source: OF JUSTICEMonday, October 12, 2009 12:27 AM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “David Smithey” View contact details To: “Orly Taitz”Lady of JusticeThe very icon of justice is epitomized by the statue of a blind-folded woman holding a set of scales in one hand and a sword in the other. Her sword cuts to the truth, rightly dividing fact from fiction. The weight of evidence is responsible for scales tipping in favor of justice, while remaining blind to the people, places and circumstances which require full and fair administration of law. Today it might seem more appropriate to portray justice as a deaf mute woman with a pocket knife in one hand and the other tied behind her back with the chains of those same scales.This portrayal would sound preposterous except main stream media continues to blindfold the masses with news blackouts, misinformation and biased reporting. The broadest cross section of society is apparently not entitled to the truth and so the entertainment driven networks, which program our culture, feature the parody of Judge Judy as a substitute. It is blatantly obvious that the people are unable to see the condition of our courts, its officers, and the current policies of law enforcement that break apart and dismantle the peace instead of maintaining it.The notion that justice is blind can only be practically seen and reasonably understood within the empirical framework of pure reason. A righteous judge presiding from a courtroom bench must act as though he were seated at a pious throne in a palace of logic, built upon pillars of jurisprudence, firmly erected from a foundation of cold stone facts and hard evidence. His chamber does not echo passion, holds no political allegiance, does not recognize influence, is not moved by power or prestige, has no bias and suffocates pretentious personalities. The only remaining vestige of truth is found here, in the sterile and analytical environment of legal process and remedy, equity and relief. It is the court of common sense and it is located on the 9th floor of the Ronald Reagan Federal building in Santa Ana, California.In this sanctuary of sanity a legal labyrinth is being constructed around the question of a man and his birth certificate. Judge David O. Carter, a legal potentate dressed in black robes, must consider the polemical rhetoric between a woman who asks to see a piece of paper and the men that don’t want the paper to be seen. These men, who represent the taxpayer’s millions, are combining the time honored strategies of “keep-away” with it’s cunning sophisticated sister strategy of “hide-and- seek.” The technical jargon includes rules around hair-splitting words like; proper service, notice, standing, venue, procedure and include motions ad nauseam in perhaps the greatest diatribe of “he said, she said” this country has ever witnessed.These legal games are acted out behind a backdrop of the world stage and performed in the U.S. District Court, while a fiddle is played by the man who would rather watch America burn than bring an end to the most controversial concern of modern history. His infernal ego fuels the fire of public distrust and his contemptuous inaction has inflamed the nation. One man continues the obscuration of documents and contributes to the confusion more than any other. This is much ado about something. And it appears the curtain is about to go up again after a long intermission of pleadings and motions, the heroine emerging center stage.It is a woman that will turn the world upside down in epic fashion for the finding of a single fact. Her indefatigable pursuit of truth honing a razors edge to the sword she wields. The scales of justice will not be found lacking in weight of evidence. And while the blindfold remained upon the court, it is Orly’s oratory alone, the summation of her research and knowledge of the law, which enabled the people to hear and the judge to see that this case had merit. Orly Taitz demanded justice that now requires a verdict. May it come swiftly and let it cut every domestic enemy to their very core. It would be a fitting finale for this genius lady of justice and the country she serves so brilliantly.Your Friend in Freedom,David SmitheyCampaign For LibertyRally Institute
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