Jerry BellLATEST UPDATE ON RIDE THE TRAIN TO DC 9-12Fresh news for those traveling to DC for the massive March on 9/12.Now those who can get to an AMTRAK train line anywhere in the Countrycan ride as a member of our "9/12 TAXPAYER MARCH ON WASHINGTON", withan attendant discount! Read on!"CONVENTION" special travel :1. With a minimum of 20 TOTAL riders, each boarding passenger from anywhere onAMTRAK nationwide will enjoy a minimum of 10% discount from the coach minimum fareexistent at their boarding location to DC and return (if desired).2. Discounts for Seniors (62+) of 15%, Military Adult of 10%, and Veterans Advantageof 15%- additive to the "CONVENTION" discount of 10%.3. Total discounts can be as much as 25% using "Convention" travel.The other Program, called "GROUP TRAVEL":1. With a minimum of 20 passengers, all loading at the same time, traveling together to DCand Return are eligible to receive a 20% discount from the lowest AMTRAK fareavailable at that time.2. The same discounts apply and are additive to the basic GROUP TRAVEL fare.3. Total discounts can be as much as 35% using "GROUP TRAVEL".For example: A Senior traveling as one of a group of 20 boarding the train at Jacksonville,Florida to Washington on 9/11/2009 and returning on 9/13/2009 (to the original boarding station),would be eligible for a Total Fare of only $124 Round Trip! .How's that for a bargain? Remember, no requirement for overnight motel, reserved reclining seats,Snack and Beverage Car, Full Dining Car. And if we have enough total riders, we can all be in ourown private rail car(s), with the accompanying fellowship.IF YOU HAVE ANY INTEREST OR HAVE QUESTIONS, please add a comment or ,as soon as possible. (No obligation of course).Remember, this approach is now a nation wide opportunity to Ride the Rails to the 9-12 March at a discount.ShareNATIONAL ROUTE SYSTEM.pdf
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