
  • who else is to blame. He probably handed the pass word out on a raffle. otherwise how else could the Governments system be perpetraited. After all everyone of ole bongo's employees are solid citizens same as him.
  • A lot of military people have known that for along time. Thanks to the great obuma for releasing this information.
  • Kinda exonerates Bush doesn't it?
  • I was never against Bush.

  • By definition, none of the weapons shown are WMD's...
    IF our own military would support our troops it would be a breath of fresh air.
    Further, administration officials made this into the holy war that it is...
    IF one cannot be converted, the sentence is death. That verdict comes from both sides.
    Under the circumstances and conditions, there is only one way to win...kill them all.
    Vietnam was the forerunner of exactly this type of warfare.
    Our failed policies lost the Nam contest, just as in this one, we are not even holding ground as well as we did in Nam!
    I strongly suggest we revisit the basis of the ideas used in Iraq, etc.
    We were supposed to be out of Iraq, yet tens of thousands remain...?
    Afganistan has never been conquered by anyone.
    Then 'we' participate in the largest production of heroin ever!?
    Maybe we need to bring the troops home to root out all the adamant Muslims living here, and become very protectionist in international policies. Hmmm?
    Switching that level of manpower over to really checking all incomong freight might secure our borders.
    As this type of push continues, the recruiting will become very easy, and crowds of willing volunteers will take up arms against us.
    That was happening in Iraq until I contacted AlJezera offering that as the locals took on the battle we would leave.
    To date we have not kept that promise...Why not?
    Over this period of time we have slowly become a joke in international circles, no less!
    We are known for lies and not keeping our word among other things.
    You see, I have international contacts, diplomatic listeners, and am well aware of the Wikileaks and how that works too...
    This will either last forever, escalate, or certain countries in the area will start new wars.
    There has never been an effective ruling of any real tribal area anywhere on the planet, yet here we are playing by everything that is known not to work...
    None of our government, past or present, is exonerated...they are playing games with all of this and us too.
    Maybe, just maybe, we might be a lot better off attending to our own business, what's left of it...instead of 'paying' our enemies! And we do 'pay' BOTH of the groups involved there.
    Close the Kyber pass? How about the military hit it so hard that the mountains on both sides turn to dust?
    Either do it or get out!
    I am a combat veteran, been there done that...
    • From A dictionary;Weapons that can produce devastating results when delivered in a single strike. They include nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons. Note : One of the great challenges of the twenty-first century will be to constrain the proliferation and use of such weapons, especially by terrorists ( see terrorism).
  • I agree fully. I must also point out that the Iraq war shows we have long lost our way. Regardless of what Bush did or did not do regarding this war is a non issue. What is an issue is this, our founders understood that being involved in foriegn conflicts creates foriegn aliegences, second it destroys a country whos job it then becomes to be the worlds police. Bush and his other Neocon friends are War mongers and have helped to destroy our Republic by going to War without the consent of Congress. A War that has nothing to do with safty here at home but everything to do with establishing a one world government, I know I have heard all the Necon arguments but it all comes down to do you believe in the Constitution and the founding principles? If you do than you cannot defend this War as it is a War to bring Democracy to countries that are not, yet Democracy is a stepping stone for Socialism and the direction of the New One World Order which Bush has been a stooge for. Bush called our beloved Constitution "A Goddam worthless piece of paper" Bush REFUSED to protect our homeland from an Invasion from Mexico where million of Americans have lost their lives as a result but we can go to Iraq over 911 when Iraq had nothing to do with the 911 incident?!!! All because Bush SAID Saddam was funding the terrorist but could not produce no paper trail or evidence to support it. Is this the new direction for Constitutional Emergency? To promote more Neoconism and defend Bush's actions when they were the main ideologies that nearly destroyed the Republican Party? We need to get rid of the Neocons and RINO's, back to the founding priciples, bring our troops home and defend the HOMELAND, arrest and put on trial ALL those who have conspired to destroy this country, that list would include Obama, Polosi, Bush, Cheney, Al Gore and the list would go on. Anyone having anything to do with the one world government is a TRAITOR and should be tried and executed for their offense. Don't forget Bush signed the SPP agreement for the creation of a North American Union that will desolve our Sovereignty and our troops are being used to help put in power this new world order.

    Hello!!!!! Is anyone here awake or are we heading back down the neocon trail away from constitutional priciples?

    I expect the Republican Party to revert back to Neoconism, they won't go away and are doing all they can to stay in power. The Tea Party Express is a perfect example. It is a Neocon created Org designed to take over the Grass Root Tea Party movement and direct them back into the neocon fold. I see it happening today, you only hear about the Tea Party Express on National News. The Grass Root Tea Party was beginning to root out the Neocons and RINO's, and those establishment Neocons needed a way to keep power over the Republican Party so Dick Armey started the Tea Party Express.

    I was an Infantry man I was told my main job was to ensure peace! That was what the Army taught in 1980. We have lost our way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • With the release of the WMD that gives the sorry leftist Socialists, Communists the black eye they so richly deserve. Now if the full media could plaster that information to the world, then all we did was right from the word go.
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