Leading From Behind Strategy
By Jim Emerson, staff writer
At the Pentagon this week the liberals’ biggest fantasy has now become reality. Barack Obama is cutting the military budget and using the “savings” to fund social programs. In a rare press conference in the Pentagon, he called for a major reduction of the U.S. Armed forces over the next ten years. Obama’s strategy is to reduce America’s presence in Europe and redirect our Strategic forces towards the Middle East and Asia, leaving the defense of Europe in the hands of NATO.
Obama’s plan shifts strategic force to the Asia-Pacific region to counter China’s growing military threat. The movement of forces to the Middle East will focus on countering the threat of violent extremism. This strategy sounds good to the liberal press but like any of this Administration’s Alinsky inspired plans it lacks detail. Of course this plan is based solely on budget woes so don’t hold your breath waiting to see if any other government entity receives such a large budget cut. Such a plan is risky, and leaves the U.S, vulnerable in the long run.
Hollow Force
Obama wishes to reduce the Army and Marines by over 100,000 troops and conduct future military operations using Special Operations, Counterterrorism, Intelligence and training foreign militaries.Just like JFK had in mind for Vietnam in the early 60’s. Such reduction will limit our ability to fight to only fighting one short term major military conflict as opposed to the old paradigm of having Armed Forces capable of fighting two wars simultaneously. A possible scenario; China may ask North Korea to create a skirmish to tie up U.S. assets while they take Taiwan by force.