Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to the US Congress.

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2015 will be be a day that will be written down in the chronicles of world history.

Not only in the history of The State of Israel, but in the history of The United States.

Prime Minister Netanyahu's address to the American Congress goes beyond merely being unprecedented. The only other time in our history that anything like this has ever happened may have been if and when the British Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill spoke to Congress to warn the US about Adolph Hitler prior to World War II. And I'm not sure if that ever happened or not.

Mr. Netanyahu's speech before the American Congress should wake the American people up to the real dangers of what is happening, although I doubt that it will.

Forget for a minute about how well this man speaks English, (He was educated in America), and forget about how well he presented his case against the terrorist state of Iran and Islam. Forget for a minute that Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu appears as a MAN, (A true warrior), as opposed to Barack Hussein Obama who appears more like a mental midget, a narcissistic Pigmy from Kenya.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to the US Congress is an unprecedented warning to the entire world that what Barack Hussein Obama and this administration is doing in making a “deal” with Iran will in fact pave the road to Iran's development of the nuclear bomb. They are in fact guaranteeing the Islamic world will eventually be armed with fully capable nuclear weapons.

And Barack Hussein Obama's response; Don't worry we've got it under control. Any deal “I” sign with Iran you can be assured they will not get the bomb.

That is reminiscent of Sir Neville Chamberlain after visiting Germany and going back to England to tell the British people “Don't worry – I have a deal signed by Hitler that says he will never attack England”. And we all know how well that “deal” turned out.

Mr. Netanyahu's speech before the American Congress should not only serve as a warning of what is about to happen in the Middle East, a warning about what this mental midget in the White House and his Iranian born closest advisor Valerie Jarrett are doing by constructing this “deal” with the terrorists in Iran is in fact a bad deal. It is also a warning about what will happen here in America as well.

Just the pure fact alone that Mr. Netanyahu felt compelled to come here to speak to the American people should serve to tell the American people that it is now time for Barack Hussein Obama and this administration to be impeached and removed from office immediately, before it's too late.

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  • Netanyahu makes last-ditch bid to stop Obama from doing nuke deal with Iran

    Barack Hussein Obama MUST be impeached NOW.

  • If PM Benjamin Netanyahu is correct, that this Us/ Iran nuclear “deal” is a bad deal for the US and Israel, and I believe this man is acutely aware of everything that could possibly threaten the existence of Israel. I believe he knows what he is talking about.

    There is one very important aspect to this so-called “deal” which is apparently being created between the Obama administration and the Ayatollah's of Iran;

    #1) If Barack Hussein Obama is not guiding and directing and controlling the texts and contents of the “deal” himself, then it may be possible that he actually does not know and thus does not fully comprehend precisely what is in the texts of that “deal”. It is possible that this “deal” is being written and created by administration subordinates, including Valerie Jarrett. In which case Obama would be a complete and totally incompetent fool and an idiot who does not have control over his own administration.

    #2) The second possibility is that Obama does know precisely what is in the contents of the “deal” and that he does know exactly what they are doing. In which case he is a world class traitor.

    Either way he MUST be removed from this office immediately. He MUST be impeached.

  • All the Leaders who decided to 'snub' Netanyahu's visit should be impeached too.  They steal get paid too much money to sit on their butts and have a temper tantrum with our tax dollars.  Interesting that they were 'missing in action' during the speech however had so much to say about it. 

    I find it hypocritical, to say the least, that some leaders decided to whine that Netanyahu's speech was a few weeks away from Israel's elections when then Senator Barrack Hussein Obama did the same thing while running for the United States Presidential office in 2008.  It was also alleged that he 'snubbed' the U.S. Troops at the Landstuhl Hospital in Germany because it would appear to be 'political' and thus inappropriate.  So he decided to speak to about 200,000 German citizens in Berlin then went on to visit other countries: 

    25 July 2008

    Obama Drops Visit To Wounded U.S. Troops In Germany: 

    'The 46-year old [Senator] Obama has also visited Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Jordan, Israel and Palestinian territories.'  'In an open speech to more than 200,000 people in the center of Berlin, Obama urged Germany Thursday to stand by the United States in stabilizing Afghanistan.' 

  • If you believe in 'symbols', it is a forewarning alright - I didn't pay too much attention to it at first: 

    2008 European Tour - BHO, Berlin, Germany:  

    BHO In Front Of 'Victory Column':  

    What is A Muslim Minaret? 

    In Islam, a minaret (Arabic: 'beacon') is an element of Islamic religious architecture. ... Minarets are always connected with a mosque, ...  

    One World Trade Center In NYC Is Topped With A Muslim Minaret: 

    'When Muslims claim victory in a military conquest, they raise up a minaret.'  

    Merkel Says 'Islam Belongs To Germany' ... (or does a minaret mean that Germany belongs to Islam):

    'Things that make you go: Hmmmmm'   ;-) 

    Barack Obama Speeches - July 24, 2008 Obama Speech in Berlin Germany at the Victory Column. Obama s…
    Obama's Berlin Germany speech on July 24, 2008. Barack Obama's major political speeches, text, and remarks with Obama speech photos and complete Obam…
    • PM Netanyahu's speech to the US Congress was NOT meant as a warning to president Obama, it was a WARNING to the American PEOPLE.

      If anyone doubts that any "deal" being written by this administration could possibly be aimed at guaranteeing that Iran will be able to develop nuclear bombs consider then that Obama's #1 closest White House advisor is Valerie Jarrett.
      Yes - THIS Valerie Jarrett;


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