Atlas Shrugs

Italy has denied religious status to Islam. Politicians cited extremist (fundamentalist) imams, polygamy and failure to uphold women's rights by Muslim immigrants as obstacles to recognizing Islam as an official religion in Italy.

And here in the US we are paying for extremist imams (like Rauf) and their wives to go on Middle Eastern junkets to raise money for Islamic supremacist Ground Zero mosques. Sick.

Photo: Ground Zero mosque Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, of the Cordoba Initiative, at the Fanar-Qatar Islamic Cultural Center's mosque in Qatar (August 27, 2010). This is the first leg of his US-funded tour to Bahrain, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.

Rome, 27 August (AKI) - Mosques in Italy will not receive a share of income tax revenue the Italian government allocates to religious faiths each year. Hindu and Buddhist temples, Greek Orthodox churches and Jehovah's Witnesses will be eligible for the funds, according to a bill approved by the Italian cabinet in May and still must be approved by parliament.

Until now, the government had earmarked 8 percent of income tax revenue for Italy's established churches. The great majority of these funds go to the Catholic Church, although if they wish, individual tax payers may elect to give the money to charities and cultural projects instead.

The head of COREIS, one of Italy's largest Muslim groups, Yahya Pallavicini, said he was bitter that Islam had been denied the revenue from Italian income tax.

"Work should be begun on legally recognising those moderate Muslims who have for years shown themselves to be reliable interlocutors who are free of and fundamentalist ideology," he said.

Islam is not an established religion in Italy and there is only one official mosque in the country, Rome's Grand Mosque. Politicians from the ruling coalition cite radical imams, polygamy and failure to uphold women's rights by Muslims immigrants as obstacles to recognising Islam as an official religion in Italy.

Until now, only the Catholic Church, Judaism and other established churches including Lutherans, Evangelists, Waldensians and 7th-day Adventists have received the income tax revenue from the Itallain government.

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  • It's about time somebody has figured it out!

  • For once the Italians have it right, good for them!

  • Hope they don't burn Rome down. Or blow up the Vatican.

  • Twana,

    I agree with what Italy has done and believe that Congress must define religion as an entity that among other things teaches tolerance of and coexistence with people of other faiths. This would mean that until the Koran is amended the Mosques themselves and their income would be taxable and woudl not be afforded the constitutional protections aforded other legitimate religions.


  • I am proud of them, and wish we could grow a brain also.

  • You know you're in trouble when Italy figures it out before you do.

    • We get dumber, they get smarter

  • Thanks! Posted it here

    Italy Denies Islam... A Poco a poco!
    "Politicians from the ruling coalition cite radical imams, polygamy and failure to uphold women's rights by Muslims immigrants as obstacles...
  • You know, somebody finally realized this is all unnecessary, WOW

    Just say NO. And MEAN IT!

    Just like paying Mexico to go to school. Unnecessary.

    Just like QE3. Unnecessary. Will cause the world to dump $$$. Result? Collapse. Unnecessary.
    Just like throwing God out with the dirty water, resulting in loss of character, morals, intelligence, success, cultural stability, and unrealistic expectations with no consequences. Unnecessary.
    Just like electing a traitor who doesn't even qualify. Just damned ass stupid.

This reply was deleted.


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