Censorship Against American Indians@ YouTube, why do they fear the knowledge of the American Indian of the past?
Has YouTube Become the anti Christ
Censorship against Tribal Americans, American Indians, censorship against Christians.
All of you think if you bow down to their agendas you will be spared, this is not true and you know it within your hearts. Unite, form a community independent of the system, because a civil war is coming.
Unfortunately Tif I think you got this one right, Civil WAR IS coming.
The Democrats want to try to throw Trump out in the Republican primaries, any way they can to get rid of him.
If Trump wins the Republican nomination again he will likely be reelected, and THAT will drive the Dems crazy.
If he looses in the Electoral College votes to some nut-case like Kamala Harris that will drive the Republicans crazy.
If Trump wins the electoral College votes but Kamala wins something close to a popular vote like Hillary did, - - -WAR !!!
Win or loose, looks like we are headed to some really bad times.
MY opinion: The only way to stop it all is to take out their leaders, the ones that are driving all this garbage.