Lady Justice Has Died

Note how many will continue to travel down this foe led rabbit trail claiming "there will be a win....just come along with me, oh  by the way I'm fundraising.....please chip in!"

Folks, the judicial system has been infiltrated, bought and paid for. The writing is on the wall. We just have to read it!



Lady Justice Has Died


Penned by Paul R. Hollrah - (2/4/12)

Historians might have viewed the events of Thursday, January 26, 2012 in Atlanta, Georgia, as one of the singular events of American history, along with landmark events such as Lincoln’s signing of the Emancipation Proclamation; Lee’s surrender at Appomattox; the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor; and the Supreme Court’s Brown v. Board of Education decision.

On that day, a trial was held in an Atlanta courtroom that would have a longstanding impact on state-federal relations, reversing the long downward trend toward the accumulation of power at the federal level, at the expense of the states. It was a trial in which ordinary citizens once again defended the concept that, in the United States, it is the people who rule, not the political elites.

The Atlanta trial became an event of major national significance on January 3, 2012, when The Hon. Michael M. Malihi, Deputy Chief Judge of the Georgia Office of State Administrative Hearings, issued a ruling denying Barack Obama’s motion to dismiss four cases alleging that he is not eligible to serve as President of the United States.

Since 2008, nearly 90 court cases have been filed, challenging Obama’s eligibility. All have fallen victim to either political correctness or political chicanery; none have been successful. However, at least one of the cases allowed to proceed in the Georgia court… David P. Welden v. Barack Obama… was different in that it was simple and straightforward. It challenged Obama at his weakest point, his inability to qualify as a “natural born Citizen.” Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution states that, “No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.”

In his complaint, Welden stipulated that Obama was born in the United States, that he is an American citizen, and that he was eligible to serve in the United States Senate. It did not mention Obama’s alleged Indonesian citizenship, his missing college records, his missing passports and visas, or his alleged stolen Social Security number.

In his challenge, filed with Georgia Secretary of State Brian P. Kemp on November 15, 2011, Welden asserted that: “Pursuant to O.C.G.A. (Official Code of Georgia Annotated) §21-2-5, I hereby challenge the eligibility of Barack Obama to appear on the March 6 Democratic Presidential Preference Primary Ballot and/or on the November 6, 2012 general election ballot for President of the United States.

The Georgia statute provides that, “Every candidate for federal and state office who is certified by the state executive committee of a political party or who files a notice of candidacy shall meet the constitutional and statutory qualifications for holding the office being sought.

The statute provides that either the Georgia Secretary of State, or any registered elector in the state, may challenge the qualifications of any candidate, federal or state, who seeks access to the Georgia ballot.

Welden proceeded to outline five specific allegations against Obama:

1. The official state certified birth certificate proffered by Barack Obama contains a factual inconsistency and other anomalies that calls into question the veracity of the rest of the information contained within said document.

Welden was correct in his assertion that the Certificate of Live Birth (COLB) released by Obama on April 27, 2011 contained a “factual inconsistency.” For example, Obama claims to have been born at the Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children in Honolulu on August 4, 1961. The COLB released by Obama was registered with the Hawaii Department of Health on August 8, 2011 and contains the registration number 151-61-10641. However, the mother of the Nordyke twins, Susan and Gretchen, born at the same hospital on August 5, 1961, has produced birth certificates bearing registration numbers 151-61-10637 and 151-61-10638, respectively. The birth certificates of the Nordyke twins were registered with the Hawaii Department of Health on August 11, 1961, three days after Obama’s COLB was registered.

2. Barack Obama has not adequately proven that he was born a natural born citizen of the United States.

Under long-standing Supreme Court precedent [Minor v. Happersett, 88 U.S. 162 (1875)] the term “natural born Citizen” is defined as follows: “…(A)ll children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives, or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners…”

The precedent established under Minor v. Happersett has not been altered or superseded in the 137 years since it was handed down. It is established law and it applies to Barack Obama just as it does to every other citizen.

3. Barack Obama’s alleged father, Barack Obama, Sr., was never a citizen of the United States and, at the time of his son’s birth, was not a permanent resident of the United States. Consequently, Barack Obama was born to only one parent who was a U.S. citizen or U.S. permanent resident.

In1866, John A. Bingham, chief framer of the 14th Amendment, wrote as follows: “Every human being born within the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty (emphasis added) is, in the language of the Constitution itself, a natural born citizen.”

In order for Barack Obama to qualify as a “natural born Citizen,” it is necessary that both parents must have been U.S. citizens, either native born or naturalized, at the time of his birth.

4. By his own admission, and under the British Nationality Act of 1948, Barack Obama was born a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies, and from 1963 until at least 1984 was a citizen of the Republic of Kenya.

Barack Obama was born with dual US-British citizenship by descent from his Kenyan father and his American mother. Part 2, Section 5(1) of the British Nationality Act of 1948 reads, in part, as follows: “Subject to the provisions of this section, a person born after the commencement of this Act (Barack Obama, Jr.) shall be a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies by descent if his father (Obama, Sr.) is a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies at the time of the birth.”

Obama lost his dual US-British citizenship on December 12, 1963, the day on which Kenya won its independence from Great Britain. However, Chapter VI, Section 87[3] of the 1963 Kenyan Constitution provided as follows: “(1) Every person who, having been born in Kenya, is on 11th December, 1963 a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies (Barack Obama, Sr,)… shall become a citizen of Kenya on 12th December 1963… (2) Every person who, having been born outside Kenya, is on 11th December, 1963 a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies (Barack Obama, Jr.)… shall, if his father becomes, or would but for his death have become a citizen of Kenya by virtue of subsection (1), become a citizen of Kenya on 12th December, 1963.”

Obama held dual US-Kenyan citizenship from December 12, 1963 until August 4, 1984, his 23rd birthday. However, he became a Kenyan “citizen by birth” on August 4, 2010, the day on which Kenya adopted a revised constitution. Chapter 3, Section 14 of the 2010 constitution provides as follows: “A person is a citizen by birth if on the day of the person’s birth, whether or not the person is born in Kenya, either the mother or father of the person is a citizen (of Kenya).”

5. Due to his dual citizenship with the United Kingdom and with Kenya, Barack Obama was born with dual allegiances to foreign nations other than the United States of America.

The official U.S. government policy regarding dual citizenship is found in publications of the Consular Affairs Division of the U.S. Department of State, as follows:

“The concept of dual nationality means that a person is a citizen of two countries at the same time. Each country has its own citizenship laws based on its own policy. Persons may have dual nationality by automatic operation of different laws rather than by choice…

“The U.S. Government recognizes that dual nationality exists but does not encourage it… because of the problems it may cause. Claims of other countries on dual national U.S. citizens may conflict with U.S. law… However, dual nationals owe allegiance to both the United States and the foreign country. They are required to obey the laws of both countries (emphasis added)…”

It is incomprehensible that any person who holds, or has held, allegiance to any foreign sovereignty should be allowed to serve as President or Vice President of the United States. It is precisely why the Founding Fathers limited access to the U.S. presidency to those who are “natural born” citizens of the United States.

In the days leading up to the trial, Obama’s attorney, Michael Jablonski, tried every conceivable tactic to derail the proceedings. In a January 25, 2011 letter to Secretary of State Brian Kemp, Jablonski demanded that the hearing request be withdrawn. He said, “We await your taking the requested action, and as we do so, we will, of course, suspend further participation in these proceedings, including the hearing scheduled for January 26.”

Although previous presidents have been subjects of subpoenas, none have ever responded as if they were immune to the orders of the courts. For the first time ever, an American president has snubbed a court order, denying the authority of the courts.

In a packed courtroom in Atlanta on the morning of January 26, and in a nationwide closed-circuit TV audience, viewers waited patiently for the 9:00 o’clock hour to arrive. Then, promptly at 9:00 AM, a bailiff announced from the bench that Judge Malihi wished to see all of the attorneys in his chambers. And as the attorneys rose from their chairs and filed out of the room, an audible gasp arose across the nation as viewers immediately assumed that, once again, the courts had been corrupted and Obama had escaped justice.

It was later learned that the reason for Judge Malihi’s desire to meet with the attorneys was to inform them that, in the absence of the defendant, Barack Obama, and/or his attorney, he was prepared to issue a default judgment on their behalf. However, the attorneys refused to take yes for an answer. Instead, they insisted that, in the interest of justice, they be allowed to place all of their relevant evidence on the record, in open court. The judge acceded to their request and the trial was allowed to proceed. At approximately 9:25 AM, the attorneys filed back into the courtroom and took their places. Moments later the judge appeared and the trial was allowed to begin.

As witnesses were called and sworn, the plaintiffs’ attorneys laid out a carefully crafted case, providing irrefutable evidence leading to only one conclusion: that Barack Hussein Obama does not meet the “natural born Citizen” standard of Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution.

What was at stake in the Georgia court was far more than Barack Obama’s eligibility to serve as President of the United States. Equally as important, in the minds of those who believe in our federal system and the rule of law, was the continued viability of our system of justice and the question of whether or not one man, Barack Obama, would be allowed to hold himself above the law.

In the end, Judge Malihi was unable to withstand whatever political correctness previous judges have found so irresistible. The very same judge who was prepared to issue a default judgment on behalf of those who challenged Obama’s eligibility has proven that he too has feet of clay. The law is clear and the evidence is irrefutable, yet Judge Malihi becomes just another in a long list of jurists who have soiled their robes. Yes, January 26, 2012 was a red-letter day in American history. It was the day on which justice died a painful death in an Atlanta courtroom. The hearts of patriots are broken. An immediate appeal is in order.

Paul R. Hollrah



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  • As 15 million Islamist Anchor babies cheer the decision that they too can now, as never before in American history, grow up to be POTUS and our  Commander in Chief, the rest of America weeps.

    All I can say is that it ain't over till it's over and this was merely round one of four round fight. This will next be heard on appeal where yet another Judge will have the opportunity to A: Line his pockets or B: Succomb to the political pressure of Washington or C: Force a ruling in favor of Obama because his life and family were threatoned or D: Stand up for the rule of Law as it has existed for over 200 years.

    I know, the odds are long that we'll ever be able to locate a clean, honest, unapproachable Judge but such is the fight we now find ourselves in. No time for the weak or timid as this will now escalate to the next level on appeal unless.., unless the SOS comes to his senses, reads this Judge's ruling for what it is and stands up for States rights by telling the DC crowd to stick it, O'Bummer won't appear on our ballot (not likely).

    If it helps any to know. I'm in this fight to the bitter end come hell or high water so don't give up all hope just yet. Who knows, we might actually get lucky for once with a new Judge.  

  • I am so disgusted with this out come that i could spit on the very ground that i fought to protect and to have the most despicable human being once again snup his nose on all Americans in victory over what we know to be a lie,that he was not born of natural born citizens,and most assuredly  was not born in the United States of America. Ladies and gentleman we are going to hell in a hand basket as you read these words,our constitution no longer has the air of freedom in its lungs.

    • Yes, Joe, this is dispicable, and I don't think an appeal, another judge will make any difference.  What will make a difference is, like Twana said, start working really hard on State Sovereignty,  Anything short of that will mean being under a dictatorship from now on.  I'm almost 64, but I have children, grandchildren, and great-grandbabies, that don't deserve to spend their lives that way.  NONE OF DO!! GOD BLESS US ALL AND GOD HELP US ALL!

      • Thank you, Juanita-We have a hell of a fight on hour hands,but it has always been said"thereis strength in numbers"And i really don,t think obambee and his crooks have any idea how angry Americans really are,and when push comes to shove there won,t be democrats/republicans because once again know one want,s to give up there freedom.

        • I've been trying to figure out how to use this. I don't know if any of you subscribe to the Armed Forces Journal, but on the Blaze today someone had a link to it and this article:

          [Truth, lies and Afghanistan
          How military leaders have let us down
          By LT. COL. DANIEL L. DAVIS]   (That's the title)
          I tried to save it but was in the middle of and waiting for tech assistance on a computer problem and found out tonight the original path didn't save, My computer opened it in One note, and the only address it would give me is My Documents, but maybe someone of you actually know Col Davis. The article speaks of his work for the last year in Afghanistan, and it sounds like the troops are becoming totally disgusted with the administration telling the people the opposite of the truth. Hope someone can find the article. Like I said, the only path I was able to get is that it's from the Armed Forces Journal, but it's an eye opener to him as he's travelled Afghanistan this year working with the troops and watching the lies of the Pentagon prove so totally duplitious.  (I do have the entire document in One Note if someone emails me I can send it to you as an attachment.
          • Guess what! I emailed myself the article. Here's the link , we need to find a way to encourage our soldiers that they're not being deserted by many, many patriots. Especially with Panetta's little bombshell last week.


            • Very good information.  Thank you for the link.  I printed it for future use.

  • we the people of the united states,will not take this crap anymore from these bought and paid for judges,and the treasonous political crowd.either the law kicks this illegal musmutt and the washington traders out of politicis or we the people will kick this illegal treasonous trader out of office.we the people have had enough of this unlawfulness bs.we the people its time for action,no more talk.were way past this treasonous political crowd.its time,its time.god bless america

    • You said it perfectly!! time for talking is over IT'S TIME FOR ACTION!!!

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