I think it's time for all of us to help Attorney General JB Van Hollen get his lawsuit filed.  He believes as so many of us do, that this Obamacare monstrosity is a gross violation of our Constitution.


He is being stopped by Governor Jim Doyle (a staunch supporter of the Obama administration) and the leaders of Wisconsin State Congress and Senate.


Let's start flooding their phones, faxes, and emails.  Let's let them know what America wants.  Attorney General JB Van Hollen needs our help, let's get it done.


This link will take you to JB Van Hollen's site with his statement showing his desire to file this lawsuit.




This link will take you to the Wisconsin State Assembly directory




This link will take you to the Wisconsin State Senate directory




Let's help this man protect the people of Wisconsin against this insanity.


God Bless America and All of Us Working to Defend her - overseas and on the homefront.

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