Trade Zones full of Chineese and other foreigners near the unsecure ports.


    Muslim control - dimitude - you the passive bystander gets the tax ax.





    Obama the Muslim.



    • Multiple Qurans and prayer rugs and those caps too; like the Jews' yarmulke only the Muslim version thereof.  The Border Patrol caught one of the radical clerics being smuggled up from Mexico just within the past week, in the trunk of some man with an Anglo name's car at the CA border.  He's in jail last I heard.  That was in the Border Patrol's own reports that they issue daily.
  • I back the Persians, they are not all inbred slobbering scum like most of the Arabs.  Islam as we all know is not known for sane rational behavior. These people are for the most part inbred because of their Koran allowing them to intermarry with family members. So they are not all there mentally. They refuse to change for the better, they are all about murder, rape, hatred and destruction. May their cult be wiped from the face of the earth!
    • Not allowing, REQUIRING the inbreeding; a father can't arrange another marriage for his daughter before her first cousin declares to the father he has NO  interest in marrying the daughter!  There's supposed to be a law against it in Egypt, but it happens anyway.
  • I have 4 pages about Islam on my site my Site

    And it more or less says Islam is a ism like communism / socialism

    • Islam is a cult religion, with many similarities to communism/socialism/Marxism, except in the latter it's the state {nation, government} that is the deity, but both seek total control over everyone's life.  The difference between Islam and most other religions, except socialism, is that it does have a political aspect that seeks total control of every living being, and every aspect of everyone's life; in that respect the 2 are the same.

This reply was deleted.


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