Know Thy Enemies!

SO WHO IS MIKE HUCKABEE – A Traitor to Children?

The surfacing action of Huckabee to start “putting out feelers” as to his presidential electability is certainly an issue to look at with his involvement with Jeb Bush and Huckabee’s support of the Common Core Standards and now – doing a total turn around on his national weekly Fox show.


It appears that Huckabee is better suited to politics than being a man of the cloth. Ministers are to be held to a higher standard – I am not saying it is right, but it just goes with the occupation or calling. Huckabee is a player of words and I would put him into the new class of “New World Evangelists” who refuse to address the direction our country is taking to ruination.


He is a lot like Rick Warren having even attended seminary at the same time and the same place as Warren.


We now know that his speech to the Council of State School Officers (CCSSO) was worded very differently than his announcement on his Fox show. Not only that, it appears the governor has also learned “double speak” lately. 


At the CCSSO meeting Huckabee urged state education officials to get rid of the “Common Core” name because it has become “toxic.” Hum!  However, Huckabee intends to continue to support the standards and it would appear this is the case as he is still listed on Jeb Bush’s Common Core site as a supporter. And – why was Huckabee invited to speak to the CCSSO?


 “Rebrand it, refocus it, but don’t retreat,” Huckabee reportedly told CCSSO members. This of course is what some states are doing especially Florida.

Florida lawmakers, Governor Scott and Commissioner of Education Stewart have all said they want to delete “Common Core” from official documents and replace it with the friendly sounding “Next Generation Sunshine State Standards.” Supposedly by changing the name of the standards everyone will forget they are the grandfather of the Common Core and the complete ruination of our children’s education.


In Florida, the Sunshine State Standards, adopted in 1996 became the Common Core State Standards in 2010. 


This past November, Joe Follick a spokesman for the FL Dept. of Education stated, “Given the input that the state has taken and the changes that are likely to be made, "it would be disingenuous to call them common core standards”.


Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer (R) used an executive order to strip the name “Common Core” from the state’s new math and reading standards for public schools. In Iowa, the same standards are now called “The Iowa Core.”


Tea Party members and others have argued that the standards amount to a federal intrusion in education, while supporters have tried to make the resistors believe that the development of the standards was spearheaded by governors and education officials.


Just the fact the president and Arne Duncan were ready and waiting on the sidelines with Race To The Top (RTTT) grants to the states shows the Federal intrusion. The grants from RTTT pushed the states to agree to share all their information on our children, their families and the teachers to the huge data mining system. All of this done BEFORE the standards were written and without any state legislation being passed authorizing it.


Back to good ole Huckabee!  In June, 2013 Huckabee came out swinging in defense of the CCS. He sent a letter to lawmakers in Oklahoma, urging them to support Common Core. “Like many of you, I’ve heard the argument these standards ‘threaten local control’ of what’s being taught in Oklahoma classrooms,” Huckabee wrote. “Speaking from one conservative to another let me assure you this simply is not true. States and local school districts will determine how they want to teach kids, what curriculum to use, and which textbooks to use.

 You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all the people all the time. Huckabee is no conservative. His gubernatorial record shows that.


His lack of understanding the full scope of this “infection” – standards are to be used as the goals to reach and the curriculum is what is used to gain those goals is irresponsible. With the likes of Pearson and every Tom, Dick and Harry company out there writing curriculum to align with the standards For Profit – there is no escape from this but total elimination.


All of Huckabee’s remarks are like a playbook from Jeb Bush’s Foundation.


We can ask the question why did Huckabee choose to agree with the likes of Jeb Bush and his cronies rather than the American parents who had bothered to do their research! Why did he choose to ignore people like Professor’s Sandra Stotsky and James Milgram, but instead decided to follow the like-minded support of David Coleman, Linda Darling-Hammond, Bill Ayers, George Soros and Jeb Bush types?


This causes one to wonder what Huckabee got for his initial support of the CCS and now apparent continued support! Backers for a presidential run, monetary? He certainly could have done his own research!

Huckabee’s “epiphany” mirrors that of others who have suddenly realized that it was not just a few unimportant people who are concerned about CCS; but instead, the parents and taxpayers of America, from all parties, no parties, no particular occupations or races – but our nation as a whole realizing the danger of having the Obama administration indoctrinate our children into the social justice agenda through Common Core Standards – using our children as “Human Capital” to become involved in public-private partnerships is not only despicable, but Progressive to Socialistic. 


The selfish and inconsiderate support of this planned damage against our children cannot be explained or excused – now or in the future!  We are talking about a former governor here that supported Bill Clinton’s “School-To-Work Act”. He also appears to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing!


Put your money away boys – you will not win this battle! Parents will!

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