Penned by Jim Kouri,
The nation's top uniformed military official on Monday advised current and former members of the U.S. Armed Forces to refrain from what he termed "partisan politics." His statement comes as a result of groups of Navy SEALs, intelligence officials and others, such as Special Operations OPSEC Education Fund, who are highly critical of President Barack Obama.
The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Army Gen. Martin Dempsey said, in an interview on Monday during his flight to visit Turkey, that using the uniform for partisan politics hurts the trust Americans have in their warriors.
Gen. Dempsey claims that throughout his 38-year military career in the Armed Forces he has always been politically neutral.
Sadly, none of the reporters asked Gen. Dempsey why he never spoke up during the Bush years when former generals and high-ranking officers were trotted out by the news media to condemn President George W. Bush's war policies and activities.
But several veterans do not agree with the four-star general. "We're used by the President all of the time as stage props so he can look like a Commander in Chief and we have no choice but to stand there and pose in the background," said a former Marine captain who later joined a big city police department.
"Even now, as a civilian police officer, I've been used by the current president as a stage prop twice in three years. That's usually when the White House is pushing an expensive program or it's close to election time," he said.
President Barack Obama's choice for chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff surprised former military officers and pro-military conservatives when he decided to take sides in the heated political battle between the Obama administration and former members of the U.S. Navy SEALs, Delta Force and the Central Intelligence agency.
While Gen. Dempsey answered a reporter's question regarding a group of Navy SEALs, who created a political action committee to combat the alleged leaks allegedly emanating from the Obama administration, Dempsey did not indicate what steps he's personally taken to prevent future leaks that special operations officers and enlisted men claim are emanating from the upper-echelon of the Obama White House.
The chairman told reporters that he and his fellow commanders are "the stewards of the profession of arms, and must ensure service members don’t cross an important line."
“One of the things that marks us as a profession in a democracy is it’s most important we remain apolitical. That’s how we maintain our trust with the American people. The American people don’t want us to become another special interest group. In fact, I think that confuses them,” said the four-star general.
Dempsey said he believes partisan groups made up of former service members cloud the issue as well. “If someone uses the uniform for partisan politics, I’m disappointed in that,” he said. “I think it erodes that bond of trust we have with the American people.”
"This administration has even politicized the Pentagon, which is now more interested in projecting a politically-correct image -- such as allowing openly gay and lesbian military personnel, and adhering to the political-correct nonsense regarding radical Islamists," said political strategist Michael T. Baker.
"Has anyone seen a New York Times headline that says former generals slam Obama? But the Times did have generals blasting Bush," Baker said.
One of the PACs to which Dempsey refers -- Special Operations OPSEC Education Fund, Inc. -- represents former U.S. intelligence, military and law enforcement special operatives and is in the midst of a media blitz, including radio and television commercials, that blast President Barack Obama for his and his administration boasting and taking credit for the Navy SEAL mission that killed Osama bin Laden.
In addition, OPSEC is alleging that high-level leaks suspected of emanating from the Obama White House have placed the lives of soldiers, intelligence agents and law enforcement officers assigned overseas in jeopardy.
What many intelligence, military and law enforcement officials believe is an out-and-out scandal and one of the most important issues facing this nation -- the intentional leaking of classified intelligence for political purposes -- received short shrift by members of the news media.
what a jerk this Dempsey guy is. I don't care what his rank is, he is pure stupid or a dye hard Obama the Muslim fan He is a disgrace to the Military. I am sure it is self serving why he made this remark. Maybe Obama is paying him. What a jerk and a disgrace.
Martin Dempsay is a boot licker! He is as bad as these idiots!
If any of the (ALLEGED) top brass had to fight WW2 all over again,and with the same resources,it is doubtful that any of them would have the slightest idea even where to begin. Three cheers for General Patton,and Omar Bradley.
Americans are going to trust the Navy Seals verses a brown nose , bun kissing Officer to the idiot we have in charge. This Pres is selling out our Men and Women who serve this country with Pride and Honor as we can't miss seeing he doesn't like the Military. We need Ike, Pattons and MacCarthurs today.
If he considers the military neutral, then he also considers us second class citizens or lower. Maybe he should think and remember back when he was a butter bar, when he had to take one side or the other. My how time causes one to forget. I read the replys to his message, some refering him as jerk, boot licker ect, thats being kind! He, along with his other staff members, need to return to reality, get out of politics, and do everything possible to protect both ACTIVE and RETIREES.
The Gunny
It's my observation that Dempsey reflects the most partisan CJCS in my memory and over 34 years of military service. While he condems veterans, retirees as partisan for speaking on issues they believe important., Dempsey totally overlooks his own lop-sided public pronoucements in support of Barack Obama.....Dempsey is a betrayer of his oath to the US Constitution...there is nothing is his oath that puts the Constitution below his knee-bending to Obama....his oath is a direct requirement to the Constitution.
I say again, Congress should ask for Dempsey's resignation as he is the one that is bringing our military service disrespect. A four-star General that makes nonsensical statements, degrade the service of veterans, acts as a partisan while on active duty and fails to stand for our warriors, is disgraceful at best.
It's useful idiots like General Dempsey who surround Obama and do his bidding to destroy our nation.
I would like to seek Congress strip him of his grade and drum him from the service. He deserves nothing less.
I yesterday attended the funeral cortage for US Navy Seal Glen Doherty in Winchester Mass. I was among hundreds of fellow Americans assembled there to show respect for this brave young American hero . The media described Glen as " one of three others killed " The people attending the memorial knew this young man as Glen Doherty !! The callous criminals who stupidly placed our people in such a deadly position must be held accountable !! Gen. Dempsey should be in the forefront in defending our brave young men , and not defending the likes of Obama ,& Hilliary