Islamic Superheroes in Your Living Room

The Patriot Post

Islamic Superheroes in Your Living Room

Discovery Kids cable channel recently rebranded itself as The Hub, and it appears that re-branding is important in religion as well as in marketing. As part of the channel's re-branding, The Hub wants to air  "The 99," a show with 99 superheroes, far more than the Justice League or the X-Men. However, "The 99" is also an attempt to re-brand Islam. The program chronicles the adventures of 99 Sharia-compliant superheroes, each of whom embodies an attribute of Allah. The debut of  "The 99" has been pushed back at least until January, supposedly due to unspecified "production issues."

Barack Obama praised the work of the comic's creator, saying, "His superheroes embody the teachings of the tolerance of Islam." Would he have said the same thing about a cartoon that featured characters from another religion? Can the head of a supposedly secular country endorse a
program that seems to proselytize young children? The show has aired in England, where a Times of London columnist wrote that the show's mission was "to instill old-fashioned Islamic values in Christian, Jewish and atheist children." Would those be "old-fashioned values" such
as honor killings and suicide bombings?

On the other hand, American parents seem to see the program for what it is. As one stated, "They're taking advantage of the fact that in every middle-class household, Mom and Dad are working their [rears] off. They know the kids are watching TV or on the Internet. So maybe Sharia becomes OK. It's a game. It gradually becomes more and more in their lives."

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    • I agree. Parents must remember that the TV and computer have OFF switches. Parents need to explain that Islam is NOT a religion of peace but a form of governing by force. There is no tolerance in Islam.
  • I know families that do not have TV hooked to the outside world, they watch movies that are good for their children. They have computers, but they have really good screening on them, and they monitor what their kids are looking at. Their children are a blessing to be around. My wife refuses to watch the liberal news media or any of their liberal talk shows. We are not hooked to cable or to satellite.
    • Well Stated Paul.
  • People need to Wake Up!! I have taken the Liberty of Copying this and have posted it to my Family, Friends, and all Sites I Post On. Thank You

    Many of us want and are working to Alert all Americans to the Huge Threat we are facing by the Islamofaschists in addition to those attempting to Impose the USSR of America on us, led by the Islamic Chairman, Obama.

    In addition to their infiltration into all levels of Government and now with the Support of Your 'p'resident they are pushing their Islamofaschists Propaganda on T.V. in an attempt to infect Our Children.

    Are your Children not only infected by the Progressive/Marxist Greenies on TV and in their Schools, but now will be subjected to Islamifaschism through Cartoons on T.V.? ? ? Are their Schools Next? ? ?

    What, if anything, are you doing about it? ? ?

    Tell all Family and Friends about the Progressive/Marxist and Islamofaschist Evils on TV, don't let them infect your children.

    Take Care,

    TSGT Clough
    See related links to what you are looking for.
    • Uvin...
      Stop the name calling and putting titles on things.....The reason for all this crap on TV is money and it is being allowed to be put there by your setting Congress and Senate....... Now is not the time for people to be worried or lose their temper over things that will become right when the main problems are solved...... The problems are with our setting Congress and Senate and the Local Elected Officials in your "Town", "County", and "State"...... These problems should be your total main concern in that people such as you and I have set back for years and allowed this Great Nation become to the shape that it now is in.....

      Almost all of the problems that face this Great Nation can be solve simply by purging all those in an elected position, but it must be kept in mind that this process will take time and people must vote against anyone up for RE-Election and do this for the next at least 4 elections and YES this means your local elected people also....

      People must become involved in Politics even when they don't want to, in order to assure that the Government doesn't get away from the people again...... This can only be accomplished when "The People" stand up against the elected people and let them know that they can be removed from a office for not doing their job and that they must pass a smell test each time they ask to be sent back.... (Once this has been done then changes can be made to the Constitution regarding "Term Limits") The Elected Position people must learn to fear the "People" in order to keep the job that they was elected to do.......

      So to start the changing....... VOTE!!!!!!!!.... re-elect NO ONE....... ELECT all new people..... And let those know that are not up for Re-election that they will be gone next time and this includes your local people..... Change must start on the corner of "Main Street and Central Avenue" of your own Hometown....

      One must remember that the President can do only what the Congress and Senate allow them to do...... So when someone such as Obama comes along and is allowed to do all the things that he has done to this country, only the Congress and Senate can be blamed...... Obama should have never been allowed to serve the first day in office, but you can't blame him(He is only doing what he can get away with) you must blame the people that allowed it and helped in it and constantly demand that they pay for it in the courts as an example to be followed for many years to come....Every member of Congress and the Senate should be brought up on "Treason Charges" and made to answer as to why they did nothing to stop it...... They all knew that he was not eligible under the confines of the U.S. Constitution..... Everyone of them knew and there were no exceptions.... They all knew and still know but will not do anything because they are not scared of "WE THE PEOPLE" yet...... Pray that after this election they will be........
      • Roy,
        Why not call it like it is? And THIS President can do a heckuva lot without Congress.... as through his sitting shadow government, otherwise known as czars. He uses Executive Orders as easily as chewing gum. I beg to differ with you... and the "name calling" is in the name of defying political correctness. Yes, we need to be vigilant in our communities and states, but we need to face what IS as well! BTW, TSGT Clough is a proud military retiree--he's EARNED the right to call it as he sees it!
  • I will definitely write to the Discovery Channel and call them out on this affront to our children! I am doing my best to educate my grand children about the evil of the cult of hate, murder and intolerance called Islam. I strongly advise every one else to inform that channel, if they air that program, we will do our best to shut them down!
  • I have said it before and i'll say it again...we have to declare we are a christian nation and stand by christian values, which means Jesus Christ is the focus front and center of our country or we stand back and watch Islamic values take over our country. We are in a cultural battle and the battlefront is for control of our children, the next league of voters...If they can wrestle our children from our values to theirs, they win...We are fighting this battle on several fronts, in the field against Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan, in our homes with our children, in our politics, with our congress and senate and spiritually, the battle is being waged on all fronts and until we all recognize it for what it really is, we will die without a fight...America will soon cease to be what it once was, unless we stop it now, which means we have to stand for Christ...or Islam, it's your choice...I choose Christ...
  • Twana,
    Yes, the topic was Islam..... But the problems with the Muslem mess within our country cannot be delt with till the Political Machine is delt with and the corruption stopped...... I agree with Uvin's view about these people totally and I will keep using the word Muslems until they start condeming their own people for what they do and start taking action to stop their own people.....

    Voter Fraud: ... Yes we have a super problem within this country with voter fraud...... But it must be stopped at the local level...... Everyone must get off this Democrat/Republican crap and start screaming at every election and town hall meeting that the electronic voting must be stopped and a record maintained until after the next election....... The U.S. Government must be removed from elections in every State, the Voting of all elected officials should be a State function only and all functions controlled by the State...... Reason is simple.... You can remove State people but it takes an act of Congress to remove a Federal....... If We The People gather in mass and demand that the people that do not get the ballots to the Overseas Troops for voting, then the State Govenor will be removed from office like right now...... The people can fight and correct State problems, but to correct Federal is almost impossible and would require an armed overthrow...... That is why Obama is always smiling...... Sad part is that most of the time I feel that an armed overthrow is the only way this Federal Governmant can be straightened out and returned to the People
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