Date: Aug 9, 2016 1:00 PM
Subject: Breaking News: John McCain's 1969 "Tokyo Rose" Propaganda Recording

You Patriotic and Loyal Americans, and especially Arizona residents, may want to read this and listen/watch the video !


Breaking News: John McCain's 1969 "Tokyo Rose" Propaganda Recording
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Hot Breaking Item!

Wuss McCain Fools A President, Carries Secret Into Congress!

This article is online at the Oath Keepers national website. 


Breaking News: John McCain's 1969 "Tokyo Rose" Propaganda Recording Released Showing he WAS a Traitor who Turned Against His Own Country

 by:  Stewart Rhodes, Founder and President of Oath Keepers

For many years, American former P.O.W.s who were in the "Hanoi Hilton" North Vietnamese prison with John McCain called him a "Songbird" who collaborated with the enemy against his own country.

They accused him of turning against them and against his own country in exchange for preferential treatment while many of the actually brave and honorable American P.O.W.s endured torture and denial of medical care and food for refusing to collaborate.  The P.O.W.s branded McCain a traitor who was no hero, but nonetheless used his fake hero status to rise to political power.

But we only had their word against his - until now.   Now, from the U.S. National Archives comes the proof of their allegations - McCain, by his own words, WAS in fact a traitor who collaborated with the enemy by recording a "Tokyo Rose" statement condemning his own nation by admitting "crimes" against the North Vietnamese people, stating "I, as a U.S. airman, am guilty of crimes against the Vietnamese country and people."  McCain's recorded statement also painted a picture of humane treatment of prisoners even though he knew many of his fellow Americans were being tortured and denied medical care and adequate food.  In the recording he is heard to say "I received this kind treatment and food even though I came here as an aggressor and the people who I injured have much difficulty in their living standards. I wish to express my deep gratitude for my kind treatment and I will never forget this kindness extended to me."

Watch this, and listen to the recording yourself:


John McCain, Traitor and Songbird, sings for his masters. 
Several years ago, I (Stewart Rhodes) was attacked by the left wing media for calling McCain a traitor who deserved to be tried for treason, and then, once convicted, deserved to suffer the usual punishment for someone convicted of treason, which is to be hung by the neck until dead.   Turns out I was right.   He IS a traitor, and now there is direct evidence to back that up, in addition to his horrid voting record.  Well, now, can we finally try him for treason and then sentence him accordingly?   Or will he, like Hillary Clinton, get a pass on his crimes despite direct, smoking gun evidence, because both of them are part of the political elite?   You already know the answer to that. is to be commended for their work in making this recording public, after all these years.   Here is what they have to say about this:
(TRUNEWS) U.S. Senator John McCain recorded a Tokyo Rose-style propaganda message that was broadcast on North Vietnamese radio in 1969.
TRUNEWS acquired the audio recording in cooperation with, a new media company founded by Charles Johnson.
The 1969 North Vietnamese radio broadcast has never been heard in the United States of America. In fact, there has never been any knowledge that such a recording existed. The audio recording was found in a misplaced file in the National Archives in Washington, D.C. The broadcast was recorded by the Foreign Broadcast Information Service, a branch of the CIA that monitored international shortwave and foreign radio broadcasts.
Lt. Commander John McCain was shot down over Hanoi by a North Vietnamese missile while flying his 23rd bombing mission. Both of his arms and one leg were broken. He was pulled ashore by North Vietnamese who took him to a prison known by POWs as the "Hanoi Hilton."
McCain was a prisoner of war for five and a half years. He was released on March 14, 1973, and returned to the United States of America as a war hero. His POW legacy propelled McCain to victory in a race for a U.S. Congressional seat in Arizona in 1982. He replaced Barry Goldwater in the Senate in 1986.
Read more here.

Here is a transcript of the recording:
To the Vietnamese people and the government of the DRVN:
From John Sidney McCain, 624787, Lieutenant Commander, U.S. Navy, born 29 August, 1936, Panama, home state Oregon. Shot down 26 October, 1967, A-4E aircraft.
I, as a U.S. airman, am guilty of crimes against the Vietnamese country and people. I bombed their cities, towns and villages and caused many injuries, even deaths, for the people of Vietnam.
I was captured in the capital city of Hanoi, while attacking it. After I was captured, I was taken to the hospital in Hanoi, where I received very good medical treatment. I was given an operation on my leg, which allowed me to walk again, and a cast on my right arm, which was badly broken in three places.
The doctors were very good and they knew a great deal about the practice of medicine. I remained in the hospital for some time and regained much of my health and strength. Since I arrived in the camp of detention, I received humane and lenient treatment.
I received this kind treatment and food even though I came here as an aggressor and the people who I injured have much difficulty in their living standards. I wish to express my deep gratitude for my kind treatment and I will never forget this kindness extended to me.

Your comments are welcome under the article at Oath Keepers.


Stewart Rhodes is founder and president of Oath Keepers

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  • Alway knew he is a cowardly SOB.  The saying "Fool me once same on you, Fool me twice shame me, Fool me thrice shame on us."  However, it seems the state of Arizona should be so ashamed for re-electing a traitor for decades.  His character proved he was out for himself politically and greed wise.  What a shame this cowardly fool has been elevated so high in our government.  I hope he is defeated.  Why does this type of information alway come out so last at election time?

  • He has fooled most Americans.

  • Thank you for this informative article.

  • And the leadership of the GOP knew this in the 2008 nomination process, which makes them supporters of a traitor.

    • Obama is a fraud and all the elite knew it well before he even announced to run for president;  John McCain is a fraud and likewise, all the republicans knew it before he ran for president......McCain also ditched any hope of rescuing POWs; The question is, why do the good people of Arizona keep reelecting McCain? 

      Hillary Clinton is a fraud, crook, liar, whatever, and she's potentially the next president.

      Is Trump any better?   Well one thing for sure, "he's not one of them".   That speaks volumes to me.

      We have the so-called elite republicans now on a list vowing to vote for the criminal Hillary..........that also speaks volumes to me...........

      • Harry... The fact that a lot of people in both parties are alineing to destroy Trump shows us plainly that we only have a two party system in word only, but in deed they all work toward one leftest agenda of the eliete power mongers who control almost everything. Trump is the only chance we have to slow the bleeding and maybe, just maybe give us a chance to try to turn some of this around. Will he restore America? doubt it but he won't take us further left. The Clintons, the Kerry's and the McCains of the world know this. Hillary is having major medical problems and has a medical team with her at all times but the media is surprisingly quite about this. I have a feeling her medical condition is much worse than their letting on.
        • The "one party" system is the reason I refer, from time to time, to the whole bunch in Washington as engaging in an "incestuous" political party.............they service one another to retain position, power, and greed at the trough.

          • The politicians greed reminds me of the relms of Hates: Its never satisfied, it never has enough".
            Ghandi said: " The world has enough for all our needs, just not our wants". Again, like Hell they are never satisfied, they are always wanting more, more power, more money, more possessions,
            More control, more influence, etc...etc... Unrestricted greed will eventually destroy a civilization as well as the planet..
  • What Lenin called "usefu  lidiot" and I would just add, opportunist. What he achieved over 30 years on public momey? No comment..

  • This Marine is appalled...! What now?
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