
  • The Muslims are a sneaky lot as well as a dangerous group.

  • Once again, I caution all to study and learn as much as possible on this subject, and NEVER forget they are allowed to lie about anything if it is for the cause. We have had several previous articles on this topic and we need to organize and develop a strategy to combat their methods, especially those operating under the guise of the Committe for American Islamic Relations; the only relationship they want is you gone or enslaved.


    GOD Bless America.



    • I will denounce mohumed and islam any darn time I please. We need to deport all muslims to Iran then turn it to glass. We have been at war with muslims for 1400 yeARS AND OUR IDIOT GOVERNMENT WONT STAND UP TO THEM AND THAT INCLUDES THE MUSLIM IN CHIEF, THE FRAUD PRESIDENT.

  • Give us a jihad AND  WE WILL RAISE YOU A CRUSADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Yep, I see it daily working here in the Middle East. The majority of Muslims that I've encountered in my tenure have absolutely NO respect for anyone outside of their religion and I have No problem confronting them on the issue.

    BTW, has anyone attempted to re-post some of these articles on FB. Of late ive been unable. Now I realize FB works for our gov't. Actually the powers behind our gov't. Is FB Muslim PC as well?
  • Who are the TRAITORS allowing the squelching of information that keeps Americans informed and FREE of ISLAMIC influence and infiltration??   What are their names?   ANY AMERICAN OFFICER of the MILITARY and EVERY ENLISTED SOLDIER takes an OATH to uphold, PROTECT and DEFEND the U.S. CONSTITUTION.  That oath is NOT SUBJECT to any other PERSON, military or civilian of higher rank.  If someone of a higher rank is giving you a command that will UNDERMINE and further the overthrow of our CONSTITUTION, that person is giving you an UNLAWFUL ORDER and you are NOT required to obey it.  DO NOT OBEY UNLAWFUL ORDERS!!   If they throw you in jail, get your lawyer and your family to get the message out for you, as to what they're trying to make you do AGAINST the defense of the Constitution, and WE THE PEOPLE will get on it, get YOU freed, and the TRAITORS arrested, tried, and KILLED.

    ISLAM IS 100% AGAINST ALL THE U.S. CONSTITUTION STANDS FOR.  ISLAM IS AMERICA'S NO. 1 ENEMY.  ANYONE, military or civilian, trying to promote ISLAM in America, is a DOMESTIC ENEMY.  If the PRESIDENT, who is the Commander and Chief will NOT do anything to stop the spread of ISLAM in America, and commands the Joint Chiefs of Staff and our Generals and Admirals to STAND DOWN against ISLAM within our National Borders or WITHIN our Military and/or government ranks, THAT IS AN UNLAWFUL ORDER.  Generals, Admirals, REFUSE THE ORDER and then command that the President be arrested and charged with TREASON for trying to OVERTHROW the Constitution of the United States of America WHICH YOU TOOK AN OATH TO DEFEND.   DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION, GENERALS.  WE THE PEOPLE assigned you the RIGHT and RESPONSIBILITY, and ARMED YOU WITH WEAPONS to PROTECT and DEFEND our CONSTITUTION.............NOT A LAWLESS PRESIDENT!!   DO YOUR JOB.  The same with you, CIA, FBI, ATF, NSA, and ALL OTHER POLICING AGENCIES!!   FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE, quit saving ISLAMIST of every stripe, and SAVE AMERICANS ON AMERICAN SOIL!!!    What's the matter with all of you????  Is you PINK LACE UNDERWEAR too tight???   Are you AMERICAN FIGHTING PATRIOTS or are you a bunch of BALLESS, PINK PANTY SISSYS????   STAND UP!!!.........BE MEN OF WAR "IN" AND "FOR" AMERICA within OUR BORDERS.......DO IT NOW!!!! 

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